2024: 7th of January

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Berlin, once a city which had adults working, children playing and teenagers trying to charm one another. But now. lays a barren wasteland just like the others, the beast is near the command centre every German left Germany so it left on targets, after that it's France, Spain, Portugal and then the African continent soon all of Asia and lastly the Americas!

He has headed to the Bolvaria where the command centre is.

No worries the worlds best artillery and planes are here!

He heads to the first line!
The trenches!

Soldiers with heavy machinery and rockets! All ruined his eyes. 500,000 soldiers with HMG, 700,000 LMGs 600,000 controlled rocketeers; all seemed to well... Piss of the beast! Because you wouldn't like it if tiny pecks and small explosion kept hitting your eye? What will you do? With a swish of his tail E V E R Y one was flunked. Those who stayed they retreated.

Line 2: the electrical fence

This fence was even higher then Claws it self, for it stands 300 metres high (literally twice as high as claws). As soon as the beast touches it 25.5Megavolts is unleashed shocking the creature to paralysis, but it is not long for it waking up and bite the wires the shock ensued but instead of heart stopping. It absorb the power and consume it and al the power was gone, it soon turned the high tension wires down!

now last and final line of defence, combine!

now everything was against it! tanks, planes, artillery, soldiers, electrical towers, turrets and missile launchers all fire 700 metres away, it all seemed to bounce off. especially in the eyes as little bolts of electricity either stopping or bounce off like a 2 magnets retracting each other when touching, he stomps through the cannons and electrical tower, it sneezes fire and spits acid at its enemy soon it is near the bunker.

Rommel accept defeats, all the other commanders left and he pulls a revolver and shoots himself, the beast super charges itself and the electrical pulse is unleashed, the computers over fry and huge explosion happens in the bunker and soon a huge 5 mile hole appears in a mountain, the beast moves to Switzerland.

The nation of the Swizz have rigged the country to explode (but ever since the claws disaster) they also decide to leak acid after the explosion. 

so by the time he blasted through the mountain and 19 miles in.

*ka-ka B O O M* *glug glug glug*

the entire country blown up and a vat of acid was covering the remanets of The swizz. The ground shook so violently the earth shook violently (there was no way t put it, i mean the earth shook so bad that it was shook violently).

the beast flew up 3 miles in the air and fell crashing down adding a second shockwave. The beast was bathing in the acid. For now all we know humanity is safe but how long that will last? it is predicated to go to Paris the entirety of Paris is being built for survival.   

meanwhile back in the ruins of Italy the trio dig through the bunker at the lowest level to figure out where that alter is.

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