Ignored (fixed version)

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She knew from the start that this was a bad joke and she didn't agreed with it. Even if Karen confronted her with words like "It's just a prank" and "He can't take it this bad", she still knew him more than Karen ever did.

That's why it was so hard to continue the ignoring chalenge when she met Hopper for third time in a day.

She cared for him, and noticing how hurted he was when she didn't even lay her eyes on him, made her feel impossibly bad.

A tear escape her eyes when he stepped away because he got bored of just standing in her shop, being completely ignored.

The whole day was hard for her but she couldn't image how hard it must have been for him.

When she ended up work, she usually went to pick up Will from school, but she knew Hopper would wait there on El, so she didn't risk it. She stayed home.

She sat on her couch, thinking. Usually she would have a chat with Hopper by now, when they both waited for their kids in front of school. She would laugh and giggle to his jokes whole day, teasing him and watching as his face blushed for no reason.

Sometimes she thought he might like her, but she never really gotten to the point where she believed that he would share same feelings as her.

She sniffled. Until today, she never releazed how independed she was on him. How Hopper was only person that held her from breaking down, now, she understood.

When Will came from school, he hurried to her and asked her nicely if she was okay. She nodded with fake smile and let her child think that everything was okay, that she just didn't feel on going out and that she was tired.

Will then suggested for her to go lay down, and Joyce gladly took the offer. She thought how dumb she was, after all if she would sleep whole day, the day would get over, right?

But she couldn't fall asleep. She was worried that this might break their friendship, that ignoring him was a step for him to be cold on her.

She started hyperventilating until she heard the cell phone ringing. She let Will pick it up and shifted on her bed, wondering who would call them.

After some minutes, Will gently knocked on the doors, asking if he might step in. Joyce agreed and he sat on her bed, staring at Joyce.

"Hopper called", he started slowly, "he said that he is worried about you,...he asked me if he did something wrong."

Joyce just listened, not sure how to reply, she let Will continue.

"He sounded pretty scared, I don't know, did something happend?"

Joyce just sighed and out her hand on her hair.

"No everything is...fine, just- just a stupid prank"


"Yeah.. Karen told me to ignore Hopper for 24 hours", she sighed.

"Aren't you two old for making such a stupid pranks?", Will said sarcastically.

Joyce just laughed and hugged her boy softly.

"Believe me or not, even adults can be fun sometimes", she whispered.

Will hesitated and thought of it a bit, before saying slowly.

''But this doesn't sound as fun, to either of you''

''I know..-''

''He sounded on a verge of tears, I would say''

''Hopper?!'', Joyce gasped. She never thought Hopper cried, well, atleast not visibly in front of anyone. Suddenly, she felt even worse, and she felt as her own tears made their way in.

Will just watched her.

''You should call him back, the day is nearly over anyway'', he whispered.

Joyce nodded and in second she was standing, running over phone.

She dialed Hoppers number and hoped that he would pick it up quickly. She nearly started crying when he didn't picked it up on first,and she dialed the number again. Suddenly someone picked it up.

''Hello?'', El whispered, her voice confused.

''O-Oh hey sweetie! Is your father there?'', she asked slowly.

''Oh- Hop? he just locked himself in the bedroom..'', El said with concern. 

''He...locked...himself?'', Joyce was surprised to hear it, and she sighed, ''Can...can you go tell him that I would love to talk to him...please?''

''Uhm..sure?'', El said and gently put the handset from the phone on the table, walking away.

Joyce just stand there in worry, and as much as she waited, her worries took over her. Soon enough she was shaking in fear. 

''Joyce..?'', Hopper whispered silently.

''O-Oh my god Hopper! Thank god!'', she nearly sobbed, yet she held herself.

''What...what did I do? Why did you ignored me-? Did I messed something up-''

''No no no no no no no NO you did NOTHING it- it was- it was just- STUPID DARE from Karen'', Joyce finally let the sob out, and then there was silent.

''What kind of dare'', Hopper asked after few minutes.

''Uhm...s-she told me to...ignore you..''

Another silence.

''Hopper...? Please...say...say something''

He sighed.

''Better than doing something wrong, I guess...''

''Jim. You...you did nothing wrong! Please don't ever think that Hop....''

''Alright...Well, thank you for the call anyway'', he said happily, ending the call.

She just put the phone back, sighing heavily. Maybe she really just messed up their friendship.

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