The missing of Jim Hopper

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Oh god this took so long X_X
I am so sorry for any grammatic or just mistakes there, I wrote this chapter for a week I think, so it doesn't need to make current logic- please I am sorry 😭

Joyce and Jim had been friends from High school. They both suffered a lot, none of them had a bright idea what they would like to became in future. They both dated once, but it didn't feel right, so they stopped their something. Joyce then started dating Lonnie and Jim was with Chrissy, but even that didn't last long. When Hopper was supposed to go to Vietnam, Joyce begged him to stay, she pulled him into deep hug and didn't want to get of him, until he really changed his mind and stayed. Then they managed to finish school, and they both went into police. Jim had became a chief of their town, while Joyce had became his only detective. And since Hawkins town was pretty small one, mostly she was paid for nothing. Of course some people saw it as problem, so she started working for Hopper as his own assistant to atleast do something useful.
Their friendship went very well, and even if some people saw them as 'old married couple', they weren't able to talk about their feelings. It was truth that Joyce felt something more for him, and that feeling never left after they stopped dating back at High school, but it just felt wrong to date him. She didn't know why, but it didn't seem right, and she followed her head.
Once, Joyce and Jim had a horrible argument. It was because Hopper was too lazy to finish something, and he threw that on his detectives table with no caring. Joyce had already enough work that she needed to finish, so she protested. Their fight ended up with hateful words and Hopper slamming doors behind him, angrily going away from the whole police station. Joyce sighed and yet, she still did that work for him.
The next day Joyce came to work a little bit lately, and when she came, she met worried Flo.
''What's wrong?'', Joyce asked, picking up clean mug and puring fresh coffee to it.
''Hopper didn't come yet, I feel like something is wrong. You know that he isn't person of not coming to work'', Flo sighed and leaned against wall.
''I know, but I also know that he has a lazy ass so I don't really see that as a problem'', Joyce joked and sipped of her coffee. Then she coughed, because someone clearly burned this coffee, it tasted like a dirt to her.
''I know he is, darling, but he would atleast call someone, or leave a message''
''And he didn't?'', Joyce asked with surprised voice. It was truth that if Hopper was coming late, he would leave a message or atleast call.
''Hed didn't,..that's what worries me'', Flo whispered nervously.
Joyce bit her lip and looked at the time. She sighed.
''That dumbass is suppossed to talk with our mayor in an hour or so!'', she murmured angrily.
Flo looked at her, then smiling sadly.
''Well, since I am there as 'his assistant' and he isn't there, I have nothing to do, so i could go check on him I suppose?'', Joyce said, quickly drinking the rest of her burned coffee and putting the mug into sink.
''That sounds like great idea, dear'', Flo admitted, sitting on a chair, ''I will wait here if he would call or something''
When Joyce was walking down the street, her head wondered about him all the time. There was no way that he just forgot to call anyone, but in same time, he was dumb enough to not to do that, too. She sighed and then she stopped in front of his house.
' Lights are off. Well duh, obviously when it's night time', she thought and rolled her eyes. She walked to his front doors and gently knocked on them. She waited atleast 5 minutes and then she raised her eyebrow and knocked again, but no one answeared.
"Oh c'mon Jim!", she groaned and knocked again, more agressively and loudly. Suddenly, fear got over her.
' Could something happend to him?', she thought.
"Jim..?", she said loudly, hoping that he would answear.
Then she looked around and walked to one big rock on his garden and picked it up, finding Hopper's "secret" keys. She told him many times to put these keys somewhere else, but he never listened.
She came to his front doors and gently opened them, walking to his hall. Everything seemed alright, so she believed that Hopper was just sleeping in his bed. However, when she walked to his living room, her eyes widened and she gasped.
Everything seemed upside down. Random papers were laying on the floor, there was a big puddle, propably from ink. Hoppers chair from his bedroom was laying there, when it felt, it propably threw away Tv that was on the small table. The Tv was laying just some steps away, its broken glass around the place.
'What the heck happend there...?', Joyce thought, carefuly stepping to his bedroom. The doors were wide open, revealing the horrible view that Joyce could seen just meter before stepping there.
Hoppers bedroom was very similiar like his living room, things were laying on the floor and everything was so messy. Hoppers blanket was next to Joyce's feet and his pillows were just two feets next to the bed. But Hopper was nowhere.
Joyce scanned the room again, only to notice a slight blood that was on his bed and was located all around the way to window. Window was wide opened and something small and white was stuck there.
Joyce quickly ran there and picked up small paper that was covered with slight blood. She read quietly and her body started shaking.
"I have chief of the police, if you want to see him alive again, I want 30 000$ in the abanonded Creel house in 24 hours, so at Friday evening."
Joyce thought a bit. If this wasn't some kind of game by Hopper, and it was reality, her most loved person was in danger. And id she wasn't going to fight, he could die. She would never be able to tell him sorry for their little argument, not to mention that she would never ever see him again. The idea of her never seeing his face made her  burst into tears and falling on the floor.
30 000$ was goddamnly too much even for police itself, and she was 100% sure that whoever it was wouldn't wait any longer then this 24 hours. She sniffled hardly and wiped her tears away. There was no way that this situation made her so bad, after all they still had a chance to get Hopper back, right? Plus this chance was way higher than the chance that he would have died.
So she got up quickly and ran to Hopper's cell phone. She called the number 911 and hoped that it would be Flo who would pick it up. To her luck it truly was her.
"Hello? Police station of Hawkins", she said tiredly.
"F-Flo? Flo I need you to come here. Take some police officers too", Joyce stuttered and tried so hard not to fall apart.
"Joyce? Sweetie are you alright? What's going on-"
"THEY KIDNAPPED HOPPER! JUST DON'T STAY THERE LIKE AN IDIOT AND COME HERE!", Joyce shouted impatiently and cancelled the call, tears falling down from her face. Then she releazed that her hand was resting in something warm, and she screamed when she releazed that it was someones blood. She only hoped to god that the blood around this place wasn't Jims.

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