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A/N: Hey everyone! Welcome to my first Rosekiller oneshot...I HC that one of Evan's fears is needles, not really any reason behind it but yeah! I thought of it the other day and so this is what this oneshot is inspired by! It's a non-magic AU, just for this one I promise, as it's just easier to write x

TW: mentions of needles, crying

Quick question! What are some of your marauders HC's I'd love to know! it doesn't have to be Rosekiller it could be anyone/any couple x

Hope you enjoy!

"Ev! You ready to go?" Barty shouted up the wooden staircase in his and his boyfriends apartment. He waited at the bottom of the stairs expecting a reply of some sort or Evan making his way downstairs but a good five minutes had passed and Barty had received neither so he decided to check on Evan, maybe he just hadn't heard him. He trudged up the stairs in his grey converse toward his and Evan's bedroom only to be met with soft sniffles. Wait? Was Evan crying. Barty poked his head around the door, only to see Evan quickly wipe his tears and avert Barty's gaze. "Oh, hi, sorry. I'm ready to go." Evan spoke, making a move to stand up from their bed. "Ev? Why were you crying?" Barty question, placing a hand on Evan's shoulder. Instead Evan just brushed him off saying it was nothing. This went back and forth for a few minutes, but Barty had had enough. "Evan, why were you crying?" Barty never really used Evan's full name, only in serious situations. "Promise you won't laugh or make a joke." It was Evan's turn to be serious now, his face was solemn as his blue eyes glassed over with tears. Barty was confused, but nodded nonetheless.

"Because I'm scared...okay. I have bad a phobia of needles and I'm sorry, it probably-" Barty tilted Evan's chin up with his index finger so they were now facing each other. "Why are you sorry? That's nothing to be sorry about." Barty's thumb grazed over Evan's slightly flushed cheek as he spoke. "I just thought you'd call me pathetic and laugh about it." His voice was quiet as his head dropped once more. "Oh Ev...of course I wouldn't, and I know you don't want to go but we have to. I promise I'll stay with you if you need or want." Barty's eyes softened at his boyfriend. "Pinky swear?" Evan questioned his blue eyes meeting Barty's brown ones. "Pinky swear." Barty smiled and pecked Evan on the cheek, pulling him up from the foot of their bed.

The pair walked hand in hand to their nearby doctors office, chatting about pointless and random things but Barty could sense Evan was getting more nervous as they came closer to the off-white building because the latter's palm was sweating in his. "It'll be alright, I promise." Barty gave Evan's hand a reassuring squeeze as they made their way into the building, towards the receptionist's desk. The two were assigned to the waiting room and Evan's nerves only grew, his hands shaking under the sleeves of his jumper...well Barty's jumper but that was beside the point and his leg bounced up and down creating little 'scuff' sounds on the floor. Barty's hand rested upon Evan's thigh, rubbing small circles on it to let him know he was there. The wait felt like hours as people came into the waiting room or some left to go see their doctor or nurse, yet then again it somehow always felt like hours when you were sat in the waiting room. Waiting.

"Evan Rosier." The doctor called out as she came around the corner. Evan looked hesitant at first but got up, grasping Barty's hand in his as they followed the doctor. Doctor Helena was a good friend of the Rosier family so naturally she had become the family's doctor, Barty's too seen as he was already considered family by Evan's parents. They both sat down in the blue-walked room that smelt like hand sanitiser and rubber gloves, that alone made Evan want to run out of there fast. Doctor Helena asked Evan about a few things such as any allergies, date of birth, etc, before she was out of the room mentioning having to sterilise the needle. That made the blue-eyed boy shiver in his chair. "I promise it'll be okay." Barty whispered in his ear, cupping his face and brushing a few stray strands of hair out of his eyes.

Doctor Helena returned, smiling as she saw the two, pinkies locked together, seemingly out of sight. "Right Evan, do you want me to tell you what I'm doing or do you want me to just do it?" She asked, most likely knowing her answer already. "Just do it please" he whispered, voice wavering a bit. "So, what are we doing this week? Ooh we're seeing reggie, we're having brunch with your parents, Wednesday we have the day off so we can just cuddle all day..." Barty spoke, hoping to get his boyfriends mind off of the needle. He watched as Evan's face contorted into discomfort, as he felt a squeeze on his hand. "There you go, it's okay Ev. I'm so proud of you." Barty gently pulled him into a hug wary that his arm would most likely be sore and uncomfortable later. He kissed the side of his head and ruffled his brown locks. They both thanked the doctor and headed out.

"Ice cream?" Barty grinned as they were two minutes away from the ice cream place on their road. "Sure." The walk to ice cream parlour was filled with harmless nattering, laughing and smiling. The shop came in to view and Barty held the door open for Evan, like the true gentlemen he is. Evan ordered a scoop of mint chocolate chip while Barty ordered a scoop of bubblegum then they opted for sitting down in a small booth. "You spoil me too much." Evan began as he had his head rested on Barty's shoulder. "No, I think I do just enough, considering how much spoiling this person deserves." Evan Blushed a fiery red, hiding his face in the crook of Barty's neck as he just laughed playing with some of the hairs on the nape of Evan's neck.

The couple had made it back to their shared apartment and decided to just cuddle up in bed and watch a movie, Evan falling asleep on Barty's chest to the sound of tangled playing in the background. "Goodnight love." Barty whispered into the dark kissing his boyfriend's forehead before spooning him and tracing shapes on his sore arm.

A/N: AHH okay! Not going lie I kind of loved writing that and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I had a vaccine today and it hurt like a bitch, I'm also scared of needles so yeah :- but anyway let me know what you thought! Don't be a ghost reader lovelies x

Also, tell me some of your marauders HC's if you have any I'd love to here them x

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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