Get some rest angel

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A/N: Hey...sorry I just kind of disappeared off of the face of the earth, I've been busyy.  And I kind of forgot about my writing so...😂, don't worry I'm not leaving anytime soon xx

Anyway this is a request from @wjhpmm
Sorry it took ages! Thank you for the request lovely x

Non-magic au

Emetophobia warning, there is some throwing up, so please bare that in mind!

Hope you enjoy!

Barty sighed, rolling over in bed feeling like he'd just been hit by a bus. His head was pounding, his throat was sore, his body ache and nausea pooled in his stomach. Reaching out his arm, Barty came to the conclusion that he was alone and Evan was no longer with him. Barty groaned, sitting up and throwing the first jumper he saw over his head, which happened to be Evan's so it quite literally swallowed him whole, his hands hiding under the long sleeves. As he exited his and Evan's bedroom he heard the faint clank of pans coming from the kitchen and he assumed Evan was making lunch. Barty walked into the kitchen to see Evan cooking tortillas, humming along to some quiet music playing from the speaker. He walked up behind Evan, opting for wrapping his arms around the latter's waist, not really in the mood to aggravate his throat more.

"Oh! Hello love, you scared me." Evan chuckled, flipping one of the tortillas in the pan. "You okay?" Evan spoke once more, confused as to why Barty was not his usual hyper-verbal self talking his ear off. Barty sighed and shook his head, at this point Evan noticing how warm the boy was. "Oh angel, you do feel quite unusually warm. What's the matter?" Evan placing the back of his palm onto Barty's forehead which the latter shivered at. Barty took a few seconds but answering eventually, his voice sounding gravelly and raw. Evan couldn't help but feel bad for his boyfriend. "I feel like utter shit." Evan took Barty's face in his hands getting the first proper look of him that morning.

His skin was pale and ashy, his cheeks were a scarlet rose, his eyes were puffy and bloodshot and he had sweat dripping down his forehead. "I can already tell you have a fever, anything else I should know about?" Evan shot him a sympathetic smile, caressing his shoulder. "My head and throat hurt most, then I feel a little nauseous as well as a bit of dizziness." Barty had shuffled to stand in front of Evan so he could lean on him, burying his face in the latter's shoulder. "Come on, let's get you into bed, hm? Just in case you pass out, I don't think my noodle arms would be able to lug you up the stairs." Evan felt Barty laugh at that and it brought a small grin to his face. It was no secret Barty was the slightly more muscular one out of the pair.

One of Evan's arms wrapped around Barty's waist to keep him steady as Barty draped his left arm over Evan's shoulders. When the two finally got to the Bedroom Evan let go of Barty, making sure he wouldn't topple over. "Right, why don't you hop into bed and we can cuddle." Barty nodded, letting himself flop onto Evan's chest, the duvet pulled over the top of them. "Get some rest angel" The boy pressed a kiss to Barty's lips only for him to cover his face. "Ev, stopp. You'll get ill." Evan scoffed at this. "Is this the face of someone that gives a shit? No. So shut up and kiss me." Evan kissed him once again, this time it being reciprocated. "Now, we can go to sleep."

Evan was awoken to a dip in the mattress and scampering feet, leading to the ensuite bathroom door being shut. He was partly awake, that was until he heard gags coming from behind the bathroom door. Kicking off the duvet he rushed to the bathroom door, knocking on it in a rhythmic pattern. "Angel? Can you open the door for me please?" It took a few seconds but the door clicked open and Evan hurried inside. "Oh B, why didn't you wake me love?" Barty was sat on his knees in front of the toilet dry-heaving. He just shrugged and began shivering, goosebumps trailing along his pale skin. Evan moved on his knees so he was sat behind him, hand on the small of his back rubbing comforting circles. He had no idea if it was helping or not, but within a few minutes Barty was gagging and losing the previous night's dinner.

"You done angel?" Barty just nodded, clearly not having much energy left in him. Once Barty was back in bed Evan leaned over and grabbed something from the bedside table. "Drink. You need to stay hydrated." Evan thrusted the bottle of water from the table into Barty's hands, watching him take a few decent sips from it before placing it on the bedside again. "I'm going to go and grab you some medicine and a cool flannel...what would you like to eat? Seen as you can't take medication on an empty stomach." Evan glanced over to Barty hearing a quiet 'toast please.' "I'll be back in a couple." Evan kissed Barty's temple, then leaving to gather things downstairs.

When Evan returned Barty was on the verge of sleep, half-lidded eyes and all but he knew Barty had to take his medication. "Barty, angel? Here try and eat some of this so you can take your medicine." Barty grumbled. "I'll probably just throw up again." Evan sighed, speaking again. "Or it'll make you feel better. For me? Please?" Barty just took the plate from Evan's hands. He managed to eat around one piece, taking his medicine with a grimace. That was good enough for Evan. "Let's go to sleep, promise me you'll wake me if you need?" Evan asked laying the cool flannel on his boyfriend's forehead earning a content sigh and a 'I promise Ev'.

"Ev...Ev...wake up." Barty shook Evan's sleeping figure. "Hmm?...yeah B? What's the matter darling? You gonna be sick?" He only got a nod in response so he grabbed the bin near their bedside table. Holding it under Barty's chin with one hand and rubbing his back with the other. "I hate this." Barty leaned into Evan's side. "I know, I know baby but I promise you'll feel better." Barty gagged a few times only bringing up the water he'd drank earlier then it was just bile. "You feeling better, do you think that's it?" Evan asked handing Barty the water so he could wash the taste out of his mouth. "Yeah, I don't feel nauseous anymore, just a little bit achy and my head doesn't hurt nearly as much." Evan smiled at him warmly. "Glad to hear baby, your fever is pretty much gone and you've got a lot more colour in your cheeks, so I'd say your well on the mend."

"Can we go to sleep now? I'm tired and am in serious need of cuddles or I fear I might perish." Barty dramatically flopped into Evan's arms and the latter was glad he was coming back to his old self. "Of course angel." Evan wrapped his arms firmly around Barty's waist, Barty nuzzling his face into Evan's neck. "Thank you Ev, I love you lots." That was it Barty was out for the count. "No problem, I love you lots angel."

Neither of them got up until three in the afternoon the next day, both of them feeling very refreshed and of course in love.

A/N: OKAY! Wow, I forgot how good it feels to write something! I hope you enjoyed this and I'm sorry I've been M.I.A, I've back at school now and it is STRESS. Anyway, I really liked writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it! X

Pushing the Evan calling Barty Angel agenda...🫡

This was 1288 words longg...jeez.

Tell me? Do you lovely bunch prefer longer or shorter oneshots? Let me know!

Feel free to post requests on my request chapter x

Also please comment, let me know what you thought! x

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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