Chapter 8

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"Do you know what this is?" He starts his investigation by showing me a glimmering crystal, weaved into the golden leaves of a flowery necklace.

"A necklace?" I question, in turn, leading him to answer the question.

"You can think of it as your life.." He pauses as he walks behind me to put it on. Not feeling threatened by him, and certainly not afraid to accept a beautiful gift, I allow him to put it on me. As he moves my hair with his warm gentle hand, he wraps the necklace around my neck, continuing talking whilst he clasps it shut.

"..It will either save it...Or kill it." He muttered darkly. Aw shit..This is why you don't accept free gifts, Genevieve.

"Well, I don't want it then." I flip to look at him with an obvious look as I start to feel for the clasp to take it off.

"Well, it's a little late now, as they have this nasty habit of bonding to people." He cheekily grins at me, causing me to scoff, as he goes to sit down across from me.

"But don't fuss too much, we're matching. Meaning that I'm the only one that can kill you. Well at this moment anyways." He flashes me a ring on his finger. It's band decorated with golden leaves and adorned with the tinier version of my crystal upon it. "You are now forced to speak the truth to me, and I to you. If found untruthful, the ring will kill you. Which is a large downfall to the 'matchmakers rings'." He runs his finger over the band.

Aw shittttt! I forgot that magic existed here.

"Now, I'll begin asking my questions." He smirks as he leans further into his chair, his arms crossed against his chest.

"Where are you from Genevieve?" He moves himself once more, spreading his knees apart and resting his elbows upon them. He claps his hands together between his knees, as if my answers were to intrigue him greatly.

Peering at his position and the door, I noted that there was no way I could get out of this situation. I had no choice but to answer him, and truthfully so.

"A village in North Yorkshire." I answer quickly, my heart pounding at the idea that I could die at any wrong word. But unwilling to give detailed answers to this man, I tried to keep my answer brief, so he wouldn't find out I'm from another world, knowing that it would lead to many issues and maybe even death? Still scared of the idea of letting anyone in this world know I'm not one of them, I will try to hide it, no matter what.

"North Lorkshire?" He wrongly questions, probably mishearing me from the speed I was talking at. Please exist here, please exist!

"The shires of Lork?" He continues, and just nods in acknowledgment.

Oh thank God.

"Do you think that, that necklace will kill you?" He gestures with his head to it, looking at me with a curious face.

"Yes." I frightfully answer, clasping my sweaty hands together.

He just stares at me for a few seconds, before nodding again and leaning back in the chair once more. As if I had already answered the question he actually wanted to ask.

"Why were you in the same room as Prince Kairon?" He questioned with a hard face, as if I harboured ill intentions in meeting him.

"...I didn't mean to be, he was just already in the room when I entered." I protest my innocence.

"And why did you run from Ms Buckets? I found the woman having a near damn heart attack in the corridor."

"Heh.." I laughed, unwilling to answer the truth that I was running away.

"Running away." He answered for me. Making me turn away from the exposed truth of my actions.

"Do you know why you're here, inside this castle? Why I didn't let you lead a common life upon arriving in the city?" He leans closer, his brows fused together.

"Because you think I'm a spy?" I cautiously ask the irritated man.

"Because you potentially pose a threat to many people, an intent not easily found by a magic necklace. Thus leaving me no choice but to have you under close watch at all times."

"AND WHAT MAKES YOU SO SURE OF THAT?!" I scream, fed up with the accusations of being something I'm not.

"Because you're hiding something, something dangerous. But at least one of them, I know for sure now, that you don't know about. But as for whatever you're hiding now...It's the other reason for me to keep you under close watch!" He snarls back.

Tears prick my eyes as I come to the realisation that I'm not a maid, stranger or even a spy to him, but a prisoner. That being what I'll remain to be, unless he somehow changes his mind about me, which I doubt will happen any time soon.

I stand myself up from my chair in a huff, and push past him as I slam the door open and trudge out. Charging my way through the corridor and back down to the cellars.

My emotions swinging, I suddenly become upset by the whole ordeal. Leading me to cautiously open the door to my room, so as to not wake any of my working roommates.

But instead, I was greeted with young women sitting on their beds, as if they were waiting for me to come in so I could talk to them. But upon seeing my almost teary face, they quickly hopped up and came to my side. Asking what was wrong, and what they could do to make me feel better. Smiling at the sudden nice attention, I just told them that there wasn't much they could do, because it was just from having a bad interaction with the Sir.

"You don't get to see him angry often." One girl stated.

"Or at all." Another girl chimed in, causing a chorus of heads to nod in agreement.

"Ah, it's just something...Between us?" I try to mention enough so that they'd understand what happened, but not reveal too much, so as to not cause any unnecessary misunderstandings or suspicions.

Yet instead of suspicion, I was greeted with raised brows and curiosity.

"When we heard that a girl was brought along with the knights to be the Sir's chambermaid, we knew something was fishy." Another girl smirks and raises her brows in a seductive manner.

"We thought he brought you along because he fell in love with you at first sight." The first girl reveals.

"No, he thinks I'm a spy." I sigh, flailing onto my bed.

"And are you?" The question makes me harshly turn, still feeling upset from the conversation upstairs, just moments ago.

"I am not!" I protest once again.

"Ah, but he thinks you are..That's a bit tricky then. Sorry for misinterpreting." The girl just gives me a sad look before turning back to her own bed.

"It's ok, I would've thought the same if I was you." I roll over to face her, flashing a smile.

She just smiles back as the rest of the girls situate themselves back in their beds, and soon sleep takes over us all.  

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