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Place of happening: Season 3, the Hawkins lab.

They were in the Lab, arguing about something stupid, but for both of them it was important. At the first part Hopper joked about it, but it bothered him to the fact where he screamed at Joyce angrily. Joyce, who never left fights, fought with him.
"YOU KNOW WHAT BYERS?! YOU WON! I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!", Hopper suddenly screamed, anger boiling in his body.
"Oh? Is that what you want? ALRIGHT SURE!", she said, raising her hands up.
He huffed and walked away angrily. Joyce was just watching him.
"I HOPE I'LL NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN JIM HOPPER", she screamed after him, but as soon as he was gone, she burst into tears.

When Hopper walked through the building, he got lost. He sighed and tried to clear his head, trying to calm himself down. Then he looked from the left to the right, and picked up the right hall. He was walking through a weird part of the laboratory, ending up next to the elevator. He turned around with determination to get back to Joyce, but someone hitted him from behind. He fell on the floor with 'ouch' noise, kicking someone to their legs and dragging up on his feet quickly.
He blinked several times before he noticed that it was dark haired man, that looked pretty dangerous. He smiled at Jim and tried to punch him with his fits, making Hopper back away quickly.
"Who the hell are you?", Hopper said, trying to punch the man, but he took Hopper's fist and threw it away, so Hopper fell on his back with groaning.
When the man knealed on the floor next to him, making sure that Hopper wouldn't be able to punch him, Hopper screamed Joyce's name loudly, hoping that she would help him whatever way she could.

Joyce was sitting at the same room, repeating whole situation once again.
'God I was so stupid', she thought, tears falling down on her cheek. She didn't want to fight with Hopper, she just wanted him next to her, not fighting with her.
"Hopper?", She said after a while, hoping that he is somewhere in the hall, waiting. But there was no answear. She sighed and looked from the window. Hopper's car was still there, and it seemed like he didn't even walk away from the building. She got up, determinated to find him and apologize to him.
She walked away from the room, through the wall, but she couldn't see any clues where Hopper could be.
"Hop?", She asked carefuly, but there was no answear.
"Hopper where are you?", she asked more loudly, waiting. But no answear.
She shaked her head and walked to another room, calling his name.
Then she heard it. She heard Hopper whimpering. She froze at place, listening carefuly. He was in room behind the right wall. Joyce quickly but silently ran there, meeting very interesting scene.
Hopper was laying on the floor, blood flowed  from his head, blood was everywhere on Hopper's shirt and on the floor, actually.
The man was sitting on Hopper, beating him up harshly, without innocence.
Joyce's eyes widened, before she backed away, gasping. She knew she didn't had much time, and that she needed to get the man off Hopper immidiently. She crawled quickly behind their back, noticing that a gun was laying on the floor. She quickly grabbed it and pointed it on the stranger.
"STEP AWAY FROM HIM", she screamed, her voice unsure, scared.
The man didn't stop, he continued beating Hopper.
Joyce quickly shot ceiling, hoping that it would do something.
And the man stopped, looking at her. She could notice his dark black eyes, full of evil and brutality. She gulped and made step away.
"Leave, him, alone", she said, her arms still pointing gun at him.
He just chuckled, but he eventually got up from Hopper. He turned around to look right into her face, scanning her.
" Ты действительно думаешь, что сможешь запугать меня?", he said, smile appearing on his face.
Joyce blinked and nearly dropped her gun, but she quickly got back to herself.
"I am sorry I don't understand a SH*T you said", she said, dangerously resting her finger on the trigger, "but that doesn't mean I wouldn't kill you"
He sighed and put his hand on his face, angrily shaking his head.
"Are you sure you would shoot me, ma'am?", he said slowly, picking the right words.
"I would, I would do it", Joyce said angrily.
He chuckled again, kicking Hopper's stomach. Hopper spitted some blood and he curled up slowly into a ball. Joyce's anger kicked in, but she couldn't find herself pulling the trigger.
"Кажется, ты не можешь этого сделать", he said, walking closer to her.
She took step back, angrily screaming, "STEP BACK OR I S-SHOOT YOU!", but he didn't listen.
She saw him getting closer, and she knew she didn't had much options. She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger. She shivered when she heard the loud noise and scream, and she was too afraid to open her eyes, until she didn't hear Hopper's weak voice.
"Joyce", he whispered almost too quietly.
She quickly opened her eyes, releazing that she shot the man right to his brain, causing him quick death. She nearly threw up from the scene, but she held herself. She scanned the room, noticing that Hopper was trying to get up but he fell back horribly. She gasped loudly and ran to him.
"HOPPER- OH- HOP- GODDAMN IT",she shouted, tears forming on her face. She rested his head on her thighs gently, scanning his injuries. He was bleeding horribly, his breath unsteady.
"Sorry", he whispered quietly.
"N-NO- HOPPER, I-IT'S,", her vision became blur, so she wiped her own tears away. "W-who the hell he is?", she cried.
Hopper didn't answeared her.
"W-what the hell you d-did that he b-beat you up?", she said between sobs, hugging him closely to her. But something didn't seem right.
"H-Hop?", she asked carefully, but there was no answear. Suddenly her eyes became wide once again, fear consuming her body quickly.
"Hopper. H- HOPPER. HOPPER TALK TO ME. HOPPER!", she screamed, shaking with his body. But he didn't answeared.
Her mind flushed around the memories of past. Time when they were on High school, time when she was without him, time when he was there to find her boy,Will. She never releazed how much she needed him in her life.
She then releazed he might not be breathing, and that it would be good to check it. She checked his breathe and releazed that he trully wasn't breathing. Her whole body started shaking even more by the releaze, and she tried to focuse on remembering the old good First aid kit.
She started doing heart massage on him, hoping that she remembered right how Hopper taught her this.
'Please,...Hopper please',her mind was praying for him to wake up.
When nothing happend, she took his face into her hands, tears falling down from her cheek.
 So she tried mouth-to-mouth breathing. It was very weird and uncomfortable for her, but she still did it. When nothing happend, she repeated her actions once again and again and again. At third try Hopper gasped and opened his eyes wildly. She smiled sadly, watching him trying to get up. She stopped him gently, putting him on her shoulder, making him calm. He spitted some blood on his shirt, looking at her.
Then she releazed that she had his blood in her mouth too. She looked away in embarassment, and gulped.
''Joyce...? What..what-'', he couldn't really finish his sentence, because he slowly started remembering. Then he became silent and sat next to her, his head still bleeding. His eye caught the deadly laying body of the man next to them. ''Holly shit Joyce'', he whispered.
She looked at him, her eyes still full of tears. 
''I k-killed him,..I killed a human,.. I-I am murdere-''
''Hell no- you, did great'', he whispered slowly, putting her into soft hug. ''I am sorry about earlier'', he said, his voice trembling.
She chuckled softly and rested her head on his shoulder. ''No, I should be s-sorry''
''Don't., don't make any jerky movements Hop.'', she said while she hugged him closer to her. ''I should get you to hospital''
''It's just broken head, I can heal it myself'', hopper said, his voice determinated.
''You just PASSED OUT on me, so no, you are GOING to the hospital.''
They were looking right into each others eyes for a while, waiting who does the next step. Joyce didn't want to wait any longer, so she grabbed his face and pulled him into passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around her, afraid that if he let go of her, this moment would be gone. When Joyce pulled away of him, her face formed big smile. Hopper chuckled to it.
''You wanted it, right?'', he asked in amuse.
''Hmf,... I mean I don't want to see you again''
Hoppers face was shocked for a second, waiting for explaining.
''I don't want to see you being JUST my best friend, I want you to be something more'', she said in playful tone, giggling at his slight reaction.
"Well I,...", he started, not sure what to say, "Well I would love to be something more to you"
Joyce smiled, then giggled. She leaned closer to him and gave him passionate kiss.

Jopper Oneshots (by Nikol Mistr)Where stories live. Discover now