The mimic

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/Again, Fnaf x Stranger Things. In this short Jopper fanfic I added "the Mimic" robot, just for fun. Basicly this was actually not my idea, but one of my friends idea

However if you are nor Fnaf fan it doesn't matter, after all it still has Jopper aspects!/

Joyce was sitting on her couch, watching Tv series. She yawned and looked around her room, feeling bored already.

Her kids were out and she was alone, slowly boring herself to death. She sighed.

Suddenly, she heard a phone ringing, so she quickly got up and ran.

Catching her phone just in time, she said: "Hello?"

"Hmsh,...Hey Joyce~", Hopper murmured inside the phone. She blushed at his tone.

"Uh....Hop, is everything okay?", She asked, raising her eyebrow.

"It would be even better with you~", he whispered seductively inside the phone, making her blush even more.


"Why don't you come over my place, hm?~"

Her eyes wide opened, her mind spinning. Was he drunk or something?

"We could do some things, you know?~"

Joyce hesitated for a while, but she eventually burst into chuckle.

"I bet. I'll be there in 10 minutes, alright?~", she said plafully, smirking.

Suddenly, the other side went silent. No Hopper answearing. Then she could hear Murray's voice.


"I- Murr- Wh- WAIT-", Joyce blushed heavily, not understanding what was going on.

"CAUGHT ON 4K BABY!", Murray laughed, slamming his hand into something, which made a weird sound. Almost like he punched a metal.

"B- JIM?! L-LET ME EXP-", Joyce tried, knowing that Jim was just over there, but he interputted her.

"Should I say something more playfull to her?", Jim's voice suggested silently, most likely talking to Murray. But Murray didn't seem to notice, or he ignored him.

"You two should get together just now~", Murray teased Joyce.

"But- JIM-", Joyce tried, but suddenly she stayed in shock, listening.

"Yes, you are right, we definitely should", Joyce's voice said, but that didn't escaped from her own mouth. It was on the other side.

"What the,...", She whispered, "Murray...?"

"Don't Worry about this", Murray said with calm voice, clearly aware of what said that.

"Yea don't worry about it", Murray said again.

"HEY-", Murray said, looking like he argued with himself.

Joyce just blinked her eyes, listening as Murray got into pretty weird conversation with himself. For a secon she really thought it, but then something popped inside her head. What if it was someone else talking, someone who could immitate peoples voices?

However when Joyce wanted to ask the question, Hopper bursted inside her house, the real Hopper.

He was smiling and waving at her, she seemed even more confused now. Who was that person with Murray-?

"I like you~", the fake Hopper said again, and Joyce tried hard not to blush.

"Murray the heck is this human? Tell him to stop.", She pleaded.

"It's- not so easy-", Murray said, slapping something metal again.

"I TOLD YOU THE PRANK IS OVER!", He shouted angrily.

"But I like the prank", Joyce's voice said once again, making the real Joyce blink.

"Just- basicly I created this robot that can mimic people's actions and voices", Murray said.

"Joyce-?", Hopper walked towards her, impatient for her. He seemed like a puppy waiting for his human to have time on him.

She sighed and left Murray alone, turned to Hopper and pulled him into a deep hug.

"Who was that?", Hopper asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Just your stupid friend that knows Russian doing pranks on me", she murmured, pretty surprised that Hopper laughed at it.

"Hey that's not funny!", She said, but she laughed at it, too. How could she believe it, anyway?

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