How You Sleep

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You and Tony had very different schedules. Usually when you were getting up Tony was just going to bed. And when you were going to bed Tony was starting to wake up. But there was usually about 15 or 20 minutes everyday where the two of you would share the bed and in those minutes Tony held you as close as he could to his chest. You would bury your face in his neck and the two of you would just share the warmth. Tony would never admit it but this was his favorite part of the day. Having you pressed against him made something bloom in his chest. He couldn't identify what it was for the longest time but eventually he came to realize that it was love. He was so damn in love with you it didn't seem real.


The first time you spent the night Bruce was terrified. He worried that he would hulk out in his sleep and hurt you. At first he insisted that he take the couch and you sleep in his bed but you refused to let him sleep on the couch in his own house. It led to you guys having your first fight and you were so close to just leaving. But you didn't. You finally convinced Bruce to share a bed with you. He didn't want to cuddle but instead let you hold his hand as the pair of you both slipped into slumber. It was the most peaceful Bruce had ever slept. When he woke the next morning though you weren't holding his hand anymore. In your sleep you had migrated until you were laying with your head on his chest and your legs intertwined. Your hair was in his face and tickling his nose. And that was how it begun. Every night you two would fall asleep holding hands and by the time the sun rose again you two were impossibly close. Bruce didn't like to let himself relax; always afraid that he would lose control. But in his sleep he let go and let you in.


You weren't used to the cold of Brooklyn. You were always bundled up and the same went for sleeping. You had the thickest blankets on the bed to keep you warm. Steve would crawl into bed and have to spend a few minutes looking for you under all the blankets. He'd find you curled up in a ball and drape himself over your back giving you even more warmth from his body heat. He liked to complain when you would stick your cold feet onto his but in his mind he was overjoyed to have you so close to him. He slept shirtless and sometimes when he complained about your feet you would try to complain about that but it was always half hearted because really, who can complain about a shirtless Captain America?


Clint was gone a lot of the time on missions and what not. So you were pretty used to sleeping alone. You had plenty of pillows to cuddle with and while they didn't replace the feeling of having Clint next to you it would have to do. You slept heavily too. So there were mornings when you would wake up and instead of the pillow you had been cuddling there would be Clint. You would smile and run your hand up his chest just to make sure he was real. Occasionally there would be a new scar and you would trace over it once or twice. Clint would wake up to you doing that and smile before shifting however he had to so that he could kiss you. You two would spend the rest of the day in the bed drifting in and out of sleep but always keeping each other close.


Thor was a giant compared to you and for whatever reason he had a fear of crushing you in his sleep. So to make sure that would never happen you slept directly on top of him. Your gentle weight kept him in one place and kept him warm. You didn't mind the odd sleeping arrangement. You felt safer wrapped up in his strong arms with every inch of your body pressed to his. He snored sometimes and the vibrations would wake you up from time to time. You laughed because it sounded like thunder. You would try to get off of him when he was snoring because you couldn't sleep with the noise. But he wouldn't let you get off. He would tighten his arms around him and grumble something about you never being allowed to leave his side. He would shift a bit all while keeping you on top of him and that would usually stop his snoring. You'd make fun of him for snoring in he morning and he would let you- never mentioning that your snoring often woke him up more than his woke you up.


Loki always said he despised cuddling. He said it was childish and stupid. He was very verbally against cuddling especially in bed. When you first spent the night it was after your first time together. You were a bit hurt that Loki hadn't wanted you in his arms after but you had steeled yourself. You rolled over and pretended to go to sleep. You only allowed one tear to slip out. It was okay you kept thinking to yourself. You shouldn't have been that effected by it. But it made you wonder if all Loki wanted was sex. You feared that he was using you to get back at his brother. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you jumped when an arm wove its way around your waist pulling you closer.

"Loki?" you asked and got no reply, just a soft snore. You looked over your shoulder and saw Loki sound asleep. He had pulled you closer in his sleep and buried his face into your hair. You smiled as Loki only pulled you closer to him. This happened several more nights before you realized that Loki didn't actually hate cuddling he just didn't want to appear weak in front of anybody. So that was how you would sleep. You would start out sleeping on opposite ends of the bed and in the middle of the night Loki would unconsciously pull you into him.


Bucky liked it best when you were as close to him as physically possible. He was always scared that H.Y.D.R.A. would take you away when he was asleep and so you two always slept on your backs. You would be pressed into his shoulder with your head resting on his bicep. He'd keep his forearm wrapped loosely around your shoulders. His bionic arm would wind it's way around your abdomen to keep you close to him. This way he knew no one would ever be able to take you from him. He preferred it that way. You were his rock after all and he could never afford to lose you. It would kill him. Burn the little bit of humanity he still had to ashes. He would wake up from nightmares and have you right there and suddenly everything wouldn't be so scary anymore. He could press a kiss to your forehead and fall back asleep without issue. It was perfect for him.


Pietro liked to sleep on his stomach with his arms and legs sprawled out everywhere. He looked like a starfish in his sleep. You however slept on your back. When you two first started sharing a bed it took some figuring to get the both of you comfortable. Usually Pietro would fling an arm over your stomach and a leg across your hips, effectively pinning you to the mattress. Sometimes though he would end up with his head on your chest listening to your heartbeat. At first you thought it was odd because you always felt like the guy was supposed to be the pillow for the girl. But you soon came to realize that nothing about your relationship with Pietro was normal. More often than not you two ended up in a tangle of limbs. When someone would go into wake you guys up they struggled to figure out who's limb belonged to whom. It was funny to them but it worked well for you guys. Eventually you had to buy a California King mattress just to fit you both on the bed.

A/N: Hey gang! Merry Christmas!!!! Or Happy Holidays in general! I got a laptop for Christmas which means no more updating on my kindle or my phone and therefore faster and more frequent updates!!!!

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