When Caught Staring, Just Cough, it isn't Noticeable at all

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I felt stupid.

So fucking stupid.

Because for some reason, some godforsaken reason, I could not forget about Kellin. He had seemed really down today in the park and it was irking me to know why; I didn't want to be bothered by it, but I was, and there wasn't much I could do about it.

He had hardly even looked up at us the whole time, he just stared down at that damn dog. So I laid there, awake in my bed, for a while, wondering about things that could be bothering him; I also wondered if it was the same reason he'd missed so many lessons lately.

I guess I could ask next time he was here, even if I knew he'd be too stubborn to tell me. I'd still ask though, then we would end up arguing and he would storm off again, because it was Kellin and that's just how things worked with him.

In other words: he's a fucking drama queen.


The next Friday, Kellin finally shows up again. And when he did, I immediately look away because maybe I was upset with myself for the bit of excitement I felt. Maybe I wanted to be angry but I couldn't because this is what I wanted.

He was sassy as ever, as expected, pursing his lips five hundred fucking times in a two minute span and rolling his eyes and ignoring me like I wasn't there.

When Jack got up to go speak to my dad, I turned to face Kellin more. "Why haven't you been here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. And I knew his answer would be smart-ass by the way he rolled his eyes again and shrugged. "Why aren't you minding your business?"

"Well, I was just asking because I've been bored."

"Missed me, huh?" He grinned and then it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Right, if that's what you'd call it. I was just bored. So, you never answered my question." I said, tilting my head like a little kid.

Kellin sighed and crossed his arms, turning to face forward. "I was busy."

"Well I gathered that much." I teased him. Kellin glared at me for a second and looked up the staircase as if to see if Jack was there, or maybe hoping he would hurry. "I was staying with my friend and things got weird and I didn't want to tell my parents, so I didn't go home. Happy?" He rushed out.

I was surprised he'd even told me that much, so yeah, I was kind of satisfied, but not really. Because we all know, as humans, we all went the full story. And I'm not stupid so I knew it wasn't, and so did Kellin, and he knew that I knew because he was looking at me in a way that just screamed: Leave it.

But as a human, I couldn't. "Explain."


"Yes. You told me that much, might as well tell me the rest." I chuckled, maybe even hoping to lighten the mood enough to where he would tell me. And maybe I should leave it, like he silently warned me. But I couldn't because it was weird that he was away for a week or so with no explanation or even a hint, not before now, and even what he told me was really shady.

"Thanks for the offer but I don't want you in my business. You hate me do you'd spread all of it and then--"

"I don't hate you." I said matter of factly, because it was true and I didn't want him to think that. We had been competition for a while so it was natural that I dislike him, but I was also worried for him and didn't want bad things to happen to him and I was still wondering how both of those things could be true.

He looked surprised now, tilting his head with furrowed eyebrows. I nod to assure him that what I had said was true. "Oh..well. Okay, I guess that's good. But still.." He said, sounding unsure. I didn't want to seem rude or like I was pressuring him too much so I just shook my head.

Today, curiosity wouldn't win.

"You know, it's fine. It's your life and I guess if you don't want people to know, then you don't." I shrug and sigh even though my brain was telling me otherwise.

Kellin smiled a little and nodded, seeming in better spirits. "Thanks, Vic." I nodded and smiled also, looking at him for a little too long, admiring his cute messy hair and big eyes and pretty lashes. I turn away and clear my throat.

I hardly heard Jack come back down, stuck in my thoughts.

It wasn't the first time I'd caught myself staring at him. Subconsciously noticing how cute he looked out of school clothes. And maybe it wasn't so bad, but then again it was because me and Kellin weren't even truly friends and we argued so much, so where the fuck were these thoughts coming from?

Christ, what am I getting myself into?


[didn't get a chance to check really so im sorry for any mistskes..]

yooooooso the wait wasn't as long this time, homies. hope you guys enjoyed it. I wonder if you can guess what's happening with kellin..

anyway, I'll update soon

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