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A/N: Hey loves! Sorry I keep disappearing, my mental health is just not great but I'm not being funny...when is it ever? Oh well. This request is for the wonderful @deathsbestie thank you so much for requesting my lovely 🫶 hope you enjoy! x

TW's: Nightmare, crying, shaking, mention of death.

Please don't read if these will trigger you loves x

Hope you enjoy!

Evan grumbled as he felt someone tossing and turning beside him. He was a little confused as Barty had gone to bed really early and Evan had got back quite late from studying in the library until closing and he was kicked out by Madame Pince. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, casting a lumos. Evan was right, Barty must have joined him at some point now he was tossing and turning. As well as...mumbling. Then it clicked. He was probably have a nightmare.

", please. I beg. Please not...him." Barty mumbled a little incoherently as Evan began to shake him gently. " Love, please wake up. It's just a nightmare, you're having a nightmare." Evan shook him a little harder, in hopes of waking him up. No luck, sweat was running down Barty's temple as tears spilled from his cheeks. Evan shook him even harder, it was breaking him seeing his lover like this. "No!" Barty shot up from the bed, sweat dripping down his forehead as he panted.

"Ev?" Barty leaned out and cupped Evan's face, scanning him over. "You're okay..." Evan was confused...why wouldn't- oh. "I'm okay, I promise, I'm all right. were having a bad nightmare." Evan spoke softly. "I'm sorry, I know you said you wanted your space but I had a nightmare before about my dad and I...I didn't want to sleep alone because I was scared. I'm sorry Evan." More tears slipped down Barty's cheeks as he rambled quick than you can say 'quidditch.' "Darlin', why didn't you wake me?" Evan took Barty's hand in his own and the latter mumbled. "You looked peaceful, I'm sorry." Evan wanted to be upset but how could he be upset with his boy.

"Right, no more apologising please and B, I don't give a shit if I'm hanging upside in the room of requirements. If you need me, you come and get me and we can work things out together. Okay? Promise me that." Evans tone was soft with a certain firmness to it that made Barty's heart skip a beat. "I promise, thank you heaps Ev."

"That's alright, why don't you shower and freshen up then we can cuddle." Evan kissed the side of his head and Barty went into the bathroom. Evan heard the shower running and took this as an opportunity to change the sheets. Pulling the sheet off from the corners, then placing it in a washing basket in the corner so the elves could collect it later. He then took a fresh bed sheet and tugged it over the mattress. Bloody hell was it hard to do.
Why is it so hard to put a bed sheet on? He'll never know, but it was a god damn struggle.

Barty re-emerged from the bathroom, hair slightly damp, grey joggers hanging perfectly on his hips. "Can I have one of your jumpers? I'm cold." Evan rolled his eyes fondly but tossed him one of his baggy blue jumpers. Barty smiled, pulling it over his head, then climbing into bed next to Evan and snuggling into his warm chest. The latter's hand trailed up and down Barty's back, smiling as he felt him relax in his arms. "Would you like to talk about it, or not?" Evan gave Barty the option because he felt it was important if Barty needed someone to listen to him or if he needed someone to hold him for the rest of the night.

"You were gone Ev...I watched it all, I- I-" The pair were both sat upright now on the bed and Evan felt his heart shatter into a million pieces, as tears streamed down Barty's cheeks. "Oh angel, shhh, I'm here...I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, I promise you." Evan swayed Barty's shaking form in his arms, gently kissing the top of his head once in awhile. "I'll always be here, you're not getting rid of me that easy." He wiped away the tears with the pad of his thumb, lightly grazing over Barty's cheek before peppering butterfly kisses all over the boys face, making him blush.

"Get some sleep, we don't have class tomorrow so we can have a lie-in, hm? That sound okay?" Barty just nodded, his head falling against Evans chest like he didn't have the energy to hold it up any longer. "I love you." Barty mumbled half asleep, before his eyes finally closed. "I love you more my angel." That was the first time Evan had one an 'I love you more argument.' He then laid down himself, wrapping his arms around Barty's waist so he was fully laying on his chest, closing his eyes and falling asleep too.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! I love Evan and Barty ❤️, and you can't tell me Evan does not call Barty 'my angel.' So random but I thought of it halfway through this and though it doesn't really make much sense I  absolutely love it!

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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