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I ring J-hope

"Keep a fvcking check on her, she needs to get home safely."

I say after a pause, "Drake Archid. Class 42 –B. I want him at the basement right now."

I go, my eyes burning red. You've no idea what's coming Drake.



My head hurts too bad. I feel like I'm being sunk by a whole ship. By the head. I see glow stickers and vampire news finds stuck on the ceiling, staring back at me.

When did I start liking them?

Shit! I hear footsteps. As a natural response, I lift my bedsheets, covering myself. And naturally, I see Sclera

"Wtf! Aaaaa"

She screams back

"Aaaaa! What's wrong?"

I gasp for air as I point hysterically towards her and I spin my head in 360.

"What the hell was that? I could've gotten whooped by mom. Saw him in your dreams?" she smirks

Him? Jungkook? Party? Prom? My dress? Drake? WTF...

I touch my hair. he hairpin. Its there. He put it there.

I roll myself in the bedsheet. I'm embarrassed.

Yesterday. Him. I. How can I fvcking face him? No. Yes. Maybe. Aaarghh!!

I'm hit in with much greater headache as I recollect events of yesterday. I'm sure the cause is not solely alcohol. I sit, mouth wide open as I zone out. My thought cycle is interrupted.

"Hey! Stop scaring me...want me to make a stronger hangover soup?"


"C'mon, you're not with him to moan" Like wtf this bitch


"I shouldn't have brought you here first place"

"What? You....I came along with you...why don't I...?"

"First of all, you're mind is clouded by him. Second of all, you're mind is freaking clouded by him. Third, you're mind is dammit clouded by him"

I pass her an eye roll.


"Listen I don't know what happened between you too but guess what I got Jiminie's number! Yeahh"

"What? And when's that?"

"It's okay Y/n..I understand this severe memory loss. I'll get it verified by my doctor if that's your first symptom towards being a baby-bearer"

She takes her phone out. This Godamn girl.

"SCLERA! Just shut up. Nothing of that sort happened"

I look away

"Y/n, were your cheeks always this tinted pink or did I never notice that?" Bro what? AAAAA

She laughs, "Okay okay I was kidding. I got it yesterday when Jungkook was begging me to take you home and I go along with you"

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