Kiss, Kiss, Kiss

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The Place in Between

Bella moans from somewhere to my left, but it's clear that it's not one derived from pleasure. Whimpers soon accompany the painful torment in her voice as she calls for me.

Though I feel undeserving of being in her presence, I also cannot resist. How can I give her anything less than what she desires? It's becoming increasingly clear our minds have conjured to cope better with what is happening. Even if we don't understand the full implications yet. It's the only explanation for how we can easily manipulate the area.

This is likely a figment of our imagination, but it doesn't make it any less real.

Crisp, cold surrounding air warms as I scramble toward Bella. The startling, bright white surroundings that remind me of my human past start to dim to a soft blue.

If we are the creators of this place in between, then why does she scream in agony? My limited mind, now more human than vampire here, fails to comprehend why this is happening, only that it is, and we're at the epicenter of it.

"Bella, Bella, Bella." I pull her gently in my lap, cradling her in my arms as she continues to scream. She twists and turns in my hold as if my touch is unbearable. Her beautiful, dark hair sticks to her forehead with sweat, and her eyes are devoid of color other than black. They meet mine, unseeing, delirious as she calls for me again and again.

For the first time in almost a century, tears form and fall down my cheeks. Her hand lifts from clutching my chest, only to fall when she realizes she's too weak. Whispered words fall from her lips, too soft for my more human ears to hear.

I bend to listen, and my heart breaks as she reminds me that she loves me and asks for a Monday off. Somehow, a broken chuckle is shared between us; the soft presses of our lips are our only comfort.

I think she's transforming, but how or why doesn't make sense.




Just Another Monday

I take a step up the stairs upon entering another Monday. If we ever find a way out of this perpetual existence, I will likely take every Monday off, and hopefully, Bella will be right beside me. With that thought in mind, I run up the stairs and change out of my clothes.

Alice is shocked to see me in so much black when we leave for school and wonders why I've asked the others to meet us at lunch to pick up my car and leave my father's Mercedes. My dear sister's attempts to see into my future are as muddled and chaotic as before; the most significant change is that a familiar pair of brown eyes is much more prominent.

"Is that Bella?"

"Bella? Isn't that the name of the new girl who's supposed to start today?" One would think that after decades of playing parts for our charade as humans, I would be able to act to avoid stirring Alice's scrutiny.

She's tenacious and will not stop until she gets an answer. "Yes, she's supposed to be starting today, but how do you know that, Edward?"

I tap my temple to throw her off the scent, and I'm pleased to see it works.

"For whatever reason, I can't seem to see your future, other than Bella's eyes and uh..."

"And what?" I prompt.

She smirks and shakes her head. "You're just lucky Emmett isn't here."

My body stirs in anticipation. Although Bella and I have agreed that we won't be attempting more amorous activities for a while, it's obvious Alice sees more of it in my future.

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