Cafe Conundrums

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The day seemed to be never-ending for Barty, he had been working at the small cafe near his and Evan's apartment all day. There seemed to be more and more bitching customers as his shift progressed, orders seemed to be endless, there was always chatter, the coffee machine was far too loud, his boss was being his usual cunty-self, co-workers were off sick. Barty was the only one working today and yet customers still couldn't quite grasp the fact that their order might take a little longer than usual! He wanted to go home so desperately.
It was just too much today.

"Barty? Mind if I leave you to close up today, have to get home to the kids." His boss hollered over the coffee machines. Barty wanted to shout 'no' to his boss Martin, but he found no words came out. Martin took this silence as a yes and headed out. "Thanks Barty, oh and can you cover the cafe tomorrow? I'll need you here at 5:00 instead of 7:00, I'm not here and neither are Sandra, Kellie, Antony or Rob." Before Barty could even get the words out Martin was leaving. Yelling a 'thanks mate' before shutting the door behind him.

Barty wanted to slam his head against the counter, it was just his fucking luck that he had to work extra early tomorrow. All he wanted was to crawl up in Evan's arms and sleep. Barty took a deep breath before turning to the next customer. "Hiya, how can I help?" He plastered a fake smile onto his face, but the woman wasn't even looking up from her phone. "Just my regular please." Barty stood there confused, he'd never seen this woman in the cafe before and didn't have the foggiest what 'her regular' was. She finally looked up from her phone, frown on her face. "Well, what are you doing just standing there?" She lowered her sunglasses to the bridge of her nose, "Barty? Chop chop, I haven't got all day. I'm a busy woman you know?"

"I'm sorry but I don't know what you're 'regular' is miss." She scoffed at Barry's words. "I come here everyday, find me one of your other workers and manager, I can't be dealing with incompetence right now." Barty didn't know what to do, standing there awkwardly as customers in line behind this lady shouted at him to hurry up. "Miss, I'm terribly sorry but I'm the only one here, so if you wouldn't mind telling me what you want to drink, I will make it as fast as possible. Considering there is a queue forming behind you." Barty tried to keep calm, rolling his eyes discreetly at the woman. "Vanilla mocha, dairy free, fat free, one teaspoon of cinnamon." He nodded, turning away to make her drink.

"Is this going to take any longer!" A customer from behind the woman shouted and Barty apologised. "Has this got a dash of honey?" She asked as he handed her the mocha. Barty nodded, and the woman strutted out of there. Good fucking riddance, entitled little bitch.

Finally after another two gruelling hours, Barty locked up for the night, trudging back to his apartment. Letting himself in with a sigh, he collapsed at the kitchen table, drifting off to sleep with his head pulsing. Evan would be home from his office in an hour or two, but for now Barty fell asleep in the kitchen table, shoes and apron discarded by the front door. There was the light click of the front door opening and closing as Evan stepped into the apartment. He threw off his shoes and walked into the kitchen confused at the silence.

"Ba-" he was just about to call but cut himself off once he saw him asleep on their kitchen table. "Lovey...are you alright?" Evan combed his hands through Barty's hair, making him stir. "Oh, hi." Evan laughed lightly. "Hi, is there a reason why you're asleep on the table?" Barty sat up and it was only now Evan noticed how tired he looked. "M'tired, back hurts and headache." Barty's words mumbled but Evan heard them. "Come on let's go cuddle." The pair walked upstairs and they changed into comfier clothes. "Do you want me to massage your back and head?" Evan spoke softly and Barty just nodded already drowsy. Evan helped pull Barty's t-shirt off and told him to lay down.

"I'll be having words with Martin tomorrow." Evan's voice was firm as he rubbed Barty's toned back and shoulders. "Ev, please don't swear at my boss. I already have to go in early tomorrow." Evan laughed. "I didn't say swear words did I? Just words, but on a serious note you're not going tomorrow you're exhausted. We can cuddle all day tomorrow. Okay?" Barty didn't put up a fight, mainly because he was asleep to Evan's magic fingers within no time but he knew there was no point arguing, cuddling all day did sound amazing. Plus he might be able to convince his boyfriend to give him another amazing massage.

"Goodnight love, sleep well." Evan kissed the top of Barty's head before switching off the light and spooning him.

A/N: I couldn't sleep so I made this, I quite like it! Sorry I haven't been updating I've been incredibly busy but look out for more updates these next few weeks! Xx

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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