Chapter Seven 🔥

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"I don't bottom."

Tyler looked up sharply when Malcolm said that. He had managed to bring himself under control as he waited for Malcolm to end his shift. When Malcolm emerged dressed in a green and white sweatsuit, Tyler was led to Malcolm's car and got into the passenger seat. That was when Malcolm made that statement.

Malcolm nonchalantly put on his seat and turned the ignition. "...I don't bottom, either," Tyler said slowly.

Malcolm glanced at him. "Why not? Haven't you done it before?"

"I don't like it," Tyler quickly said. "Haven't you done it before?"

Malcolm shrugged. "Sure, and I've enjoyed it. But I enjoy being on top more."

Tyler shook his head and looked away. "I don't enjoy bottoming though," he insisted.

"So you have tried it?" Malcolm pressed.

Tyler scoffed. "Twice, and both times it sucked. The second time I couldn't bend over for a week, which is not ideal for a car mechanic like me. I'd rather not do it again."

Malcolm sighed and shook his head. "It's a shame when a top doesn't take care of his partner. I'm sorry you had that happen twice. But I'm not like that. I'm really good at it."

"So am I," Tyler said, looking at him. "So let me do it."

"I'd rather not."

Tyler shook his head and reach for the door. "Then this is pointless—"

"So you don't think I can make you feel good?" Malcolm asked suddenly. Tyler paused and looked at him, and he shifted slightly when he saw the challenging look in Malcolm's eyes. "You don't think I'm capable of taking care of my partner, and giving them a good experience?"

Tyler realized how he must have sounded and the blood rushed to his head. He raised his hands defensively. "That isn't what I meant. I apologize for making it seem like that."

Malcolm relaxed very slightly and leaned back. "How about this; let me top this time. Just this once. And if it's not good for you, then I'll eat crow, grovel, whatever you want to make amends. Does that sound good?"

Tyler stared at him for a long moment. Malcolm's unwavering confidence in his own abilities was both reassuring and...exciting. Of course, Tyler had confident partners in the past who didn't live up to their own hype. But Malcolm—a man that practically oozed sex—was someone Tyler knew didn't just brag with a lot of hot air.

I want to do this. I want to sleep with him. I don't like bottoming, but...

Tyler looked away and contemplated for a long moment. Then he exhaled and nodded stiffly. "Fine."

"Good," Malcolm said, sounding pleased with himself.

"But if it's bad—" Tyler added.

"It's not going to be bad," Malcolm interrupted him smoothly. He was wearing a wide grin as he started to reverse out of the parking space.

Tyler rubbed at his nape awkwardly before asking, "Were you really offended that I implied you weren't any good?"

"No," Malcolm said, shifting the car into drive. "I take it as a challenge."


Tyler hadn't known what to expect when Malcolm took him back to his apartment. He definitely hadn't been expecting to see a condo in the middle of downtown, with its own parking garage that required a code. He knew that he looked shocked as Malcolm drove into the garage, but the other man chuckled rather than get offended. "It works for me."

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