04 Artwork

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Art: https://mostwantedpotato404.tumblr.com/post/638759037613342720/another-u


"I thought you'd left," V said, voice quivering.

She was painfully aware of how naked she was in front of him. But that wasn't exactly her fault, was it? Who barges in someone else's bathroom when they hear them showering?

Someone who wants to see them naked, Johnny offered. I don't like where this is going. Send him home, V. Now, before he has a chance to break you.

V ignored his voice. Her focus was almost exclusively on Goro now, anyway.

"I..." Goro gestured awkwardly towards the door. "I spent a while waiting for you to come back, to finish that conversation. Then I almost left. But I could not."

His gaze was shamelessly gliding all over the length of her body. It felt like he was caressing her with his mind alone. V shivered despite the hot water still raining on her back. She reached for the tap and stopped the shower.

"I noticed how very different you looked today, V." His eyes found their way back up to her face. He was giving her another one of his irresistible puppy looks. "Just so you know, you do not have to change for me. My taste in women is not restricted by appearance."

V pursed her lips and nodded. What a gentle way of saying 'I wouldn't touch you if you were gold-plated'. Her chest felt hollow, sucking her ribs into the center of it.

"Which is why you reject me, right? Because I'm not mature enough for you," she bit coldly. "Did you have to interrupt my shower for that? I understood quite well already, thanks."

"You understood so little, V."

He sighed, his voice coming out a bit strangled for some reason. His hands moved to the buttons of his shirt and began undoing them. Her eyes glued to that sight in disbelief.

"See what you are doing to me? Making my reason lose to my base instincts. Five decades of chasing wisdom, and I am still acting like a teenage boy sometimes." He shook his head. "I'm sorry that I upset you. I have simply never considered this as an option."

V gulped, watching his nimble fingers work their way down to the last button. The hollow feeling was replaced with breathless anticipation. She no longer doubted that he was interested.

Oh, fuck me. You know this is a huge mistake, right?

'Maybe. But it's my decision which mistakes I'm gonna make.'

Heavy sigh. As you wish. But take the pill first. I don't want any part of this.

"Goro," she rasped, "can you get me the bottle on the shelf to your left, please?"

His eyebrows rose half-way through shedding his shirt. He scanned the shelf and found what she was asking for. He knew enough to understand her reasons.

V popped one of the pills into her mouth and swallowed. Her throat was so dry it nearly got stuck, but she managed. It couldn't completely erase Johnny, he would still be somewhere in the back of her consciousness, but it would make it easier for both of them.

Have fun... She could hear him as if from a great distance, fading away.

"Is he gone?" Goro asked gently after a few seconds passed.

V nodded. "As much as he can be."

"I take it he didn't approve?" He tilted his head, stepping slowly towards her, working on unzipping his trousers.

Broken «Goro Takemura & female V» PART 1 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now