5 more minutes

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A/N: Hey everyone! I thought of this ten minutes ago, so fingers crossed it turns out all right, I'm giving you fluff so I can put off the angst I want to write, but then again I don't want to write it, yet then again I do kind of want to write it.

Oh before I forget if you have any requests and or prompts feel free post them on this A/N part or you can message me them if you don't want to write it on a chapter or you can even put it on my board if you like x

Whatever is easiest and works for you lovelies, but yeah. Please feel free to send over any prompts and or requests x

Hope you enjoy!

The morning sun shone through the slight part in the curtains, bright and ready to blind you. As always. Evan sighed into his pillow, as he was the light sleeper out of the pair of boys. Merlin, Barty could probably sleep through an asteroid crashing into Hogwarts. Once he was asleep it took a lot and I mean a lot of welly to get him to Even emerge from the comfort of his duvet and pillows. Don't get me started on how long it took him to get ready in the mornings, as if just getting him out of bed didn't take him long enough he then spent yonks in the bathroom doing god knows what and quite frankly Evan didn't want to know or find out any time soon. It was honestly a surprise he just about managed to get to classes on time every day.

Evan rubbed the sleep from his eyes and yawned, he was just about to sit up but he felt a certain someone's arms wrap firmly around his waist, trapping him. "B, we have to get up we're going to be late to class and we've already missed breakfast in the great hall." Evan partially sat up, just enough to grab his wand and cast a quick tempus. "Five more minutes." Barty mumbled groggily, his morning voice still present as he nuzzled his head into his partners neck. Evan thought his morning voice was sexy, but they were going to be even later at this rate. Evan could feel Barty's hot breath in his neck as he tried to pull out of his freakishly strong grip. "Love, come on...we need to go..." Evan tried prying Barty's hands from his waist but nothing was proving to be working. Like mentioned before, his grip was very strong, freakishly strong. The two went back and forth for a while, but Evan was cut off mid-rant by Barty sitting up a little from the bed looking into Evan's eyes.

"Just five more minutes please..." Barty gave him puppy dog eyes and pouted slightly, at that point it was no use. Evan just gave in to his boyfriends ridiculous antics and let him pull him into his warm chest by his waist, giggling slightly as Barty's hair tickled his neck along with his steady breathing, meaning he had fallen asleep already. Barty falling asleep had encouraged Evan to go back to sleep because in all fairness they were both in the library late finishing off some sort of essay they had partly done but then forgot about until the night before, the parchment being discarded under another pile of more parchment only to be found by Barty when he was looking for Evan's quidditch jumper he stole. Yes, he had his own but he just liked Evan's more and plus it smelt like him.

Evan made a swift move to close the gap in the curtains to stop the sun seeping through them, before he closed the hangings on his four-poster bed, leaning into Barty's touch and letting his eyes flutter shut for some well needed and well deserved might I add sleep. Around three or four hours had passed and the couple remained asleep, Evan's back pressed against Barty's chest as their legs were tangled together under the duvet. The dorm was silent, for once. The only noise that could be heard was the light chatter of students outside, or the quiet swish of water as a creature swam through the black lake.

"Get up you bloody wankers." The voice threw a pillow at the two boys who just groaned in response to being woken up. "You slept the whole day and left me to deal with sluggy on my own!" The voice was Regulus and he slapped Barty and Evan with the pillow once more. "Sorry Reg..." Evan started but he was cut off with a yawn. "You should be, told teachers you were ill, so don't worry about detention. Now I've got to go." Regulus rushed through, grabbing his bag and wand. "Cheers mate, where you off to?" Evan questioned but by that point Regulus was already out of the dorm. "Probably to see potter." Barty muttered in his semi-awake state. "Probably." Evan snorted before he pulled the duvet over the two of them, neither one of them making a move to get up just yet.

A/N: Don't really know how to feel about this one? Let me know what you thought!

Please send requests/prompts if you have them x

Don't be a ghost reader!

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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