2024: 4th Of January

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the staff of commanders are trying to figure out how this happened, commanders from all around the world and their armies show up and try to sort what happened!

"what in gods name happened? i thought we had it!" General Rommel ask in fear and shock. As he tries to figure out how it all happened.

The colonel (same one that woke him up) walks over and says to his ear some frightful news, the news was that the beast couldn't be wounded and trying to link the modern one with the old one, will be tricky since claws was the first one and was at least theorized on how it was made and its weakness.

This new threat was not worthy to be called claw2, but a different name.

"well people we have a problem." Rommel address to all commanders foreign and native. "we need to name this creature because it is not the same one as before. 2nd we have to develop to new ideas and technique to defeat this new threat, things go through it like a phantom! 3rd we have to find records, story and  documents. Tear a ancient temple if you must to find some depiction of that monster!"

soon marshal, colonel and generals all send specialist and historians on expeditions to find things, even close contacts!

soon a Japanese grand marshal walks up to Rommel and tells him of a Japanese professor who she dedicated her life to study old cults and shadow priest, which was the study of her brothers before they got killed by a person named Gunso, but they couldn't find any sergeant that killed them. Nor any Italian females in the army (the imperial army forbids it apart from medical roles).

Rommel (who is glad at the news) orders the grand marshal (who out ranks them) agrees and contacts her.

but in the mean time at the ruined city the beast opens its eye and gets up and with a purposeful grimiest and terrible mind he wakes up in the ruins around him.

in the distance a reccy unit that was set up their calls command!

a comms. Corporal goes up to Rommel and warns him as the beast wakes up!

The air marshal from the British neo empire suggest to scramble spitfire mark 18 jet fighter wing group to distract the beast as they find out where it will strike next to set up defences.

Meanwhile at the ruins the Claw beast has a path set to the command centre, as it walks out of the levelled city 500 jet fighters appear and soon start firing missiles, they all pebble the beast and even halts its march as it is trying to close its eyes to protect it, one of the flight sergeants notice this and soon notifies Rommel.

"Sir we notice a weakness!" 

"great!" shouts Rommel in excitement "what is it."

"it is weakness i- *machine starts glitching*"

the flight sergeant hits his equipment wondering why is it not working? the clouds turn from blue sky to very dark Gray and a swirl forms just above the beast, it looks up and its body charges up lighting and soon a ear deafening roar (which sounded like a mixture of a rubber glove on a guitar, a flower pot being dragged on the ground and squeaky shoes recording played slow.) Soon a pule of lighting comes out the body and the clouds hitting 485 planes and setting trees alight! a huge EMP is triggered and all the jest fall hitting and exploding on the floor, the forest (where the beast was) engulfs it self and the flames reach 45 metres high (the beast knees). The beast after the battle swishes his tail exterminating the fire that lit up the trees.

Which the beast walks 4 km to the next city but before it even reaches its farmlands it falls a sleep.

Rommel gathered everyone and mentioned that there is a weakness but before it was discovered it was gone, reccy units came back online a described what happened. After his worried speech, the grand marshal contacted the professor. And now the waiting game is here, which is competing the with the clock of human extinction!

 And now the waiting game is here, which is competing the with the clock of human extinction!

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