So his Dad isn't a Pyscho Alcoholic Murderer

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There was a noise downstairs, Kellin's parents coming home, I assumed. And even though I had never even seen them, I was scared to meet them. Maybe they aren't so bad, I thought, trying to be at least a little positive.

Kellin lifted his head from my chest, looking all sleepy and adorable, as always, and glanced at me. "They're home. Come on, and bring Mike. Let's get it over with." He sighed.

"Are they as mean as I think?"

He shook his head. "Not even mean-- They just ignore me and leave me here a lot, and yeah, if they're fighting they take it out in me, call me names or whatever but--"

"Just as bad." I commented with a sigh, but he just rolled his eyes and sat up, taking my hand and pulling me out of the warm bed.

We went to get Mike and Tony, and we all went down to the living room together. Standing together like the awkward bundle of teenagers we were, none of us spoke just yet.

"Oh," his dad said, turning around. He looked rich: nice suit, clean-cut appearance, watch on his wrist. It made me nervous because yeah, my family was wealthy, but I never looked or acted that way, or so I was told. He did though.

"Hey, Kellin. Who's this?" He asked. His dad didn't look very interested but I guess I didn't care, at least he asked. "This is Vic, that's his brother Mike, and their friend Tony."

I chuckled at that, looking over at Tony, who flipped me off and blushed. Mike asked him something quietly, but Tony just shrugged and blushed more. I rolled my eyes and stepped closer to Kellin, wanting to get this over with already.

"Interesting group," he eyed all of us, but it wasn't in a hateful way. "Have fun. Your parents know you're here right?"

He wasn't going to yell? Glare at us? He did look at Kellin a little longer, but I didn't know how to read his expression.

Maybe they weren't so bad: I'm overanalyzing things. Kellin never said they'd hit him or anything, so I shouldn't have assumed that they were some crazy alcoholics, but they did leave him a lot, so maybe he didn't hate them, he just hated being lonely and being talked down to, but who didn't?

Yeah, they weren't the best parents but this was bearable. "Yes, sir." I smiled politely and nodded. Mike nodded also and Tony, being too shy to speak, just stepped closer to Mike, almost behind him. Mike chuckled and put an arm around him, pulling him forward.

I actually really think they'd look good together.


"What did you think of them?" Kellin asked while we were all in his room, right before dinner. I shrugged because I really didn't know my opinion of them yet.

I could see why Kellin hated being here, I understood why he wanted to stay other places all the time, but I also was glad they didn't beat him or anything like that. But his dad was still sketchy to me.

I felt like he was one of those parents who acted perfect around others but was different when they left, and I didn't like that shit.

In other words, I just hoped he wasn't like my dad.

"I don't know. Your mom seems okay but your dad is sketchy and I'm worried, but it was better than I expected." I said, looking to Tony and Mike, seeing if they agreed.

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