Friend Zoned

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You were 97.6% sure that Tony liked you. You liked him a lot. How could you not? He was funny, charming and, surprisingly nice. You two worked together everyday all day. There were somedays that you had to work late into the night and on those nights Tony would order take out and you two would work hard, blasting rock and making jokes. It was those nights that made you realize you liked him. Tonight was one of those nights. Tony had stepped out to order you guys Thai food. You were bent over a large piece of metal welding when you paused.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y?" you asked.

"Yes, ma'am?" She asked.

"Is Tony seeing anyone?" you asked trying to osund casual. Like the answer didn't mean anything to you. Of course it did but you weren't about to admit it.

"No, ma'am, Mr.Stark is not seing anyone at this time. I have not been asked to make reservations or anything like that which would lead me to assume that he is single, Ms.(Y/L/N)."

Just than Tony entered again and you got back to work. Several hours later and a couple batches of Thai food you and Tony had just about finished the teleportation machine. You both were nervous as you put the apple into the first chamber.You grabbed his hand out of instinct as Tony pushed the button. The machine made a loud noise and you were scared as the apple disappeareed. It was a few minutes of silence. You begun to think that it hadn't worked. Just as you started to panic there was another noise and suddenly the apple appeared in the second chamber.

"It worked," you cried. You started to freak out. Tony pulled you into a tight hug. They say that you know when the moment is right. You thought this was that moment. You pressed your lips to Tony's. You felt fireworks but then you realized that Tony wasn't kissing you back. Actually he'd stiffened up and wasn't moving. You pulled back and fear set in. He looked shocked and a bit horrified.

"(Y/N), " he started. You backed away quickly.

"I'm sorry. That was my bad," you said.

"I just would really like to keep this relationship professional. I don't have a lot of professional relationships and I'd like to keep this one that way," he said, stepping back. You nodded.

"Of course. I'm sorry," you replied. You were forced to take deep breaths so you didn't cry.

"Don't worry about it. Now c'mon, I believe we have some serious celebrating to do!" Tony said.

"Of course. Just let me run to the bathroom first," you said and practically sprinted to the bathroom so he wouldn't see you cry.


You were taking samples of Tony's blood in the lab. You loved working at Stark industries. You had access to the best equipment, latest technology, and it didn't hurt that you got to work with Dr. Banner. You two spent almost all of your lunch breaks together, laughing and making incredibly dorky jokes. You definitely had a crush on him. How could you not? He was cute, smart, and funny.

"So you and Dr. Banner are getting pretty close," Tony said, trying to sound casual. You smiled and blushed.

"Yeah, I guess so," you said.

"You're into him, right? I think you two would make the dorkiest couple ever."

"I like him but I don't think the feelings are mutual. I need some more gauze. I'll be right back," you said before you turned to make a run to the supply closet. As you were walking out you bumped into Bruce, who had just entered carrying lunch for both himself and you. Tony smirked at him, as the two of you greeted each other.

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