Chapter 6

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After Kyle and I finished I just laid in bed thinking about what just happened, while he went to take a shower. "Hey Malia," he screamed, "wanna join me?" "Huh? I mean alright" I walked over to the bathroom and hopped in. "GYATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT OHH DAYUMM YOU THICK" He smiled. I blushed. "Haha, I know." After we got done showering we went and joined the other people. I had on a sexy bathing suit. " Damn you look fine as hell," he whispered. Then I ran up to them. "Damn, who is the fine-looking lady?" "ohhh weeee." " oh, that's my friend Kyle's assistant." Laquisha stated. "well why the fuck he doesn't have her 'cause she going to be mine in a while." that's when Ebony got mad." Hey, guys what's up?" Malia stated. "hey wanna join?" Lucus asked. "Kyle do you?" "Sure." we bothing got in and played all little games and got drunk." Do you want to go in the house??" he whispered to Malia. "Why?" "you know." "ok." guys me and Kyle are going to head back inside and go to bed. "Where at?" Malia asked. "Right here." "on the counter?" "yes." I kissed him so hard while unzipping his pants and licked my lips. He took off my bathing suit and sat me on the counter. Then he started to fuck me on the counter. "MMMMM" "FUCK KYYYLLLEEE." I started to moan. He started to choke me. He picked me up and went into the live room. Going harder than harder.

3 hours later...

I woke up with my pajamas on instead of the clothes I was wearing. "Mmm, what happened," I asked myself. Then it all came back to me, about Kyle, about Laquisha, and about everything that has happened today. I looked out the window and I saw it was pitch black outside. "How long was I asleep?" I asked myself out loud. "3 hours." A voice said. I looked up and saw it was Kyle. I started to blush. "You were out for a while, Malia." "O-oh really??" I looked around." Where is everyone?" "We all left you, we tried to wake you up," Kyle replied. "Everyone's already asleep in their rooms," He looked at me. "Kyle did we use protection yesterday?? I looked up and asked him. "Uhhhhhmm I don't think so.." "WHAT?! Kyle you don't understand we should have now I can get- I was cut off. The door burst open. Ebony and Laquisha came through the door dressed up while im still in my pj's. "why aren't you dressed?" Ebony looked at me and Kyle. "Kyle, you were supposed to wake her up to get ready." she crossed her arms. "oh well, I must get ready right now but first I got to shower because I stink." Kyle plugged his nose. "I don't stink that bad." I looked around warily. "Ok, then go shower, shoo shoo" Ebony flapped her hand to make me go away. "Oh, how I hate that lady" I murmured under my breath. I went and got my things while the others left. I got showered, brushes my teeth, and use this scent when I went in the shower to make me smell good. "I can't believe I lost my virginity," I thought peacefully to myself. "Hurry up" Ebony banged on the door. "I am don't rush me!" I screamed back. 30 minutes later... I got out of the shower. I put on lotion that makes me smell good then my make-up, and then my dress and heels. When I opened the door I saw Cade, the manager of the hotel. "Uhm where is everyone?" I asked looking around. "They are already at the party," He looked at his watch," it started 30 minutes ago.." He finished. "Oh alright" I started walking towards the door, then I realized I don't know where Im going. "Can you show me where it is?" I asked politely. "Sure, that's why Im here." He smiled and took my hand. "Let's go" We started to walk out the door. "You smell pleasant," Cade told me. "Thank you." I smiled and blushed. We walked to the elevator and walked in "The elevator is taking a mighty long time" Cade stated out loud. "Yeah," I looked up at the place where the floor number shows. "Hey," I started, "The number isn't going down" I started getting worried. "How is that possible?" Cade asked. "I don't k-" The elevator started to shake and fall. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Cade and I both screamed. Then it suddenly stopped. When it stopped we pressed the button to help and nothing happened. I pressed it again and still nothing happened. "What the hell is going on" Cade looked scared. It was so awkward to not make eye contact with him. I had a feeling something will happen.

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