In Which Gerard Tells Kellin too Much About Frank Iero

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Frank smoked like a chimney, he never puts his pack down when he's at home. Kellin and Gerard were gossiping like two teenage girls on the couch and me and Frank were watching TV. Well, sort of.

He was more or less just sitting there smoking, killing his lungs, but looking strangely cool while doing that. He made killing his body look cool. That's Frank in a nutshell.

"Well," he lit another with a short sigh. "Last one."

I chuckle and shake my head, watching still. "Hey, guys?" He spoke up, mumbling around his cigarette. Gerard turned his head, stopping mid-sentence, the number one sign that they were up to no good, not like I didn't know that already.

"Want to go on a double date thing tonight? I mean, it's what normal people do." He shrugged. I mimic his shrug and look at Kellin for his reaction.

He smiled and shrugged and it made me smile too, seeing his approval. He was so cute. "Why not."

Gerard nodded too, getting up and going to Frank, plopping down on his lap and taking his cigarette. "That sounds cute, Frank, good idea." He grinned and took a drag and Frank reached to get it back.

"Nope." Gerard moved away from him and Frank sighed. It was clear that he really wasn't getting it back and he looked genuinely annoyed with the boy on his lap.

I went to Kellin, taking Gerard's place on the couch. "You actually want to do this double date thing?" I asked, a little surprised since we weren't technically dating and he just seemed to be the type against that kind of thing. But he nodded and shrugged anyway, despite my assumptions.

"Yeah, why not? I mean, it'll be fun and if not, we'll at least have entertainment," he nodded over to the two who were arguing already. "Doing exactly what they're doing now."

"Well I would tease but we sort of do the same thing."

"Do not." He rolled his eyes, unaware that he was proving my point for me.

I raised my eyebrows and he sighed, shrugging. "Okay, kind of. But not as bad as we used to." I laugh a little and nod. "I know."

It got quiet besides Frank and Gerard arguing over where the date would take place, but I was fine with that because it gave me time to look at him, Kellin I mean. He looked really adorable today in his black jeans and Vans and plain black tee shirt.

I looked down and his feet weren't touching the floor.

"Awe, short. Fucking shrimp bitch."

"I'm taller than you, little bitch."

I rolled my eyes, unimpressed. "Shut up, this is coming from a fucking bottom." And just my luck, that caught Frank's attention. "Wait, what?"

Gerard looked at him like he was the dumbest boy on earth, like he had zero braincells. "Um, yes? Isn't it obvious? Plus we've discussed it."

"You have?" Me and Frank said at the same time. They talked about bottoming? Was that a thing? Bottoms talking to other bottoms about bottoming?

"Yes," Kellin said like it was obvious. "Why wouldn't we?"

Frank gasped suddenly, looking at Gerard like he had just told him he'd been discussing murder instead of bottoming. "You didn't. You did not tell him."

Gerard smiled and kissed his cheek, and Kellin is laughing, which tells me that yes, whatever it was, Gerard had indeed told Kellin what Frank was into.

"I did."

"Oh my God."

Kellin insisted that we get dressed at the same time for this little date thing. I'm sure he just wanted to watch me get dressed, but it wasn't like I was complaining.

"This is weird." I chuckled while I put put my black Polo on. "What is?" He asked, buttoning up his shirt. He looked really good in them, button-ups I mean.

"This date. It's weird, like--"

"Because we aren't dating, that's what you mean." He said, grinning in amusement. I nodded, glad he didn't take it the wrong way, which was common, and he was dramatic so it usually led to arguments.

But I guess he just knew I wasn't waning to offend him this time. "Yeah, it is a little weird," he sighed and buttoned his black pants and then came to stand in front of me. "But kind of nice."

"It is," I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Hey, how did home go? Like when you went home the other day?"

His smile faded and he sighed, rolling his eyes. "I didn't even go." He muttered. My eyes got wide because fuck, that's where he lived and you can't just avoid it, like, had he run away or something?

"You can't just not go home, Kell, what do you mean?"

"I stayed with a friend and-- I just didn't want to go, you know, you understand?" He seemed almost nervous, like he thought I would be mad or something. Which I wasn't mad, just worried about him, and I knew he didn't like that, but I also didn't care. I couldn't help but be worried.

I sighed and put my arms around him and he relaxed against me. "Not mad, I'm just really worried that's all," I smiled slightly when he laid his head on my chest because goddamn, he spent his whole life being cute I think, and it wasn't helping my jumbled thoughts.

"Would you go home if I at least drove you there? You can't just avoid where you live." I chuckled and kissed his head. He shrugged and I sighed at his apprehension.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me so we were closer to the bed, so he pushed me to sit and I let him sit on my lap. "Well, I don't even know because... because what if they don't want me to come home? Like they always yell at me and stuff and tell me I'm stupid and..." He sighed heavily and laid his on my shoulder.

"Well they won't do that if I'm there. You know how parents are, they're different when everyone else is there."

"I don't know," he kissed my cheek. "Why can't I just live with you and everything would be all easy, and we could watch movies and cuddle and kiss and argue all day?"

I laughed and shrugged, "That would be nice. But I don't think it works that way right now."

"Yeah." He said dismissively, and then it got quiet for a minute or two and we just sat there, and I heard Tony and Mike laughing from his room and shooting from the army game that they were playing and cars on the street, one of those moments you depersonalize yourself and just exist.

But it was nice, it wasn't one of those depressing ones, but one where you just appreciate where you are. And yeah, Kellin's parents were assholes even though I had never met them, and schoolwork was boring and Jack's love-life was quite problematic, but it was okay because I was here and this cute twat named Kellin was with me.

Kellin pulled me out of my thoughts by pushing me back and moving so he was straddling me. My heart rate sped up but I wouldn't tell him that. "What's wrong? Do you not want to go on this weird date thing?"

I chuckled and shook my head, "I do want to. I was just thinking, that's all." I propped up on my elbows and pecked his lips and then made us sit up. "Now, let's go. I told Frank we'd be there by now."


idk if this is lengthy or not but idc because I have the next one planned out and it's pretty noice so

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