Chapter Twenty-Two

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Six months later...

"We're in the home stretch," Tomie laughed as she stretched out on Georg's bed. "You're graduating next month, and I'm graduating in December."

"It can't come soon enough," Georg said, shaking his head. He was sitting at the desk doing homework. "I've gotten a job offer so I'll be able to start working in a lab right away."

"That's wonderful!" Tomie jumped off the bed and hugged him from behind. "I'm so proud of you!"

"It's for a pharmaceutical company in Richmond," Georg said. Tomie stiffened when she heard that. "I know," he said. "It's an hour from here. But they have a decent sign-on bonus and good salary."

"You should take it," Tomie reassured him, ruffling his hair. "I'll look for jobs in Richmond too when I graduate."

"I don't want you to limit your opportunities for me," Georg said.

"I'm not limiting myself. I'm compromising to be with you."

Georg pulled her in for a deep kiss. Tomie felt her body tighten, but Georg pulled away and looked towards the guest room door. "Where's your parents?"

"Grocery shopping," Tomie said. She took his hand and guided it underneath her blouse.

Georg groaned quietly but slowly pulled his hand away. "How long have they been gone?"

"...A half hour," Tomie admitted.

"Then they'll be back soon."

Tomie huffed in disappointment and hugged him around the shoulders. "It's a bummer that my dad is your landlord."

"Landlord is a stretch though. I haven't had income since the club fired me. I had to get a loan from Malcolm."

Tomie made a face. "Can it really be called a loan when he said you don't have to pay him back?"

"I'm going to pay him back. Though I noticed you've been spending more time at home."

"You know why," Tomie sighed, leaning her head against Georg's. "Ever since Donald annulled his marriage to Stacey, Stacey's been using the sorority house as her free therapy. Nobody's allowed to bring their boyfriends around anymore. It's so toxic and exhausting."

"At least you only have to deal with it for one more semester."

"Yeah. But she rushed into marriage, though. I always felt like Stacey married just to have the wedding. Her parents spent $200,000 on it."

"And she tried to sleep with a stripper."

Tomie winced. "I was complicit in that, Georg."

"But you learned your lesson," Georg pointed out.

"I did." Tomie gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "When I get married, I'm going to cherish my husband forever."

Georg arched a brow. "You want to get married, Tomie?"

Tomie stiffened, and the blood rushed to her head. She stammered and averted her eyes. "I—ah—"

"Do you mind if I don't have a key?"


Georg turned his chair around to face her and pulled Tomie into his lap. He held her gaze. "Tomasina Lange. Will you eventually marry me?"

"'Eventually'?" Tomie echoed, choking on a laugh. But happiness flooded her body and she kissed him hard. When their lips parted she smile. "Yes Georg Michery. I will eventually marry you."

Georg laughed and hugged her. "Once we get settled in Richmond I'll buy a proper ring for you. But please don't ask me to spend $200,000 on a wedding."

"God no," Tomie laughed.

"We're home!" Mrs. Lange called from downstairs.

"Mom!" Tomie shouted, launching from her lap. "Mom, he proposed!"

"HE DID?!"

Georg laughed to himself and rubbed at his forehead. "At least when our future kids ask how we met, we can answer honestly."


Tyler looked up from his phone. "Georg proposed to Tomie."

"Really?!" Malcolm threw aside his controller and grabbed Tyler's phone. He laughed loudly when he saw the message. "Finally!"

"They've only been dating for six months," Tyler pointed out.

"But they're both about to graduate," Malcolm added. Tyler nodded in agreement but then pointed to the TV. "You forgot to pause."

"Shit!" Malcolm grabbed his controller again.

"I saw a poster for your...former club the other day," Tyler said. "It looks like they're finally using another man's abs for the ad."

"Good," Malcolm said. "I guess the phone call from Dad's lawyer did the trick."

"How are things?"

"You saw them yourself, Tyler. My family likes you more than me."

Tyler burst into laughter. "T-That's not true!"

"It is. Just take the compliment."

Malcolm didn't look hurt by his own words. Tyler slid over and hugged him from behind. "I'm glad I met you," he murmured into his ear.

Malcolm shuddered, and cupped his nape as he leaned in for a kiss. "I love it when you do that."

"You forgot to pause again."

"Screw the game." Malcolm pushed him down against the couch cushions and straddled him, kissing him hard.

Tyler had only been living with Malcolm in his condo for a couple of months, as he technically still had his apartment. Both of them mutually agreed that breaking the lease would be inconvenient for Tyler, so he hadn't completely moved in with Malcolm. But they both knew that once the lease was up Tyler would move in with him fully.

But they were still able to enjoy each other regardless.

The 'game over' music blared from the TV and Malcolm cursed as he sat up. "I didn't save my game."

"I did warn you," Tyler said, slowly sitting up. "Want me to make dinner tonight?"

"You worked today," Malcolm said.

"But you cooked yesterday."

"I'm unemployed."

"If you feel guilty about being unemployed, you could get a job—"

"And pay more in taxes on my savings account?" Malcolm shook his head.

"Well, you could get a job that has hours for work ten hours a week or something," Tyler said. "Or volunteer."

"Volunteering sounds nice." Malcolm smiled. "I'll take a look at what we have in the area."

They sat in silence for a long moment. "Do your parents really like me more than you?" Tyler asked.

Malcolm barked out a laugh.

"If it makes you feel better," Tyler said. "I think my parents like Georg more than they like me."

Malcolm laughed even harder, hunching forward and slapping his knees. Tyler smiled and leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Malcolm's temple. "I think I'll cook the steaks in the fridge."

Malcolm glanced at him. "W-What's the occasion?"

"Celebrating my baby sister's engagement. And you of course going into volunteering service."

"Hopefully they don't recognize me from my old job," Malcolm said.

"They only will if they see your abs. Just don't volunteer that."

Malcolm chuckled more softly and pulled Tyler into a hug. "Thank you for making my life better."

"That's my line."

~The End~

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