Chapter 10

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That night I started to pack my things for my flight.

"This would be a long flight."...I thought to myself. That morning I got dressed and said my goodbyes and I got a taxi to the airport. When I got there I was struggling to get there and holding all of this stuff. But I got on the flight and sat down in my seat then went to sleep. I felt someone tap my shoulder "Wake up ma'am it's time to leave" I got up and drove home. When I got home I unpacked my things and lay there how the fuck I got pregnant. After all these months I never really understood how it happened. All I know is that I want to keep the baby whether it's a girl or a boy. I go on my phone and decide to text Kyle. I don't know what I wanted to talk about with him but I just decided to FaceTime him. He answered the phone. "Hello?" he answered. "Hey," the line went quiet for a while.

"It's been long.." He mumbled

" I know I just wanted to inform you I was coming back tomorrow." I sighed.

" I tried to reach you but didn't go through... your phone..y-you don't have your job anymore." he stuttered

The way my jaw dropped to hell.


" You took so long and I didn't know you were going to be gonna for that long." He reasoned. That's when I hung up the phone. And laid on my back. "What the hell happened when I was gone?" I thought. After I thought about it tears started streaming down my face. All this time I thought I was going to come back fresh. I laid down and I just slept the whole day.

The next morning I saw my phone ringing. I looked at it was Kyle calling. I let it go to the voicemail. Then he texted me.

"Hey, Malia, it's Kyle I know you don't work but you can still come and work for something else?" he texted me

" Sure I guess I will, I'll come soon. Give me five to 10 minutes to get ready I guess" I texted back.

I set down my phone and sighed. "I wonder why he wants me to come to work, even though he fired me." I got up got dressed, and headed to work.

(Kyles POV)I

I sighed. "I feel bad for Malia." I thought out loud. "I shouldn't have "fired" her just because Ebony wanted me to"

I got up to go get some coffee.

"Hey baby what you doing up." Ebony came behind me and kissed my cheek.

"Oh nothing just called Malia and she getting a job but not as usual."


"I said you fired her not her coming back!"

"Well, I decided what to do here not you I'm not going back and forth let's head out before we are late." he turned and left

(Malia Pov)

I just got dressed and headed on the way to the job. Once I got there all eyes were on me.

"What happened to her?" "Is she pregnant?" I heard people whisper about me.

"What happened to you?" Laquisha asked me

" Nothing happened I just left you know."

"Dang so how many months are you?"

"4 months.."

"So who's the baby daddy?"

" I don't know Laquisha ok!"

"Ima just go to Kyle's office alright." then that's when I left. When I was walking into Kyle's office. I saw the prettiest girl ever she had the perfect body she had everything that a girl can have. I just have a belly bump but not as big. Then that's when Kyle saw me.

"Hey Malia!" he came and hugged me touching my belly.

"So how far are you?

"I'm 4 months old." that girl kept looking at me.

"So who's that?"

"That's the- "I stop him

"That's the girl you replaced me with?" I forced a smile.

He cleared his throat.

"It's not like that."

"She's very pretty."

"Why thank you, you are too," she replied to me.

"So how are you?" Kyle looked like he was frustrated.

"I'm very good." I got closer and whispered in his ear "Did you tell anyone that the baby is yours?" I asked him

"No I didn't and I won't tell ANYONE trust me." he looked into my eyes and winked.

I flinched, stumbled backward, and tripped. Next thing I know I'm on the ground... Or so I thought.
I opened my eyes and Kyle's face was right in front of mine. The sunshine on his face made him look more and more fine. All of a sudden I fell forward and hit my head.

"OMG OWW!" I held my head. Then I realized I had a 4-month baby in my stomach.

I quickly sat up and put my hand on my stomach. Tears streamed down my face.

"Kyle why the fu-" Before I could finish my sentence Kyle pulled me up and pushed me into the closet. "Stay quiet" Kyle whispered. Someone came in...

It was that girl who was in the office when I entered.

"So where did that girl go?" she asked him

"She had left." Kyle put his hands together and looked around

"So I can grab this?" then he groaned... My eyes couldn't believe it.

"Th-i-s is n-ot t-he time Lia!" he stuttered.

"So that's her name," I thought to myself.

"Oh, it's not?" she kissed him on the neck. He groans and put his hand on her ass. I was furious to watch this when my child might be his.

"Lia I said this is not the time!" Kyle demanded

"Aww the daddy dont want to do this right now?"

"Fuck this shit I'm done." then that's when he sat her on the counter and lifted her dress and started to touch her... and I was in the closets crying to myself and begging myself not to say anything. Then all of a sudden I heard moaning.... I'm in the closet crying how can he do this to me? The things I heard, my ears needed bleach. Once they were done... She left his office. I opened the door and ran.

"Malia come back!" he belted chasing me.

" I-it's not what it looks like!" he stuttered

I turned around and slapped him right in the face.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" I yelled at him with rage.

He just looked at me very stunned.


"Can you just lea-" Then that's when I fainted.

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