Move Along (Friend Zoned Pt. 2)

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A/N: So I got some requests to do a sequel for this part. Some wanted sad and some wanted happy so I'm trying to do a little bit of both in this one. Happy for you and sad for him. Also I'm really sorry that this took me so long and that there's no Bucky part. I accidently skipped him and I didn't mean to. If I have any extra time I'll try to get his part for this series in. Sorry again!!!!
Tony entered your shared lab and saw to people kissing. It took him a second to realize that it was you and a rather muscular man. You two quickly seperated and a blush flooded your cheeks.
"Sorry Tony. I didn't know you were coming in today," you said, biting your lip. It'd been about a month and a half since you awkwardly kissed Tony and were rejected. The two of you had been trying to pretend nothing ever happened and for the most part it worked but your relationship still wasn't quite the same. "I was just showing Taylor the lab."
"Babe, we should probably get going if we don't want to miss our reservation," the guy-Taylor- said.
"Okay. Bye Tony," you said as you grabbed Taylor's hand. The two of you left with love sick smiles on your faces. Tony stood still for a moment as his heart moved into his throat. It was weird to see that you had moved on. He didn't like that feeling.
"Who the hell was that, F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" Tony barked.
"That was Taylor Braunson. He's a professional football player who recently won MVP. He attended MIT where he got a degree in mechanical engineering. Would you like me to pull up the website for his charity?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied. "He's very similar to you, sir."
"I'm getting that. I want to know what the hell he's doing with (Y/N)?"
"She's dating him, sir. They appear quite happy together."
Tony didn't reply. He wasn't sure how to. Not when he felt like his heart was dying. He had been so sure that he didn't have feelings for you but seeing you with another guy made him want to throw up. He didn't like knowing that you had moved on. He had assumed that you would just always want him.
Bruce was approaching the lab when he heard you laugh. He wasn't sure why he did but he paused at the door way to listen to the conversation. Things had been tense between the two of you since he learned about your feelings towards him. You had been quiet and distant. So hearing your laughter made him smile a bit. He hadn't realized that he had missed the sound so much. It made him smile involuntarily. But then he heard another voice.
"So (Y/N), would you perhaps like to go get dinner sometime?" A deep voice asked. There was a slight British accent to it that Bruce recognized as the new scientist, Brent Hastings. He was a neurologist that had recently started working with you. Bruce started to listen more carefully when you didn't immediately reply. Bruce expected you to just reject him but your pause made him worry that maybe you weren't going to.
"I don't know Brent. It's just that I'm still trying to get over someone," you started. Bruce smiled at that. "It's not that I don't like you but I don't want you to get hurt."
"That's what I love about you, (Y/N), you always put others before yourself," Brent replied. "Honestly I wouldn't care if you hurt me. Just bring with you would be worth the risk of getting hurt."
"Yeah?" You asked a bit timid.
"Absolutely. (Y/N), you are the most incredible, smart, funny, pretty, girl I've ever met and any guy that doesn't jump at the chance to go out with you is a fool." Bruce frowned as Brent said that. There was a long pause that made Bruce panic a bit. He leaned around the corner to see the pair of you two kissing, soft and slow. Something dangerously close to jealousy bloomed in his chest. Brent was holding you close to his chest and suddenly Bruce wanted that to be him. He wanted to be the one that ran his fingers through your hair. It was sudden and unexpected. The feeling was enough to make him turn and rush away before The Other Guy made an appearance.
Steve was sick with worry. Neither he nor Natasha had seen you in three weeks. Since everything that had happened at the gym you had dropped off the face of the earth. No one had heard from you, actually. Not even Fury, at least that's what he claimed. Steve had come to the conclusion that you'd either gone back to Russia and your old life or you were dead. He wasn't sure which was worse. Natasha had been just as bad. She was distracted all the time and was making simple mistakes during important missions. The two of them were in the gym sparing with each other. All they could do now was fight each other because it distracted them from the hole in their lives that used to be filled by you. Steve had just pinned Natasha when he saw someone walk in out of the corner of his eye. He only saw them for a second and so he turned to look giving Natasha the oppurtuinty to flip him and pin him on his back. Natasha looked up and froze. Steve broke the grip to turn so he could look at the person who could just walked in and his heart stopped. You stood in front of him with your hands on your hips. Instantly he was on his feet pulling you into a hug. You stood still not moving. You stiffened up actually. You pushed him away.
"Don't touch me," you hissed. Steve stepped back hurt by your cold voice and stony expression.
"(Y/N), where have you been?" Natasha said wanting to hug you as well but deciding it was probably for the best that she didn't.
"It doesn't matter. I'm back now and Fury wants to have a meeting," you said before turning and striding out of the room quickly.
The rest of the avengers were gather around a round table when Steve and Natasha arrived. You were standing at the head next to Fury and an unfamiliar man. Once the two of them were seated at the table Fury began to speak.
"We have a new member of the Avengers. This is Benjamin Harrison. He'll be working along side all of you as of today. That is all,"Fury spoke to the man standing beside you. He was tall and attractive to say the least. Fury left the room and everyone looked at you and Ben.
"Welcome to the team,"Tony said as he stood up to shake his hand. Ben smiled and reached out to meet Tony's hand. As everyone gathered around Ben to talk to him. It was as everyone was talking that Ben wrapped his arm around your waist. You leaned back into it and rested your head on his shoulder. Tony raised his eyebrow and glanced to Steve. Everyone knew about what happened and Tony was watching Steve to gauge his reaction. Steve frown at the two of you, clearly unhappy at the public display of affection. "What's going on with you two?"
"Uhhh... we're dating. We met on a mission and just kind of clicked,"Ben explained before placing a kiss on your head. Steve felt his frown deepen as he glared at the two of you.
"Yeah. We have an apartment on 76th street and we've been living together for about a week now," you said. "Which reminds me, Natasha I'm going to get the rest of my stuff tonight."
Steve couldn't quite describe how he felt. His heart squeezed as Ben pulled you closer. His stomach lurched evertime Ben whis[ered in your ear. In the three weeks you'd been gone you'd he'd found tht he relied on you for everything. The anger and sadness and everthing welled up in him and he found himself rushing away from the group before he did something stupid.
Clint walked into the high school gym, nervously. He fiddled with his tie feeling like a total dork. He thought for a second about turning around and leaving but he knew he couldn't. Not if he wanted to keep his best friend. You'd been avoiding him since you had asked him to the dance. It was when you were out of his life that he relized that maybe you were more important that he'd originally thought. He'd come to the dance to make things right. However as he looked towards the center of the dance floor any hopes that he'd had about it were dashed. You stood in the center of the floor in a gorgeous dress with your hair pinned up and a few wisps framing your face. You looked beautiful as you smiled. In theory it would've been perfect for him to sweep in and pull you into his arms so that he could kiss you. However you were already in the arms of someone else. Clint recognized the school quarter back, Jason, holding you as the pair of you two swayed back and forth on the dance. You were smling up at him and he was looking at you in a way that made Clint want to shoot him.
"Aren't they just the cutest couple, ever?" a girl standing beside him asked. "I heard that he got the whole football team to hold up signs so that he could ask her to this thing and than gave her roses. It's the total fairytale."
"When did all this happen?" Clint asked. He'd intended it to be more to himself but the girl's date arrived and decided to answer.
"(Y/N) and Jason? Jason knew she wanted to go with some other guy and he rejected her Jason made his move. I can't figure out why anyone would reject someone like (Y/N)?"
"I know, right? At least she and Jason are so cute together!" The girl squealed. Clint glanced back over at you two and saw you two were impossibly closer and clearly leaning in. He had to look away as misery filled him. He forced himself to turn away before he did something stupid. He found himself walking out of the gym at a rapid pace. He was thankfully in his car by the time the first tear fell. Clint punched his steering wheel almost breaking it as the second tear hit his cheek.
Thor entered Stark Towers and heard you laughing in the kitchen. He peered in and saw you and another guy wrestling. Thor jumped into action, assuming that you were being attacked. He pulled the guy away from you and pinned him against the fridge. You cried out and started to pull on Thor's bicep trying to get him to let the guy go.
"Thor! Stop!" you shouted. "Let him go!"
"But he was hurting you, (Y/N)!!"Thor replied.
"No, he wasn't! We were just playing around!" you cried out. Thor paused and looked at you with a question in his eyes. You stared back at him before finally Thor released the guy.
"You were play wrestling?"
"Yes, Thor, me and Lance were play wrestling."
"It's nice to meet you,"Lance said holding his hand out to Thor, who just stared at it. "I'm Lance, (Y/N)'s boyfriend."
"Boyfriend? That's impossible. (Y/N) has feelings for me. She kissed me," Thor said a matter of factly. You felt a blush burn your cheeks. You'd told Lance about what had happened with Thor but you didn't really want to talk about it with the both of them.
"Had feelings for. I don't anymore though, Thor. I've moved on." Thor frowned as he looked between the two of you.
"But..." Thor started.
"Hate to say it, man, but you had your chance. If you couldn't see that (Y/N) is not someone you every let go then that's on you," Lance said pulling you into his side making you smile. Thor felt a surge of anger flash through him and outside thunder crashed loudly.
"Come on, babe. We should probably get going if we want to make that movie," you said suddenly wanting to separate Thor and Lance. You grabbed Lance and all but dragged him or the door, leaving Thor with a tightness in his chest and the urge to throw something very hard.

Loki had not seen hide or tail of you since the garden incident. He was starting to worry about you. He decided to take a stroll through the gardens to clear his head. A futile act he knew because lately he'd been unable to get you out of his head. He had just entered the garden when he heard giggling. Not just any giggling. You're laughter was distinct to him. He followed the sound eager to talk to you and make sure you were okay. He wasn't expecting to come across you and Thor laughing as Thor picked you up and swung you around. Neither of you saw him there. Thor set you down but kept you in his arms. You started to lean in to kiss Thor. Loki took that opportunity to clear his throat stopping both of you in your tracks. You looked over at Loki with surprise.
"Brother!" Thor greeted, unaware of the tension that had just been created. You hadn't told him of what had happened between you and Loki.
"I'm sorry. I thought I would be alone seeing as this (Y/N) and I's secret place," Loki said in a clipped tone.
"Only people in relationships have secret places, Loki," you snapped. Thor stepped closer to you, finally catching onto the anger you were giving off.
"And what, you and Thor are in a relationship, now?" he asked, incredulously. You raised an eyebrow at his tone. "After the weeks you spent complaining about him? You suddenly like him?"
"We're to be married, Loki. He's going to be my husband. I see now that before I was being silly and childish," you said. You took Thor's hand in yours. The sight of his large hand engulfing your tiny one upset him more than he expected. He knew that his hand would fit your perfectly. Not too big or too small. He felt his stomach clench. "I've moved on and found that I actually quite like Thor. So if you'll excuse us."
You left with a huff, pulling Thor behind you. Loki could only watch you go. For the first time he was left speechless. He had hoped there was still a chance that he could make you see that he had mistake but never in a million years had he expected you to turn to Thor. His chest felt hollow now and he was quite sure there was nothing that would ever fill it.

Pietro stumbled into the Stark kitchen early one Saturday morning. He had a hangover and was in desperate need of coffee. The entire Avengers clan had gone out partying last night. You had been there and even though you had ignore Pietro all night he had been unable to tear his eyes from the tight, sexy black dress you had worn. The moment he saw you dancing with some guy he'd decided shots were the best solution. HE didn't remember much after that. You hadn't spoken to him since the incident. Something he learned he desperately missed. He hadn't seen how well you two got along or how much you talked to each other until you were no longer in his life. He was pouring his cup of coffee when a male a little older than him stumbled into the kitchen as well. Dressed in only his boxers his muscle definiton was very obvious. His wild hair and slight grin made Peitro frown. You followed the man into the kitchen wearing a button down shirt that clearly belonged to the other man. You had a hickey on your neck and the moment you spotted Pietro you blushed a deep red.
"Who's this?" Pietro growled out.
You stared at him for a second before responding, "This is Peter. We met in the club last night."
"Nice to meet you," Peter said and held out his hand but Pietro only looked at it liike it was a terrible disease. There was an awkward silence in the kitchen as you went about making two cups of coffee. The second you were done you ushered Peter out of the kitchen and into the living room. You two cuddled on the couch for awhile whispering to each other. Pietro wanted to get Wanda and force her to find out what you were talking about but he knew what she would say and he really wasn't ready to hear that. So he stared at you from the kitchen until it was time for Peter to go. You kissed him at the door and gave him your number.
"I don't like him," Pietro grumbled, making you stop and glare at him.
"Well it's a good thing you don't have to hang out with him, isn't it?" you snapped. "God, I don't know what I ever saw in you. You're such an ass."
You stormed into your room and slammed the door. It left Pietro feeling worse than he had when he woke up hungover this morning. He didn't like to admit it but he was pretty sure he was in love with you.

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