Lost in the forrest

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They had lost themselfs in the forrest when they were walking to the Hawkings from a birthday party of one of their friend.
On one side, it was all her fault that she wanted to go with Hop to the forrest, but, it was him who said that they didn't need a map.
Joyce had been listening to him for the whole time, before they finally releazed that they were lost. Joyce also lost her control and cursed Hopper loudly, nearly shouting on the whole place. Then there was silence, and Joyce knew what was coming.
"So this is all MY FAULT?", he asked, raising his voice slowly. He turned to her, and she could see that his face turned red from anger. She didn't mind to tell him anything, she just watched him.
"IT WASN'T! YOU DIDN'T WANT TO TAKE A MAP!", She said, forcing herself to stay angry at him.
Hopper's hands turned into fists, and something in her stomach flinched. This feeling happend whenever she saw him this way. It wasn't the feeling of being afraid or worried, it was feeling of being amused by the situation.
"So you think that YOU would do better WITHOUT my help?!"
"I guess so.", she said coldly, a small part of her still angry about it, but the other part loved that this happend.
"OH GREAT! GO AHEAD WOMAN!", Hopper shouted at her, feeling completely angry.
She smiled and walked to him. He was looking away, so he didn't noticed her walking to him, and when he turned his head back, he nearly hit her face with his. He blinked, releazing that she was next to him, and before he could say anything, Joyce kissed him.
She wrapped her arms around his.
Hopper was so angry and confused that after Joyce pulled away, he didn't made any sound.
"You said go ahead", she said, blushing.
He looked at her, his anger quickly fading. He started blushing, scanning her for a second. Then he sighed.
"You are so complicated"
She giggled and looked away, thinking. They were quiet for a second, thinking of what just happend.
"I actually have an idea", she said after a while.
"What kind of?"
"Put me on that tree", she said, pointing up.
He looked at her in surprise and laughed loudly.
"What?!", she said, walking to the tree, "I will see what way to go!"
"And what, you can climb a tree, Byers?"
"Of course I can!", she said.
Hopper sighed and walked to her.
"You sure?"
"I am f#cking sure Hopper.", she murmured in annoyance, "Just pick me up already"
He did as she said. He picked her up and put her on the tree. She catched the nearest branch and started climbing slowly.
Hopper was just standing there, watching her if in any cases she would fall.
Suddenly, she dissapeared behind the leaves. There was silence for a while, before Hopper started to worry.
There was no answear.
Nothing, not even the rustling of leaves. Hopper panicked, not sure if Joyce didn't hurt herself or maybe collaps or something.
Right in the time when Hopper decided to try and climb the tree by himself, a little head showed up in upside down position from the leaves.
"What?", she asked, giggling at him.
"Joyce- OH MY GOD"
"What is it?", she asked like if she didn't know what happend.
"You- you goddamn woman!"
She just laughed and nearly fell down.
"Is it- is it okay if you'd catch me?"
"Don't you want to- change your position-"
But before he could add something else, Joyce fell. He catched her by her legs, hoping that her head didn't hit the grass. He quickly looked down and noticed that Joyce was smiling. He got punched by her foot in the face, so he pulled her down.
She fell with a thumb and looked at him with angry face.
"So? What did you saw?"
"This way", she pointed behind Hopper, "was the most shortest way, and that's exactly what my feet wants"
"So we are going the other way", Hopper said playfully.
"No! I- Oh c'mon Hopper!"
"You can sit on my back if you really cannot walk", he said, winking at her.
She chuckled and nodded.
"Ride me there, chief", she smirked and jumped on his back.

Jopper Oneshots (by Nikol Mistr)Where stories live. Discover now