Chapter 16

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The next day was a dread filled day for most, where hangovers ran rampant and the confusion of waking up in random places raged.

At the start of the regretful morning, I was brought down to the kitchen once again by Lester to seek Calandra, the head maid, for my tasks. She had said that I was to join the laundresses for the day. When I was introduced to them, it was immediately apparent that most (if not all) the women were built like the fighting men, with biceps bigger than my calves. When I asked why they were so built up, they had told me that the act of actually cleaning the castle's textiles was so labour intensive they had gained more muscles than the apprentice knights, and I personally say they grew more hair than them too.

They're like majestic Arnold Schwarzeneggers.

The beautifully built women had put me to task of going around the castle with some other laundresses to collect the castle's washing. The women I was brought with to receive the laundry, had given me the job of collecting bedsheets from the second floor.

It wasn't a difficult job as the second floor is for guests and the Lord, and considering that I was the only guest (for now) and Caspian had left at dawn to train him and his men, it meant I wouldn't be interrupted in my duties, and I only had to do two rooms. It was a small task given to me before they gave me more to do, but it was an essential job as those rooms were required to be immaculate at all times, meaning the laundresses and the chambermaids had to be diligent with their efforts.

When they had given me the task, they left me to it, but insisted that Lester help them as I was only really cleaning two rooms, which I had no issue with and actually implored her to help them.

Once I had made it up the stairs with a basket, I walked down the grand hallway and made my way into the only occupied guest room, my room, as it was the furthest up the hallway.

Just my luck that I had to arrive the day before, in the month, when laundry day took place.

Upon entering my room, I got to work removing the linen sheets, pillow covers and wool blankets, throwing them into the basket, as well as putting in the highly decorated pillow cover and top blanket. Once I had put all I needed to wash from my own room, I put down the basket and walk over to the window, curious to see if I could notice anything going on outside.

I wonder what he wears to train in- Omg. I am a pervert...

Why am I thinking like this? He's holding me hostage in a castle...Kinda. I guess I do have freedom, but at the same time I have to be under his watchful eyes. I also get my own room, but I do have to help around the castle.. But that makes sense, paying your keep and everything...Buttt, he made me his keep, so do I have to do anything?

Stop! Stop going off topic! I'm a prisoner to an awful man!....Is he all that awful though? I guess he's a little snarky and rude sometimes...

Good god. This is stockholm syndrome! Snap. Out. Of. It! I slap my hands onto my cheek with every thought.

Maybe I'm unconsciously keeping a closer eye on him because he saw my tits?..Yeah, I'm probably just so embarrassed that I'm keeping close so he doesn't tell anyone.

Nodding my head, I exit the room with the basket in hand, and re-enter the grand, rustic hallway.

Remembering that the senior laundress had said that the room getting fitted for the 'VIP' guest was using fresh linen and clean bedding, I walk past that room and head to the last room that has been occupied by someone, Caspian's room.

Standing outside his door, I pray he hasn't left his dirty clothes all over the floor, yet at the same time I was curious to what it looked like. Lester had told me, when she was combing my hair yesterday, that the town's old lord was a man who was very interested in trade, and was quite a man known for his merchant skills. It had made me realise how this town really came to wealth and how the castle was so greatly decorated, as Caspian himself seemed more of the humble type.

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