Kellin Loses for Once

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Okay, so I'm not a violent person, but something just happened when Jesse said that shit.

So I may have shoved him down the stairs and ran down them to punch him in the face a few times, and maybe I kicked him too, and maybe Mike pulled me off.

That isn't the point.

The point is, he left the house.

I caught my breath and clenched my jaw, sighing through my nose. "Are you fucking crazy? He could have like, died or something." Mike said, sounding almost as dramatic as Kellin, but it was apparent he wasn't mad, just concerned.

"Yeah, okay, thank me later. I have to go check on Kellin." I smiled sarcastically and ruffled his hair as best I could, then went up the stairs and to my room.

I got to the door, peeking in to see a lump of Kellin under the blankets. I walk in and crouch by the bed, chewing the inside of my cheek. "You okay, Kell?"

For all I know, he could be mad at me and that was the last thing I wanted. The blankets shifted a little and he peeked out, just to the tip of his nose. He didn't answer me, just opened the blankets and I got in, sighing and pulling him closer to me.

"Are you upset?" I murmured.

"Yes," he paused. "But not really at you, just in general. Not a good day."

I nodded and kissed his head, feeling bad for him. But I wouldn't tell him that because I knew he didn't like sympathy or people all in his business, so I just snuggled him and let him be. And he didn't mind at all.


I woke up quite groggily, shoving Kellin's hands away from my cheeks, annoyed with his cute self already. I sat up, knowing we had to get ready for when Jack would get here. Of course, the clingy fuck had to come too and stayed on my lap while I stretched.

"You're clingy, never expected that."

"Shut up, just let me be affectionate."

I rolled my eyes but allowed it, it wasn't so bad, and put my arms around him. He laid his head on my shoulder, sighing out. "What's up with this 'a relationship isn't good right now' stuff?" I asked, trying not to be nervous, seeing as he was a complete tease when I got nervous. He was an asshole, basically.

He paused and cut himself a few times, but then answered me. "Just not totally ready, I guess. Still sort of accepting myself and getting used to being open and worrying about other stuff."

"Other stuff?"

"Parents." He sighed and kissed my cheek, and that was the signal that he'd surely start dodging questions and ignoring me. God, he's so closed off sometimes and I hate it, and just want to help but I'm a fucking loser, so I don't know how to do that.

"Heard from them?" I asked, rubbing his back. I wasn't going to let him dodge shit this time, he should know he didn't have to with me. "Yeah, they're coming home this weekend."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? I'd bet you're stoked on going home." I teased, laughing a little. He smacked my arm and rolled his eyes, sighing. "Not even funny."

"Funny to me, Quinn."

"Shut up." He pushed me back on my pillows. He's so cute, thinking he's intimidating and shit. "Nope." I shrug, obviously still messing with him. He was so easy to annoy though, and that was my fucking job as whatever I was to him.

"I hate you." He sighed and laid his head on my chest, and I couldn't even believe that, I'd fucking won. "What?" I say, sounding almost as surprised as I actually was. He looks up at me, "Come on, you know I'm not s-"

"No," I hold a finger up, raising my eyebrows. "I've just won for the first time. You've let me win at an argument for the first time, willingly. This is great, this is new, someone needs to know about this." I ramble, trying to hide my laugh.

He rolled his eyes and flipped me off, which didn't phase me at all. "Kellin, just admit that: admit I won."

"Nah, I'm good." He shrugged and put his arms around me. I sigh, having expected this much from him, the fucking sass overlord. "You know who you sound like?"


I snickered, "Gerard."

He looked up and glared at me. "You take that back, little bitch. I'm not that sassy."

"Nah, I'm good." Because if there was one thing I was good at, it was pissing Kellin Quinn off.


quick filler because the next one is eventful k ,, ily guys

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