chapter 2: 2024 1st of January.

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It was a cool summer breeze on a beach pub. You light up a cigar and take a puff, in the city of Emden in the newly rebuilt federal republic of the fourth Reich. (rebuilt after the 1st claw disaster) It was a paradise, a small country but mostly pacifist. After you puffed your cigar you move a pawn forward on a chess board, The player your against is puzzled on how the hell you manage to check mate him in 5 turns! he stands up shakes your hand and you get up and leave, (taking your glass of beer with you).

As soon as you got up and went out side with your glass you look onto the beach, where children play, men listen to radio and drink beer and women playing some sports and teenagers doing stupid things to impress one another, Then you look at the ocean. You see waves move gently and people swimming with some mini yachts and fisherman. The water soon moves rapidly!

the sky once a happy cloud-clear and bright blue now turned to a smog of Gray and black. You then see the water swirling in the middle 55 metres away from the beach, people flee and swimmers run faster than the speed of light!

you can hear one of the beach defenders scream "Achtung!" soon search lights and beach side cannons zone in one spot, then navy speed boats appear with machine guns and cannons.

not even 6 minutes later a head appears one that has the details of dinosaurs and reptile a-like! then the body, the body was of those of a gorilla! with scaly skin, the back looked son smooth and yet rough at the same time! with hands those of dug up velociraptors! soon you realise that you read this in the history books of the old rule! different is the one that you see is 5 times as bigger then the original attack you wonder, are they related? but it couldn't be! the old one was infertile!

soon it had some sort exo pulse with a flash the surrounding ships blow up like a fire work in the sky during the 5th of November!

the shore cannons fire uncontrollably! at the beast but unlike with the old one this seems to do little damage!

soon not even 4 seconds after the bombardment and it belches acid on one of the cannons metal melt and the screams of men are hellish to even describe as they beg for help, and not even 2 seconds after that attack it sneeze fire and destroys the beach defences and with it you are in the crossline! as the pub ignites you are left here... to cook... to your death... painfully no mercy!

 painfully no mercy!

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