Saving him

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/idk how to call this chapter- this one is kinda inspirated by my dearest friend<33/

"No. Hopper couldn't just dissapear, right...?", Was the first thought that showed.

She was standing there, staring at the burned machine like if miracle would happen. Tears started filling her eyes when nothing moved.

"HOPPER!", she screamed pretty loud, she didn't care if Russians would find her there.

Her legs could barely move, yet she somehow found herself running. She needed him.

"HOPPER!!", she screamed again, looking from left and right.

Suddenly, she heard steps behind herself. She moved quickly, hoping to see her best friend, however it was Murray.

"Joyce...? Joyce we need to get out!", Murray said. He releazed that something happend to Hopper, and he didn't want to bother Joyce at the moment, because she could possibly break down even more.

He gently touched her arm, ready to drag her away. But she didn't move.

"Joyce,...he will be alright, but we won't be if-"

"SHUT UP MURRAY!", she protested and pushed Murray away, making her way further to place where she last saw Hopper.

When she got there, her legs broke and she fell, crying his name once again, but no one answeared her.

No. This couldn't be truth. She was finally ready, he couldn't just die. She was ready to be his, she wanted him as much as he wanted her, there was no way he would leave her. She needed to find him immidiently.

She got up, tears falling down rapidly. She wiped her eyes and scanned the room. Suddenly, she saw it.

His hand was laying helplessly there.

Her eyes opened wide and suddenly, everything stopped for her.

"Hopper,..", she whispered, moving forward to him. She knealed in front of his limp body and whined loudly.

Hoppers clothes were bloody, and Hop himself looked very injured. His eyes were closed, blood was dripping from the big scratch on his forehead as well as from a little bigger hole on his stomach.

"Hop- no no no no no no-!", Joyce whispered, quickly checking if he was breathing. But he wasn't.

She whimpered again, her shaking arms searching if he had pulse, but his pulse was gone.

Her eyes opened even wider in the horrifying image, and for a few seconds her soul left her body.

"NO FUCK IT!", she shouted, shaking her head. He wasn't dead and she needed to wake him up quickly. Atleast that's what she thought for herself.

Her hands pressed his rib cage and she started doing CPR. She wouldn't leave him die here, no way. She didn't know to how many she should count, but that didn't stop her from trying to save him.

Tears were falling down as she continued, giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when nothing worked.

If Joyce knew this before, if she knew she would loose him, she would kiss him even before they stepped inside the building. She would slam him against that stupid wall, make out with him, just like Murray said. She would show Hopper how much she trully loved him, before it was too late.

Before it was too late..

She let out a sad chuckle, cursing herself for even letting this situation happend. Tears were falling down her face like rain, she couldn't even see, but she knew she couldn't stop what she was doing now.

She pumped harder and harder, everytime the image of her loosing him would hit her, forcing her to continue.

She heard footsteps, and suddenly someone was rubbing her shoulders, pushing her away. She screamed.

"STOP! LET ME SAVE HIM", she cried loudly, aware of the fact that it was Murray. She pulled away and continued the CPR process.

She knew Hopper was gone, but she didn't want to admit it. She didn't want to loose another man of her life.

However, her power was slowly but surely leaving her body. She hitted his chest again and again, hoping for miracle to happen, however Hopper didn't even shifted.

Finally, she slowly admitted the fact that he is gone, and her head slammed her against his chest with loud cry.

To her surprise, Hoppers eyes opened wildly as he came alive suddenly. His mouth opened as he tried to gasp for air, hands searching for anything he could catch.

When Joyce releazed that Hopper was alive, she smiled wildly and wrapped her arms around him. She whispered a lovable things to his ear, not letting him go.

When Hopper finally got his breathe back, she hugged Joyce closer, glad that she had her in his miserable life.

Jopper Oneshots (by Nikol Mistr)Where stories live. Discover now