Barakat has an Idea

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I was sulking all day. I hardly ate my lunch and didn't speak to my friends when they sat at the table. Mr. Gaskarth had stopped by when the bell rang, just as my friends were leaving, to assure me that things would be fine. He tried telling me that this could be a good thing; that Kellin and I could become friends over this. Like that'll ever happen, I thought silently, over my dead body.

I simply shook his hand off my shoulder but thanked him for the talk. He gave me a pat on the head, which irritated me greatly, then sauntered off. I muttered things under my breath as I stood, making sure to make a big deal out of pushing my chair to the table.

There was now a ten minute break, and my dad had asked me to come by the office during this time, so I made my way to the office. I was scared actually. I knew that he'd received news on my scores and he had no doubt formulated up a good lecture to make me feel even worse.

Despite my doubts, I open the door to the office, making sure to stop dragging my feet as I had been doing before.

"There you are," he said from his desk. I nodded and took a seat in one of the expensive chairs in front of the desk. "I just got your scores over email." I nod and swallow a little. In that moment, I really wished I could be a normal teenager. Not the headmaster's son. Not one of the smartest kids in school. Not the short, half Mexican kid on Hall Duty.

Just a kid.

But that couldn't happen. I could see he was disappointed and was clearly waiting for me to say something. "I'm sorry, Dad. I guess I let my grades slip, but it won't happen again." I mutter, fiddling with my hands in my lap. He nodded from in front of me and I glanced at him.

He sure did know how to make me feel small. "That's right, you sure won't. You and Mike both need to buckle down. Mr. Barakat is coming over for dinner tonight, and we're discussing ways to improve your scores next year. You'll have the perfect score next time, right?" He says, hardly taking breaths.

He had this all planned out, I'm sure. My hands were sweating and I felt nervous, even if he was just my dad, only discussing grades. He just made me feel so small and childish, even if I did practically raise myself, and Mike. The best I could, that is.


Mike was late coming home as usual. Just as Mom was setting the table and Jack was finishing his second glass of scotch with Dad, Mike waltzed in, Tony not far behind. They were breathing hard, mischief apparent on their faces.

They looked at one another and laughed a little, as if one of them had just told an inside joke, but neither of them had spoken. After an awkward silence, I walk closer to them. "Are you trying to get in trouble?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at Mike. He shrugged and smiled, ruffling my hair.

I fix it quickly and frown. "What about you, do you want to see us get lectured, or what? And what were you two doing? It's getting l--"

"Shut up, I'm hungry. All the running was tiring." Mike laughed lightly and nudged Tony. The quiet boy laughed as well and shook his head, catching his breath. What had they been up to? I sigh and shake my head, forgetting the thoughts. I decided I didn't care that much as to what made them late, and told them to go clean up.

They listened then, heading upstairs and leaving me to explain for them. It was better that way, Mike was more edgy than I, and he'd no doubt have an attitude with Dad if he asked what'd kept them. So I took it upon myself to save his ass, and Tony's, and just get it over with.

Dad would believe me over the two of them anyway. I pulled him aside and said they told me they were finishing up extra credit work and had ran here, but didn't make in time to beat Jack. He believed me, as expected.

Soon, we were all seated at the table and he adults were chatting on and on about school performance and how they could better us. It made me a little angry listening to them, wondering if they'd ever tried to better us in the first place. Since when did my parents watch over us?

The only thing Dad seemed to care about was me keeping up the family image and making it seem like Mike wasn't that big of a trouble-maker. And it was difficult to just listen, to bite my tongue and clench my fists under the table, instead of lashing out like I really wanted to.

Mike didn't seem to care about any of it. He was mumbling to Tony and he was laughing quietly, looking at my brother like he was king of like, everything. He seemed like he was listening to everything, anything that left his mouth. Was Mike really that interesting?

I was going to think further on it but something Jack said caught my attention. "Well, Mr. Fuentes, I acutely have an idea," and that made me perk up.

Jack smiled and looked at me, then back to my dad. I looked at him too, trying to read the both of them. "Since Kellin and Vic have the exact same score and there can only be one valedictorian to do the opening speech next hear, why don't we give them an exam over the summer?" He suggests, shrugging his bony shoulders.

I furrow my eyebrows, slightly confused.

"But who will do the speech this year? There's not even a month left of school, Jack." Dad countered, not failing to put some authority in his voice. Even at dinner, he seemed like someone you should respect. It irked my nerves in a way.

Mr. Barakat sat up straighter, seeming pleased with himself and his recommendation. We all listened, except for my brother and his best friend, of course. "They both can represent the school this year, seeing as we're short on time. But next year, one will. What do you think?"

It didn't seem too bad; another chance to prove my wits over Kellin's? Why not?

I looked at my dad expectantly, wanting to know his answer. He took in the information, seeming to be pondering it. "I think that sounds fine. I'll call Bostwick's family and inform them. So they'd study over the summer, correct?"

"That's where my other idea comes in," Jack smiled and sighed. I glanced at Mike but he still wasn't listening. "I'll give them the materials they need to study. It'll be kind of like summer school, but free, and here in the comfort of one of their homes."

My eyes widened and I felt my mouth go dry. He couldn't be suggesting what I thought. "Wait, what are you saying? That we'll be studying together?" I asked dryly. Jack nods, sighing, noticing my disappointment. "Yes. Why not have the two best students also help each other?"

I feel my mouth fall open a little, color submerging my cheeks. "This is stupid! This isn't--"

"You shut your mouth, Vic, or you'll go to bed right now. You won't speak that way here, you understand?"

The table went quiet and my face got even redder. Mike and Tony just had to choose to start listening now, even their eyes were on me. I puff out an agitated sigh and nod, looking at my lap. What he said didn't scare me, I wanted to leave the table, but I knew that he'd yell at me later and staying out of it till then was best.

Thanks, Barakat, I think angrily. Now I have to spend a whole summer with my least favorite person on earth. Not to mention I'm doing more schoolwork, while everyone else is enjoying their summer.


hi, loves!
sorry it's been a while, I had terrible writers block

Anyway, what do you think? The plot I have is just now beginning to form and I can't wait for you all to read it

Till next time, homies

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