Chapter 6

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Upon entering the castle's grounds the horses were put into the stables as the muscular man and his men headed inside the castle, leaving the stable boys and servants to deal with the luggage they brought and to take away the injured.

The muscular man kept me by his side until an older woman came and approached him. He explained that he had found me in the trading city looking for any forms of domestic employment. The old lady then inspected me and when she saw my clothes, looked confused, yet she was unwilling to mention anything about them.

He continued speaking, saying he brought me along to serve in the Castle of Arken? Wherever that was? From there I was whisked away by the old woman and into the castle.

"Let's get you washed up my dear, I can tell the journey has been rough." Appalled by the insult, I just left my mouth agape as the old lady brought me into the cellars of the castle, which had rooms filled with a few beds in each. Opening the doors to one, she had me sit on the edge of a bed as she rummaged through a box under it, bringing out folded linen and cotton, which I could only assume to be my new clothes.

"My name is Ms. Buckets, but you can call me Shirley." She spoke with a smile as she finished getting out all the clothes she needed.

"Now, you just stay put. I'll go fetch the ladies to bring some nice warm water for you." She then swiftly left, leaving me to my solemn thoughts on the bed for a good minute. But as I heard her footsteps become distant, I snuck up to the door and creaked it open, looking for any signs of life. After scanning the cobbled corridor I snuck myself out of the room, making sure to check every turn before walking down it, so as to not get caught by anyone travelling down them.

I make my way up the stairs of the cellar and into the large encompassing hallways, filled with intricate brickwork and paintings. But upon hearing the familiar voice of Ms. Buckets, I open the large doors of the room closest to me, and enter.

Backing away from the door, I start to see more of the room I had trespassed into. I look up and study the high gothic styled ceiling in awe, as not many sights like these remain in my world. I turn and see the rows of books, but I suddenly stop my gaze as it comes across a very shocked man at a desk.

"Um...Sorry?" I question myself fooly.

"...It's fine? Please, don't let me disturb fascination?" The once shocked man, now smiled awkwardly.

"It's not often that I get to share the joys of reading with a.." He stops his talking to look at my outfit, consisting of a pink long floral skirt and plain white t-shirt.

"Maid." I'm quick to answer, remembering what the muscular man had said to me.

"Hm.. a maid? Well, nevertheless, please, enjoy yourself. Don't let my presence deter you." He squints at me in a curious smirk.

"Thank you." I smile back at him, before turning to the rows of books and pretending to study them.

After a few minutes passed of me looking from shelf to shelf, pretending to look for a specific book. I hear his voice speak again, but now closer than before. "Maybe I could be of some assistance?" He questions moving towards me from the desk.

I turn to face him and put my hands out to usher him back to his seat. "It is fine. I actually aren't sure what it is I want to read..?" I say, hoping he'd leave me alone, so I could soon make a swift retreat out of the room.

"Perhaps, if you tell me what interests you I could help?" He asks with a smile.

"Umm...romance?" I say the first thing that comes to mind, immediately making me smack myself in the head. Did people even make romance books in this era?

"Romance? Well, you won't find much of that here. This place is filled with war tactics and history." He smiles. He then cranks his head to the side, as if the question in his head was too heavy to keep to himself any longer.

"You know, I'm quite surprised. I didn't expect that a mere woman maid could even read..Yet here you stand." He laughs at his own confusion and amusement at my presence. As if he was so amazed that I existed.

I scoff in a smile and immediately speak to defend myself. "I'll have you know that I am a great reader. So much so, I have written countless.." Essays? Do these guys even have essays? "Poems." I finish my sentence, hoping he doesn't catch my untruthfulness.

"Poems? Please, delight me, for I love poems." He smiles in a cheeky grin.

I just stare at him, before I speak again.

"You're teasing me!" I smile in another scoff.

"Perhaps.." He shrugs, his grin getting ever so larger. He then leans himself against the desk behind him, still wearing the same cheeky grin.

"Are you new? Because I happen to have a great knack for faces. And yours..Well, i'm certain I haven't seen such a gaze before." He smirks.

Unconsciously smiling from his smooth way of speaking, I just start to speak, fighting against the will of my thoughts telling me I should stop talking and run away.

"Yes, I am new. In fact I've been newly appointed as a maid for this very castle, the castle of Arken." I pridefully say, even if it is untrue.

"Arken? Well you've definitely taken a wrong turn. Arken is miles away, it sits in a flowing meadow near the coast of the region." His smirk now turning into a confused one.

"Are you sure it's Arken? Not, Artton?" He questions.

Giving him a long and confused face, I both shake and nod my head, causing him to laugh.

"You truly are unique." He laughs, before continuing. "If you really were to be employed by the castle of Arken, well then I'd hate to tell you that you are cozying up to the wrong master."

I just quirk my head in confusion, "Are you saying..That you're the Lord of this castle?" I question him, a bead of sweat forming on my forehead, from knowing my presence should be minimal. That is if I had interpreted the muscular man's words correctly. Keep yourself hidden, if not, you're dead.

"Sort of? Well, at least one of them." I just look at him, urging him to explain further.

"Oh..Do you truly not recognise me?" He looks at me in shock, but all I do is shake my head in reply. "Well, I'm both honoured, and embarrassed to introduce myself as Prince Kairon of Arrton and of Arathus." He smiles and he bows before me.

"PRINCE!?" I shout in shock.

I immediately start to apologise and curtsy to him, which causes him to let out a laugh as he watches me struggle to know what to do in his presence. He tries to calm my commotion, but between my panic and his laughs, the loudness of our presence is made evident, leading to the door of the room to be opened. Making us both immediately snap our heads to the doors to see who had opened them.

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