The misunderstood

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It was Friday, Joyce's favourite day. She loved this day not just because of the freedom that it gave her, but because of him. Hoppers had a routine to come over Byers and have a movie night. Joyce loved it, because Hopper made her feel safe. He made her feel comfortable with everything, nearly like nothing happend at all. She loved that feeling, the feeling of being saved. Sometimes she wondered if this feeling to Hopper was something else than just simple friendship. And whenever she thought of it, the butterflies appeared in her stomach. She was aware of fact that she loved him, but she tried to push that feeling away. What if he didn't feel the same? She just couldn't end their friendship this way.
They were sitting in the kitchen, talking about their kids. Today, Jonathan, Will and El were watching that kind of movie, that was boring for Joyce and Hopper, so they decided to leave. However she needed to focuse hard on what he said, because her eyes laid on his lips. She wanted to kiss him so much, the need was only getting bigger every single day. 
''Joyce? Were you listening?'', he asked, laughing at her confused face.
''Uh-huh'', she said, her eyes quickly landed away.
''Are you sure? you didn't seem to pay attention to me'', he said with mischievous grin.
''I was just,...thinking of something''
''And what about?''
Her face redened, but she didn't said anything.
Hopper raised his eyebrow and chuckled. He leaned across the table to her and whispered to her ear, ''What did you thought of?''
Joyce's insides turned and her lips turned pink.
''A-About the weekend! Yes, about what I plan tommorow'', she said, looking away from him.
He ssemed to be sad about wht he said, but she couldn't ask him on it, because Will and El ran to the room, smiling and laughing. Both Joyce and Hopper smiled and hugged their own kids, knowing that it means it's time to go. 
''Dad? Can we stay there for a night?'', El asked, wrapping arms around her fathers neck.
Hoppers cheeks turned pink, as Joyce noticed, but she thought she just imagined that, so she shook her head.
''Well- we can't-''
''I mean, if you don't want to sleep on couch, El can stay there and you can go home..?'', Joyce suggested, hoping that Hopper would like to stay.
''Well alright then, I like that idea'', he said after a while. He got up and ruffled Will's hair.
''Goodnight kiddos'', he said, also putting his daughter in a deep love hug, then he walked to the living room, waving to Jonathan. Joyce just followed him like a sheep, sad that he was going to leave. She just wanted him to stay with her, and she cursed herself for even suggest such a thing like that.
They walked to the main hall, and Hopper picked up his jacket. Joyce took his hat and she wanted to give it to him, when Chester ran across them, making Joyce fall on Hopper. Hopper chuckled and pulled Joyce closer to him.
''Goddamn dog'', both Joyce and hopper muttered in same time, and when they releazed it, they started laughing. 
''You owe me a coke!'', Hopper said, laughing, and at the same time, Joyce said ''You owe me a kiss on lips!''
When Joyce releazed what actually she said, her face turned red and she looked away quickly, making weird noices. Hopper also turned red, and he wasn't actually sure what to do. So he pulled her closer to him, a wolf smile suddenly appearing on his face .
''Oh, so you want a kiss?~'', he whispered seductively.
Joyce was so worried to look in his eyes, that she nearly forgot how to breathe. When she releazed she wasn't breathing, she quickly breathed in, right when Hopper took her gently by her face. She sighed and looked him right in his eyes, wondering what she will see. And for the first time in years, she saw something else in his eyes. His eyes glew with love. Before she could say anything, Hopper locked their lips together, in a soft, desperate kiss that Joyce waited for a long time. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer, needing more. 
When Hopper pulled off her, he needed to chuckle. 
''Can you stay,..?'', she whispered, burrying her face into his shirt. She could tell Hopper was surprised, and she just hoped he meant the kiss, really.
''As long as you want me to stay?'', he said, picking her up gently. 
She giggled and wrapped her hands around his neck again.
''I want you to sleep with me~'', she whispered softly, making Hopper blushing.
''What do we say to kids?'', he said, walking to her room slowly.
''That's on you, chief~'', she whispered, already knowing that she would adore this night.

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