Chapter Six 🔥

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Georg was glad that he had made it a point to never accept jobs from sororities. As student himself, there were too many risks of being recognized by classmates or other alumni. As he sat in his car staring at the large sorority house ahead, he felt a sense of apprehension. The name of the sorority, Theta Lambda Xi...the members were the ones who had hired Malcolm for the bachelorette party job. And the only reason he knew that was because the Maid of Honor had signed the name of the sorority on the contract thinking that it would get her some sort of discount. Mac thought it was hilarious and had shared it with everyone, and they had gotten a good laugh out of it.

Now, wasn't so funny.

I don't remember Tomie being at the club when the contract was signed, but...I was working that night the Maid of Honor came in to sign the contract. What if she's there now and recognizes me?

Georg sighed heavily and shook his head, rubbing his eyes and he steeled his nerves. He couldn't sit in his car forever. He needed to get his lab project done, and he had to complete it with Tomie. While he could text her to come out and meet him, he had already said he would come to the door. May as well get this over with.

Georg got out of his car and quickly headed towards the front door of Theta Lambda Xi's sorority house. He was dressed casually in a sweater, jean jacket, and jeans. It was a toned down version of his usual outfit, as he always dressed to impress. He made good money to pull it off. But he didn't want to draw attention to himself.

Unfortunately, I have a knack for drawing attention to myself. He smirked at the thought though. Not that it's always a bad thing.

He reached the door to the sorority house and knocked on it. He could hear squeals and excited chatter on the other side. His brow rose in amusement. Are they planning a party?

The door to the sorority house swept open, revealing a lovely young woman with bouncy blonde curls. Her face and eyes immediately lit up when she took Georg in. Georg smiled at her politely. "Is Tomie Lange here?"

The young woman stammered loudly, her eyes still wide. Georg couldn't tell if she was genuinely speechless, or if she was trying to think up an excuse for him to not see Tomie. Georg however wasn't interested in entertaining her. Not only did he have an assignment to complete, but he didn't have an affinity towards blondes. Strange perhaps, considering he was a blonde and all, but he was always more inclined towards darker hair.

"Phyllis, that's me! Hi Georg!"

The blonde looked over her shoulder and Georg lifted his gaze as he saw Tomie running down the stairs towards them. She was waving her arm and laughing a little. She was dressed in a white sweater dress and blue cardigan. "I'm here! I'm ready!"

"I just arrived, Tomie," Georg said, resisting the urge to naturally purr at her. It didn't help that she was a naturally beautiful young woman with a bubbly personality, brown hair, and lovely blue eyes. But he remembered to keep himself in check and nodded behind him. "Ready to go?"

"Yes, I am!"

"Oh, you guys can do your project here!" Phyllis offered, batting her eyelashes at Georg.

"I don't want to get in Stacey's way," Tomie said over her shoulder. "I'll be back in two hours to help, I promise!"

Phyllis pouted in disappointment, but she said nothing more as they departed the sorority house. "Is your sorority having a party tonight?" Georg asked her. "I didn't hear anything in community events."

"Oh no, not a party," Tomie said to him. "One of my sorority sisters is getting married tomorrow. Most of us are bridesmaids in her wedding, so we're getting ready for the big day."

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