Chapter 2

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Sucking in a deep breath I try to push myself up from the floor, but the pain floods my body causing me to immediately slam myself back into the ground. Tears fill my eyes as the pain and fear begins to settle in. I roll over to my side wincing, tears rolling down my cheeks as I try to speak, but only whimpers and mumbles come out.

"g-g-guys..." I quietly cry out, the pain not allowing me to call out any louder.

Yet feeling desperate to not be alone, I sucked in a deep breath and groaned out again in an ever so loudly voice, as I cried out for my friends. But it was to no use as nobody answered my calls or came to my side.

Not wanting to be held indefinitely against the cold ground, I tried once again to push myself off of the ground. Ignoring the wincing and croaks of pained cries, I pushed through. Knowing that if I didn't get up now, I probably wouldn't get up again, well at least not anytime soon.

Having managed to push myself onto my knees, I put the rest of my energy and effort into pushing myself onto my feet. Struggling as I did so, I had eventually gotten myself up upright to the ground.

After a brief moment of celebration and rest, I started to slowly walk through the shrubbery in the hopes to find any of my friends that were still in the forest.

But as the sun seemed to set, I came to the realisation that the forest seemed a little larger than before. Ignoring the pain of my body, feet, and the ache in my throat, from shouting out my friend's names in hopes of finding them, I continued walking. Though the hope I started to feel began to dwindle as the amount of trees before grew larger in numbers.

I have definitely seen that tree. Or not? A forest has lots of trees...No, no..I'm pretty sure that's the same tree from earlier...Yeah, it is! Yeah! How many trees look like they've got a set of double d's. Not many. I'm going in circles.

Feeling the need to stop and cry, I lay my side against the lady looking tree and whimper.

But my cries quickly cut short as the sound of chains, weights and heavy footsteps create a wave of fear over me. A feeling so frightening that I Immediately cower behind the tree that I was laid against and clasped my mouth with hands, as to not let a single sound out. The sound becomes louder, and the distinct sound of wagons, carts and horses are made evident.

Why can't I turn around? They could help me find my friends! Or even better, get me out of this damn forest!

Yet the feeling of ominosity remained, a feeling as to tell me that if I moved I will die.

As the sound of wagons get closer, the distinct smell of the mud made by the movement of these mobile structures sweep over me. I continue to hold my breath, hoping that my silence hasn't given away my position to those only a few steps ahead of me.

As the sound of grit and mud being moved becomes distant, I unconsciously let out a breath of relief as I felt the sense of danger die down.

"Keep your position. One step and I'll cut you down." A breathy threat snarls in my ear. The prominent feeling of cold metal on my throat causes my body to freeze instantly, as if it knew it was about to perish.

The hand of the unknown man grabs the scruff of my neck and pushes me from behind the tree to face the once noisy motion of movement. I stare in fear at the long line of men on horses, wagons and on foot. The sight looked grim. They were all covered in grime, dirt and blood. As if they had just paved their way through a merciless war.

The shock of the sight before me didn't allow for me to even utter a word of my presence or to even question what I was seeing. To me, there was no way for my 21st century mind to even comprehend the sight before me. The sheer stench of men unbathed by travel and war was too strong to even compare to any smell I had come across in my life. And their looks of grief stained by war and bloodshed was too surreal to even counter with a modern explanation.

There was no way these men had come from a movie set, some real life roleplay of fantasy characters or even a possible convention. No, these men had truly faced something horrific and survived to tell the tale of it.

"It's a woman." The man still holding me, bellows.

Still in shock from what I was seeing, I just watched as the man at the front of this line of soldiers, rides over to us on his horse. I quickly take in the look of power he holds, clearly made evident by the way he was dressed. He was clothed in ornate metal armour that was mixed with stained leather, it was similar to that of an old knight. Yet it was adorned by a large brown fur coat, clasped together by a chain between two large metal symbols on either shoulder. I study the unique helm he had on his head, it was large and gave the impression that he was the leader. I sneak a peek at the other men all dressed in a similar suit of armour and noted that their helms weren't as visually impactful as his.

Seeing his face through the cut out of his helmet, I watched as he studied me with his eyes. Curiosity and confusion evident on his brows.

He picks up my wrist and studies the cuts I sustained from my fall. He drops it after having enough visual evidence for whatever thought he had in his mind, he then looks at the large man beside me.

"Just a woman...We will investigate this later. But as for now it's almost nightfall, and we must secure camp." The power built man speaks, but in a tone that is threatening yet reassuring.

All I can do is watch him as he brings forth his horse and gets back on, putting out a hand for me to get on with. Almost struggling to get on, he places his hands on my waist and effortlessly positions my body onto the horse. Still unable to speak, I just mindlessly situate myself in front of his large framing body, trying to minimise the fearful shakes my body was emanating.

Trotting his horse back into his position at the front of the line, he shouts to the men behind him that they will be continuing their journey and to keep their eyes peeled for anything that may lay danger to any of them. The man behind me then brings his head down to my ear, making them perk to the sudden heat emanating from his breath.

"If you are to be found to have any ill intent, I will not hesitate to lay my sword upon you." He then continues, "But for now you may ease yourself, as we have a greater issue at hand." He spoke, probably in an attempt to calm my frightened, shaking body.

As the light in the sky began to fade and the journey through the forest still hadn't ended. I broke out in a cold sweat, realising I'm not where I once was. I was no longer in the same forest where I was frolicing around with friends. I was now somewhere greater, somewhere different. As if I was no longer on the same world I knew before.

D-d-did I die?!?! Oh god, I've died. Died during hide and seek! HIDE AND SEEK! How embarrassing. And to think the afterlife was a mediaeval styled hell. This is...I just want to cry..

My poor mother...

Thinking of my mother, tears began to well in my eyes. But confusion quickly sets in as I feel the large man behind me shift and something warm is wrapped around me. I look at him in the corner of my eye, as I see that he has taken off his fur cape and put it on me and slung it around my torso.

Yet upon seeing my confusion to his actions he just plainly ignores me. I figured he thought my shaking was due to being cold. And yet his action made my fear of the situation lessen.

As we finally made it out of the forest, the sky was reaching its darkest form, and for the first time, I got to see the stars that lay within it. Staring at this new view in awestruck and amazement, I had unconsciously confirmed my suspicions. That I was no longer in a world that I used to call my own.

The rocking of the horse's movement started to lull me into a sleep, yet I tried to hold back the exhaustion of today, as I was now amongst a party of strangers. But alas, I couldn't fight this unfair battle, and I started to close my eyes.

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