Chapter 4

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Caspian's POV

Leaning over my knees with my head encased in my hands, I rub my temples.

How could they have sent us? They knew we were outnumbered! What's the matter of a victory if I have to bring my men home in the back of a wagon!

Sighing, I think to the numerous profiles of defeated widows I will have to face, handing back their husbands in sheets of white.

A medal is nothing to a life.

My paining worries are halted as Ester comes rushing towards me.

"Sir, sir! Please spare me a moment." He glances, at the other high knights sat around the fire with me. "Alone.." He continues.

Curious to his desperate request, I nod to my men as I get up and move Ester and I to a distance away from the campfire, and from the other men of the camp. Stealing a glance at the now furious? Girl; before directing my attention back to Ester.

"Wait ales you my friend?" I ask him calmly as to lessen his worries.

"That girl.." He spouts before going into an endless blubber.

"Ester. Please. Speak your worries." I reassure him once more, placing my hand upon his shoulder.

"That girl..S-she has no magic. N-not even the amount of that of a commoner. Or worse than that, a plant. She has neither. She possesses none!" He gasps back, shocked as if he, himself didn't know what he was saying.

"It's as if she is part of the ancient tribe of Pawell. The group where magic didn't affect them. The same group who were prophesied to fracture the very structure of every magical being. And to fight the holders of the crown-"

"To rid them of the special ability they're all born with, the gift of the cosmos." I continue, knowing the history of the tribe, as many do.

"However, didn't they die out many of hundreds of years ago with the crowning of King Galahad?" I question.

"Some say they kept their numbers small and now live hiding among the common folk, but that was supposed to be an old mother's tale...B-but.." He mumbles looking back at the once furious and now confused girl.

"I had figured something was off when I touched the girl, but to think she is...If any of the royal members were to hear of this..I don't even want to imagine the devastation it would cause." I pityingly look at my men torn by war.

"Mass panic and ruthless wars that would cause the sky to come crashing down." Ester points out, causing my brows to furrow at the acknowledgment of the reality of the situation.

I look back at Ester with a stern face. "Ester, this shall not be spoken of again. Especially to foreign ears. God forbid any man here to know that a catalyst stands beside them."

"I was going to suggest that myself Sir. The girl must not be found.." He croaks, before continuing. "She, herself probably doesn't even know what a danger she is. That is if the stories of them completely emerging themselves into common life and forgetting their past is true. But then again, they wasn't supposed to exist..Well"

If it is true, then I have bigger issues than her being a spy. She could now be plotting the downfall of the entire world and stars.

I look towards the girl who is now kicking rocks and shyly sneaking glances our way.

"Watch her every movement and report back any concerns. That is your duty to fulfil when you're not on the battlefront." Ester salutes me with his hand against his heart, and bows in acknowledgement of his task. I watch Ester walk over to his bag and pull out bandages, then to him walking over to the girl.

Damnit! How are we supposed to bring that girl into the capital without suspicions catching wind.

The king had sent his highest cavalry of knights to cease the uprising of the rotten beasts in the south, where the very popular and well evolved trading city, Dunmed, lay. And since my appointment of high knighthood and gaining my own county and city to watch over, I had paved my way into having my own cavalry to protect my land.

My men that I dutifully trained had become beknownst to be world renowned, our victories in battles being incomparable, especially to that of the king's own imperial knights. Having known this, and not wanting to see the death's of his own beloved soldiers, he had called for my men and I to snuff out this gravely large uprising.

Leading to the deaths of many, but not the majority.

Now having cleared the danger, it is our duty now to report straight back to the king of our victory. Then from there returning to where we had come from.

Yet now, having to report to the king, has become significantly more dangerous than before. On top of worrying about being attacked by an onslaught of orcs or dire wolves, we now have to be wary of a potential world shattering danger among us.

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