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El was jealous over her. Whenever she was there, Hopper focused only on her. She stole all of Hopper's attention, always. Joyce Byers was having Hopper's attention the way like El had attention from Mike.
El loved Joyce, she cared for her like if she was her mother, and El apprecited that. El really saw Joyce as her own mother, but there was this small jealousy forming in her, whenever Hopper focused more on Joyce than her.

"Show her who's the boss", Max once said, when El told her what bothered her.
"How?", she asked
"Well, maybe tell her what do you think?", Max said, laughing, "and show her your iconic angry face"
"What angry face?", El asked, not understanding what Max meant.
"I dated Mikeyy", Max singed, looking at El.
El's face quickly formed into her angry, serious one. Max burst into laugh.
El blinked and turned red in embarassment.

So that's what she was doing here, waiting until Joyce comes here. Today,  Byers were invited for a movie night to them, Hoppers, and El was determinated to tell Joyce what she thinks.
When Byers came, Will ran to El and hugged her.
"Hey El!"
"Hey, Will", she said, smiling back at him. Then she scanned the room and spotted Joyce, next to Hopper.
"Like always", she murmured.
Will blinked before he releazed and he started laughing. Joyce and Hopper looked at them with puzzled face, but soon they were talking about something again.
Jonathan was already sitting in the couch, waiting for others to come.
Hopper motioned for kids to go sit, but El protested and said that she needs Joyce for a moment. She grabbed her hand and forced her to go out of the house with her.
"Uh,...yes sweetie?", Joyce said, giving El her puzzled face.
El opened her mouth but soon enough she releazed that she didn't know how to say it, so she was quiet. Joyce blinked before she kneeled down and looked at the kid.
"What is it El? You know you can tell me anything-"
"You steal", El said quickly.
Joyce's face turned into shock, not understanding what was El trying to say.
"I am- I am sorry I wha-"
"You steal dad's attention", El said, using Max's advice, looking at her angrily.
Joyce looked from El to the house, and her mouth formed a small sad smile.
"I am sorry I didn't know it,...bothers you", she said, looking away, small part of her felt sad about it.
El thought a bit, before she releazed that her actions can do something horrible to their 'family' relationship.
"I mean,...", she started, not sure what to say. She started panicking, worried that she messed up something, that she will loose all of them.
"Hey, hey it's ok sweetie, take your time", Joyce said, giving her a soft hug with sad smile, waiting.
"I just,.. dad always seems to forget, when you are there", El said, whispering.
Joyce chuckled and picked up El on her arms. "So you feel jealous because Hopper talks to me?"
El looked away in embarassment but agreed.
"You two seem like me and Mike", she said finally.
"What do you mean by that, honey?", Joyce questionized, looking at the little kid. When she finally understood, her face flushed red. She looked away, thinking of it.
"Did I....say something wrong?", El asked after while.
"No! No of course not I just- uhm- I-it's not how it seems", Joyce said, laughing nervously. She walked inside the house again, with El in her arms, closing doors behind them.
"It is not?", El asked, with more puzzled look on her face.
"I- u-uh- it's hard", Joyce admitted in whisper, putting El down.
"What about we'll go watch some movie?", Joyce said, smiling again, pushing Joyce towards living room.

When they were finally together on the couch and Hopper turned on movie that Jonathan picked up, Hopper excused himself that he will go to make coffee, and he took Joyce with himself.
"What did she wanted?", Hopper asked in the silence, looking nervously at Joyce.
"Uh- t-that's not important", she said, looking away.
"Joyce. What did Jane wanted from you?", Hopper asked again, his nervous tone only grew bigger.
"She uh,...she just feels jealous", Joyce said, chuckling.
"Jealous-?", Hopper had more puzzled face than before.
"Well,...She feels like you ignore her when I am here", she said, laughing when Hopper finally understood.
"Oh? Just because we talk it doesn't mean that I ignore her", Hopper said, crossing his arms.
"She also said that we remind her of her and Mike", Joyce murmured, hoping that Hopper didn't hear it.
But he did. He spitted his coffee and looked at Joyce with red face. She quickly turned her attention at the kids in the living room.
She decided that she won't look at Hopper, she was afraid of his face.
"S-she does?", Hopper said after the silence.
Hopper blinked, before he looked away too.
"Look Joyce I am sorry-"
"Sorry? Sorry for what?", Joyce asked, her attention falling on him once again.
"Well...sorry for El-", he said, slowly turning his attention at Joyce, "I uh- uhm-"
"You?", Joyce moved closer to him, scanning his face.
Hopper leaned closer, too. Now they were both looking at each others eyes,  not daring to move closer.
"Are you going?", Jonathan shouted at them, clearly noticing the weird tension between the adults.
Both Hopper and Joyce jumped, not expecting Jonathan to watch them.
"Yeah we're going", Hopper said, taking his coffee and quickly moving to living room, leaving Joyce alone.
She blinked several times, trying to admit the fact that she nearly kissed her best friend, trying to hide the blush that creeped on her face.

Jopper Oneshots (by Nikol Mistr)Where stories live. Discover now