Peter Parker Preferences

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How you met:

You were working in your lab with music playing loudly, when Tony walked in followed by some teenager. You put your head down and tried to pretend that you hadn't seen him walk in. Every time Tony walked into your lab it led to an extra project for you.  Sometimes if you ignored Tony eventually he would just leave you alone. However, when Tony turned off your music you knew that tactic wouldn't work out so well.

"I have a new project for you,(Y/N),"Tony announced proudly as he put his hand on the kid's shoulder.

"Uh-huh. And who's the twerp?" you asked putting your tools down.

"Who are you calling twerp? I'm seventeen!" The kid protested. "Besides you can't be that much older that me. You're like what? Eighteen or nineteen?"

"Twenty, thank you very much. Now what do you want, Tony?" you snapped.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N) meet Peter Parker. Peter Parker meet (Y/N) (Y/L/N)," Tony said.

"Wait, you're (Y/N) (Y/L/N)? As in the (Y/N) (Y/L/N)? You're like an engineering genius! The advancements you've made in nanotechnology are amazing!"

"Thank you very much. Now why am I talking with seventeen year old Peter Parker?" you asked.

"You're going to build him a suit. Seventeen year old Peter Parker is the one and only Spiderman," Tony said with a smile.

How He Asks You Out:

You and Peter had been working together on the suit for awhile and despite the two of you having a rough start you had grown really close with him. The two of you were currently in the middle of an all night session. Peter's suit was almost done and you both were really excited to see what it could do. Peter had just put it on for one last test. You couldn't stop yourself from giving out a cheer as Peter shot a web and hit the bullseye.

"It works!" you shouted and ran up to Peter. You pulled him into a hug that he gratefully returned. "I can't believe it finally works. That's amazing! I wouldn't have been able to do it without you Peter!"

"Are you kidding me? Making the suit was only made possible with all your technology! I mean the web targeting system? That was all you." You realized right then that you were still in Peter's arms and you two were really close together. You couldn't stop yourself from kissing him. At first he didn't kiss back and you thought you'd made a mistake. But then his lips moved against yours and you felt sparks fly. You two separated when the doors to your lab opened and Tony walked in. You both felt a blush burn your skin.

"Does this mean I can take you out sometime?"Peter whispered in your ear as Tony started to examine your hard work.

"I suppose so, Twerp," you replied.

Friend Zoned:

"I'm acting like a teenager right now. This is ridiculous," you muttered as you wiped down your lab station. "I'm so stupid. I need to just get over it. Let it go and move on."

"Move on from what? You're talking to yourself," Peter said as he entered the lab where he seemed to be a permenant fixture now. You weren't sure if that was a good thing or not. You were twenty years old and acting like some lovestruck fifteen year old.

"Nothing. You know me, kind of just ramble whenever I need to think," you replied with a shrug. "So how was your day? Did you ever get a date to that dance? I'd be happy to go with you if you wanted."

"You as my date? Sorry (Y/N), but let's just stay friends," Peter said laughing as if you'd offered as a joke. You just smiled and tried to brush it off. "You were joking, (Y/N), right?"

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