10 Sunlight

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Whoring out to secure his future. Pragmatic.

V woke up in the middle of the night, feeling parched. As she was getting water from her nightstand, Goro still next to her, Johnny made his comeback.

'So glad I took the pill,' she sighed. 'Pretty sure you'd ruin this for me. He outdid himself in every way, gave me no reason to think this was just a tactical move.'

Of course he didn't. Who knows how many times he's done something like this. Practice makes perfect.

'Now you're just plain making shit up. He's not a fucking Geisha, he's a bodyguard. If his boss wanted someone shagged into compliance, I'm sure he had other people to do it through.'

Hm. So... what was he telling you? Did you believe all his lies just because he was balls deep inside you?

'You mean us?' She smirked nastily at his groan. 'Stop being so salty, Johnny. Just because you like making me into a bundle of anxieties doesn't mean I have to be that way all the time. Shut up and let me enjoy this. Hell knows how long it's gonna last.'

There she is. You still don't trust him. Good girl. Fuck him all you want if it makes you feel better. Just don't mistake his willingness for devotion.

'I won't.'

His voice went silent and she relaxed a little.

Was she really so impressionable, or had Johnny's reappearance influenced her opinions by default? She could feel doubts crawling back inside her skull. She shook her head, finished the glass of water and laid back next to Goro.

She snuggled close to him, smiled at his unconscious grimace and sighed. This was where she wanted to be. Words were treacherous, but she could rely on what she felt. To her, this was real. If this was the last time she had the chance to love, she wanted to love him. Even if just for the blissful feeling itself.

His hand groped in the darkness and found her. He held her tight and pulled her close without opening his eyes. Muttering something in his sleep, he settled into a slightly different position to incorporate her body in his embrace. Then the movement stopped and she could only hear his steady breathing.

She briefly wondered what the morning would bring. He was on the run and couldn't stay in one place for too long—he would likely disappear again.

Then she forced all thoughts out of her mind. She would feel sad about him leaving after he did, not before. For now, there was only the warmth of his embrace and the sweet aftertaste of their night together.


Morning came way too soon. V twitched her nose and covered her eyes with her hands in defense against the blinding sunlight filling her apartment—forgetting to close the shades before bed was not a good move if you wanted to sleep in the next day.

Her body was demanding more rest, her muscles sore and mouth dry, but the light was booting her brain up fast. It still took her a few minutes and several yawns to recall last night.

She sat up in alarm and searched her surroundings. She had to laugh at herself when she found Goro still next to her, soundly asleep. Leaning down to kiss his temple, she gently raked his hair, taking in the beauty of his peaceful features.

Then she got up and went to freshen herself up, not bothering to wake him. Wherever he was hiding, it could not have been a pleasant stay. He was welcome to sleep in her comfortable bed as long as he needed.

Following that train of thought, she wondered what she could get for breakfast that he would actually eat. Feeling a little silly, expecting scathing commentary from Johnny, she ordered what she thought he could stomach. He had to eat something, right? He wouldn't survive long otherwise.

Passing the coffee maker on her way to make tea, she got another idea—she didn't know whether he was a coffee man, but since she wasn't and the coffee beans smelled expensive, she thought it wouldn't hurt to try.

You're making me envious. One night and you're ready to take care of him? Wish my hook-ups were this generous.

'Maybe if you hadn't been a dick to them, you would've gotten a shag and a breakfast.'

The ensuing silence was more expressive than a bag of words.


Thank you for any love you decide to leave ♥

Broken «Goro Takemura & female V» PART 1 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now