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"Son of a Bitch!" Tony swore, loudly, forcing you to look up from your work station. It was the fourth time Tony had burned himself in the past half hour. You could see the bags under his eyes from across the room. You sighed and set down the tool you had been working with.
"When was the last time you slept?" you asked leaning one hip against your work table. Tony didn't reply, he just kept working. He ignored you like he had been for several days. You had had enough. You stormed over to his table and reached for the tool he was holding. Tony tried to jerk it away from you and only succeeded in burning your hand. "God dammit, Tony!"
You held your hand tightly and cradled it close to your chest. You felt tears blur your eyes as your hand throbbed. Tony wouldn't look at you. He stared down at the table.
"Why don't you go get your boyfriend to kiss it better?" He muttered silently. He missed the way you visibly flinched at the mention of Taylor. You grew silent letting a tear drip down your cheek.
"Fuck you," you said. "Fuck you Tony and your stupid fucking ego."
That finally made him put his tool down and look at you. He looked conflicted. He opened his mouth but you held up your uninjured hand to stop him.
"Don't. Please just don't." With that you turned and stormed out of the lab. Tony stared at the door with his mouth open.
"What the hell was that?" he asked. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. what's going on with (Y/N)?"
"My best assumption sir is that she is upset about her recent break up with Taylor Braunson. It was rather harsh," Her voice responded. Tony sat stunned for a moment before starting for the door. "She's in the infirmary, sir."
Tony all but sprinted down the halls. By the time he reached the infirmary he was out of breath. You were sitting on one of the beds as the med tech finished applying a bandaid to your hand. You stared at the end of the bed avoiding eye contact.
"Do you know how hard it is to hate you?" you finally mumbled. "You broke my heart, you burned my hand, and you've been an absolute dick about everything and yet I can't bring myself to hate you."
"I didn't know about you and Taylor," Tony said.
"Really? Because literally everybody else on the face of the earth knows about it," you snapped. "That's actually another thing to add to my reasons to hate you list. Taylor dumped me -in public no less- because he was positive that I was in love with you. And the dumb thing is I couldn't even tell him he was wrong."
You ran your hands over your face, careful of your bandage. Your vision was temporarily blocked but when you could see again Tony was suddenly very close to you. Your eyes locked with Tony's and you were stuck. You couldn't look away even if you wanted to. Carefully Tony cupped your cheek and brought his lips to yours. It was a soft and gentle kiss. Warmth bloomed in your chest and you let your hand wonder up the back of his neck so you could pull him closer. When you two did manage to separate you could only stare at Tony.
"I was the stupidest man on the planet to let you get away from me. You are the most amazing girl in the world and I'm so sorry I hurt you," Tony whispered. "So if it's alright with you I would like to start spending the rest of my life making it up to you."
You smiled softly at him.
"How can a girl say no to that?"
It was very early in the morning when Bruce entered his lab. He was startled when he heard a muffled sob. He flicked the lights on quickly and was more than shocked to see you curled up on the floor with your knees pulled into your chest. There were fresh tears on your cheeks. the moment the lights came on you begin to wipe at your cheeks.
"Sorry," Bruce started. "I didn't mean to uhh..." He trailed off.
"No, it's fine, Bruce. Don't worry about it," you replied trying to remove the evidence of your tears.
"Do you mind if I ask you what's going on?"
"As it would turn out Brent is married," you said somewhat cynically. "She was living in England tying up lose ends until about 12 hours ago."
"(Y/N)," Bruce started. "I'm so sorry..."
"I'm really good at falling for the wrong guys. First you, now Brent,"you muttered running your hands through your hair. "I can't believe I was so stupid."
You two sat in silence together for a while. You bit your lip as more tears welled up in your eyes.
"What if I told you that I regret ever saying no to you?" Bruce said finally.
"Don't say things you don't mean. I've been hurt enough."
"I'm serious. I don't know what I was thinking then but I know what I'm thinking right now. You are the most beautiful and amazing girl that I've ever seen and I'd do anything, literally anything, to have another chance with you."
Bruce was staring at you in a way no one ever had like he would die if yo said no. You swallowed before you leaned in and brushed your lips to his. It wasn't a deep kiss just a gentle brush and in that brush you knew you would give him as many chances as he needed.
It was a mission gone wrong. They'd been invading HYDRA when something went wrong. There'd been an explosion. Now you were laying in a hospital bed unconscious and possibly never waking up again. Steve was sitting beside your bed crying. He wasn't trying to hide it at all. They were full fledged tears and sobs.
"(Y/N) I'm not sure if you can hear me but I should've told you this a while ago. I love you. I've loved you since the moment I saw you but for whatever reason I was too stupid to admit it. I can't lose you now. Not without you knowing how I feel about you. Even then I don't think I could stand loosing you. While you were gone I realized how badly I need you in my life. And seeing you with Ben.... That almost killed me. Every time he hugged you, kissed you, I wanted to hurt him," he said. "I love you, (Y/N). You have to wake up so that I can see your eyes when I say that. Please."
Steve stared at you laying in bed, unmoving and pale. He'd give anything for you to wake up.
"It's always been you," a voice said from the door way. He looked up and saw Ben leaning in the doorway. "Even when we were together she was still in love with you. She's always been in love with you. I don't think I ever had a chance with her. But it's okay. I'm okay with it. It wouldn't be right to separate the two of you. Just take care of her, okay?"
"I'd do anything for her. Anything," Steve said. Ben only smiled and walked away. Steve turned back to look at you and was amazed when he saw your eyes were open. You were just looking at STeve, your expression closed off. "How much of that did you hear?"
"I heard all of it. I love you too," you whispered. Steve took your hand and squeezed it tightly. You knew then that he would never let you go.
It was after school and Clint was making his way to his locker when he heard shouts. He rounded the corner to see you and Jason standing alone in the hallway. It was clear the two of you were fighting. However at this point it was mostly Jason yelling. You turned to walk away and Jason grabbed your arm. You yelped in pain as he tugged you closer to him.
"Let go of me!" you cried. Jason held both of your arms tightly. It was then that Clint knew he had to step in. He rushed towards the two of you. He pushed Jason away from you and pinned him to the wall.
"Don't you ever touch her again," Clint hissed.
"Or what?"Jason asked trying not to be scared. Clint pressed his forearm to Jason's throat and lifted him off of the ground. He didn't let go until Jason appeared to be on the verge of passing out. When Jason dropped to the ground he left quickly with only a glare towards you. Clint turned back to face you and that's when he saw the bruise on your cheek. It looked older. Clint reached out and brushed his thumb over it gently as to not hurt you. A single tear rolled down your cheek and met his thumb.
"I think I messed up," he said. You glanced up at him through your lashes. You shrugged. "No, I know I made a mistake. I should've never let you walk away from me. I should have fought harder for you. You just looked so happy with him and I thought it would be better if I didn't interfere. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," you mumbled.
"No, it's not okay! He hit you and I could've prevented it. If I'd fought harder for you, or maybe if I'd done something different." Clint pulled you into a tight hug. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before resting his forehead against yours. "Do you think we could start over? You and me? This Friday night. I'll take you anywhere you want to go."
"Absolutely, Clint," you said before kissing him.
Thor had been sleeping when he was awoken by the sound of someone banging on his apartment door. He'd finally managed to fall asleep after nights of sleeplessness. He glanced at the clock to see it was almost four in the morning. He stumbled to the door and was more than shocked to see you standing behind it. There were tear tracks on you cheeks and he could faintly smell alcohol on your breath.
"Damn you, Thor, God of Thunder," you slurred out swaying on your feet. Thor didn't reply he just stood there staring at you. "Lance was a perfectly nice guy and yet I can't seem to get you out of my head. You ruined a perfectly good relationship, you rat bastard."
"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're talking about, (Y/N)," he responded. You pushed your way into his apartment.
"What I'm talking about is that I just ruined whatever I had with Lance because I'm still in love with you!" you all but yelled. Thor shut the door and moved to where you were swaying dangerously on your feet. "Why can't I just hate you?"
You started to fall forward and Thor caught you before you could fall on your face. Instead of your face meeting the floor it met his chest. You looked up at him with glassy eyes. You didn't really think about it before you pressed up and placed your lips against his. But this time instead of Thor pushing you away he pulled you closer. This time he kissed you fiercely and passionately. Things only escalated from there and fairly soon there was a trail of clothes leading to his bedroom.
The next morning you awoke with a pounding headache and an unfortunate recollection of what had happened. You were unbelievably embarrassed. The bed you were laying in was empty. Thor's side cold. You thought he had left and had just gotten out of bed and slid on your shirt when the bedroom door opened and Thor entered wearing sweatpants and holding coffee cups from Starbucks.
"You weren't going to leave were you, my lady?" He asked with a tinge of hurt in his eyes. You hesitated before speaking.
"I don't know of last night was a good idea, Thor," you said running your hands through your hair. You didn't want to get hurt again.
"But you said you loved me. How could last night have been a mistake when you still love me and I am falling for you?"
"What?" You asked shocked.
"I am in love with you (Y/N). I was a fool before to not see it," Thor said putting the coffee down and moving closer to you. He took you in his arms and looked you in the eyes. You could see the honesty in them. You had no words to respond. All you could do was press up on your toes to kiss him. It felt like everything that was wrong had been righted.
Loki entered the ballroom in a drunken anger. Thor had been sitting on the throne and had to duck as Loki launched a pictures vase at his head.
"Why can't you let me have anything?" Loki screamed. Thor looked at him with confusion on his eyes. "You had Oden's love, you have the right to throne, you have everything! But you just had to take the love of my life too, didn't you? Can't let me have one thing that makes me happy!"
"Are you referring to (Y/N)?" Thor asked. "The girl you rejected? The one you had a chance with and were too stupid to take? That love of your life?"
Loki launched himself at Thor and the two were immediately engaged in a first fight. Their shouts could be heard for miles as the two destroyed the ballroom.
"Loki, this is nonsense!" Thor shouted while pinning Loki to the floor. "I do not wish to fight you. I'm merely trying to point out that you cannot keep going back and forth with her heart. You either love her or you don't. You must make up your mind."
At Thor's words Loki went limp and looked away from his brother, not wanting him to see him cry. But Thor could tell anyway.
"I love her, Thor. More than anything in this world or any other. She was the brightest star in my life. How I could push her away or think I only wanted friendship I'll never know."
"You could've just told me that," a voice spoke. The boys looked over to see you standing in the door way. "You didn't have to wreck the ballroom."
"(Y/N)," Loki started but soon trailed off. Thor stood up and helped Loki to his feet. Thor then left knowing you two had a lot to talk about. "I've been an idiot. And got that I'm incredibly sorry."
"Come here," you beckoned opening your arms to him. Once he was safely in your arms you whispered, "I forgive you, my love."
Loki kissed you then. Passionately and fully. The way he should've when you first confessed your feelings to him. He had you in his arms and he would be damned if he ever let you go.
"I used to have this fantasy when I was little about my first date," you said. You were laying with Wanda on your bed. Peter had turned out to be nothing more than a hook up and you were on need of cheering up. "He'd have a dozen red roses and there would be candles everywhere. We'd have a picnic and he would make me laugh until it felt like I couldn't breath. And when we kissed at the end there should literally be fireworks. God, that sounds so stupid now doesn't it?"
"I don't think so," Wanda said with a smile. Her brother had finally cracked and admitted he was hopelessly in love with you. She was the only one who knew. Pietro thought you wanted nothing to do with him though. Wanda knew you better though. Knew you still liked him a lot. "I think wanting a fairy tale ending is completely reasonable."
Hyde park 8 pm, princess. A fairy tale is not so far away. That is what the note you receive earlier read. Unsure and a little confused you had put on your best dress and made your way to Hyde park. You were surprised to find a pathway lined with white candles and red rose petals. Thor stood by the beginning of the path.
"This way, my lady," he said gesturing to the path with a bow. You followed the pathway until you came to a clearing. Steve stood there holding a silver platter with two champagne flutes on them.
"Champagne, princess?" He asked holding the tray of to you. You took a glass and took a careful sip, offering him a smile as thanks. Suddenly music began playing gently. You looked over to see Natasha and Bruce both playing violins. The music was soft and elegant. You couldn't believe what was going on. A throat cleared and you looked back. Steve was gone now replaced with Pietro.
"My sister told me that you wanted a fairy tale. I know I ruined the beginning but I was hoping to still give you a happily ever after," he spoke. You were speechless. "I've acted poorly and I regret it all. I hope you can give me a second chance though."
Pietro had walked closer to you and now brushed a hair behind your ear. He cupped your cheek softly.
"Well, princess? What do you say?"
"Yes. Absolutely yes. You can have as many chances as you want," you said before surging forward to kiss him. The moment your lips connected a loud boom went off startling you. You looked up in the sky to see the remains of a firework fading out. You smiled as you saw Tony and Clint in the distance manning a firework launcher. You let out a soft laugh before turning back to Pietro. You kissed him again and reveled in the physical and actual fireworks going on.

A/N: feel free to request!!!

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