Chapter 1

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  Today was a new day. I recently moved here to Cali from Georgia, because I got accepted for my new job. This was just to fulfill the dreams and future that my mom wanted me to have.

Morning. Ding ding my alarm clock went off. I got up and stretched.I looked in the mirror and told myself I got this. My phone rings. "Hmm, I wonder who this could be?" I thought to myself.Oh, it's Boniffa. I answered the call. "Hey Boniffa." "Heyy how is it going?" "Good getting ready for work." "Oh well, I gotta go bye." I hung up the phone. I was wondering if I should wear a dress or some slacks. Imma wear a dress. I put it on me and some perfume and left. I realized that I was late. I walked to my car, hopped in, and drove to work. (Meanwhile) I came running into the job. "Hi, how may I help you?" the worker asked me. "Umm, I'm here for an interview." "oh, last name?" "Atterberry, that's my last name." "Ok, right this way mam." she directed me to the boss, the place was so amazing like it was big and people had their own offices. I could just imagine if that was me. I went to the office and sat down. "Well, hello Ms. Atterberry'' he said my name like he was determined to say it... which was weird. "U-h-m h-ell-o." I stuttered. It was like I was so nervous I cleared my throat. "Hello, Mr. Phillip." "So you are here for the interview, correct?" he asked. "Y-yes sir." I answered. He cleared his throat. "So I'm going to ask you some questions." he told me. I was scared of the way he was saying everything. U-m-m, o-k. I stuttered. "Ok first you don't have to be scared of me." he told me. I cleared my throat. " did you know that I was scared?" "Trust me, I interviewed many people for this position." he told me. "I have a feeling you will fit in the position." He cleared his throat. "First question, why would you f-" Someone burst into the room. "Babee, I need you right now, it's important." Mrs. Philip interrupted. Mr.Philip turned around. He cleared his throat. "I'm kinda in the middle of something sweetheart." He smiled but between you and me it looked forced. "But it's, really, really yy important babyy" she whined. "Fine, what do you want?" Mr.Philips asked nicely. " "Come with me, I don't want to say it in front of this gremlin." I winced. "What did you just call me?" I raised my voice a little. "Oh, you heard me, little missy." She smirked. She grabbed his hand and pulled

him out of his office. I sighed. "What a b*tch" I sighed. "What is your problem?" Mr.Philips asked. "Nothing, I just need to tell you something." "Well, it's not the time for this Ebony." he said determinedly And walked back into his office. "Sorry about that Ms.Atterberry," Mr.Philips said apologetically. "It's alright, who was that anyway?" I asked. "Uhmm no need to worry." "By the way you got the job, I was going to ask you some questions but someone interrupted me." he told me. "B-u-t.""You got it so be happy ok." "Mrs. Mwenya come down to my office please" Mrs. Mwenya come down to my office please" Mr. Philiphs stated. Mrs.Mwenya came into the office. "Hello sir, how may I help you?" She asked. "Can you please take this-" Mrs Mwenya interrupted. "Who is this fine young lady here?" she asked with a smirk on her face. He cleared his throat. "Ahem, as I was saying, can you please take Ms. Atterberry to her office." "Which office, sir?" Mrs.Mwenya asked. "The writing office" he ordered. "Oh ok," she answered, "this way Ms. Atterberry." She walked me to my office. "Wow this is a big office." she rejoiced. "Yea you're lucky to have this, nobody can ever get this position." she gawked. "Well if you need anything you can just tell me" She smiled. "Wait!!" I called. "What is it? Ms. Atterberry." "Umm before I ask you, you can call me Malia." "Oh alright." "Does Mr. Philiph have a wife?" I asked. "Yeah, didn't you know," She asked. "No, I didn't." "I asked him and he didn't tell me." "Oh that's weird he usually tells people that he has a wife, so people don't think they got a chance with him." she explained to me. "Oh well"- some came in the door. "Mrs. Mwenya, what are you supposed to be doing right now?" Mr Philip asked. "Umm... She was asking me something. She quickly answered. "I'll get right back to work right now sir" She quickly rushed out of the room. "What was that about, it almost seems like she was blushing or something." I thought. "So, Ms. Atterberry-" I interrupted him. "Call me Malia please, sir" " Okay so, Malia, you need to know the rules. That's what I wanted to come and talk to you about." "ok, sir." "First, don't talk to other people, if I'm not able to come to work, I will put you in charge of it." "why not your wife sir?" I asked. He looked shocked like I wasn't supposed to know. "How did you know?" He asked me. "You don't need to know." I smirked. I could tell he was flabbergasted. He cleared his throat. "Oh ok, anyways back to what we were talking about." Mr.Philips went on and on about all of the rules in the company. Don't do this, Don't do that. "Is that all sir?" I asked. " Yes, Ma'am." Then he left my office. I got up and looked around, and put my things away. It took me hours. "I am finally done." I sighed. I'm grabbing my keys and getting ready to lock my office. Someone cleared their throat. I turned around and jumped. "Umm, What are you still doing here this late?" Mr.Philip asked. "I was cleaning and putting my things away," I answered. "Well do you need a ride home?" he asked. "No, I have my car, but thanks for asking." I replied. He looked at me and left. I walked to my car, got in, left, and went home.  

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