˜";;*°•.˜";;*°• Chapter 1- the house •°*";;˜.•°*";;˜

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 It was a dark and stormy night, the branches on the tree rustled aggressively as Katie's friend knocked at her door. She went to answer the door begrudgingly... she was annoyed due to the fact that he was late Again for the hundredth time in a row.

"Took you long enough Yasu" she smiled smugly, letting the boy inside to shade him from the hounding rain.

"You know how far my job is from your house." He groaned as he tucked his umbrella away, "so how are things?" he asked. Katie sighed as she went to close the door,

"Im fine i guess... I mean how do things look?" She asked firmly, locking the door behind her. She was clearlly avoiding something that both Yasu and her knew. Yasu looked around Kaite's new home, she has been moving in with her grandmother for the past week. It wasnt hard to get accustomed to this since she spent most of her weekends of her life there anyways,but its still been extremely stressful.

"Okay I mean you seem fine..? Look I'm sorry that your mom died and that I keep bringing it up- But have you tried talking about it with someone?" He responded with a hint of sympathy in his voice. Seeing as Katie didn't want to talk about it he cleared his throat and didn't push it any further. "Anyway, have you seen the news recently" He asked her trying to change the subject.

"Who watches the news anymore?" Kaite responded, crossing her arms.

"Me apparently" Yasu laughed, "Anyway, there is this guy that is breaking into people's houses. Pretty weird right?" He continued.

"Oh god- is there anything else? I swear I've heard about something similar to this in a true crime podcast I listen to." Kaite answered. Yasu shrugged and went to the kitchen, Katie became annoyed but figured her friend probably fell asleep while watching it, he almost always does.

"Oh- quick question, why do you have an old telephone in your room? It just seems a little weird to me." Yasu asked

"Good question- I don't know, My grandma's house is so outdated, I find cool vintage junk all around." Katie shrugged and flicked on the TV and started watching a random movie. "Ive been tyring to get that darn phone to work since ive gotten here, but I havent had any luck" She muttered, Kaite heard rustling in the fridge, it was probably just Yasu getting something to eat. Soon the both of them were watching the movie Katie had picked out, unsurprisingly, it was a horror movie.

"Out of all the movies you pick to watch The Mimic?" Yasu said, clutching the popcorn that he had made for the movie.

"What? Scared?" katie teased while munching on her popcorn,

"Uh- yeah? You know I'm terrified of mannequins!" Yasu exclaimed, Katie laughed and continued to poke fun at him in other ways for the rest of the movie to brighten the obvious atmosphere that was quite dark and ominous. After the movie they went up into Katie's room just to hang out.

"I bet you weren't expecting to see my amazing set up! So- how does it look?" Katie asked, showing Yasu the PC, he only gave a nod and thumbs up in response. Disappointed, Katie went to turn it on to play some games on it. Suddenly the phone rang "Seriously..? Yasu youre magic I swear! Out of all times it chooses to work its when you are here?!"Yasu cut her off and picked it up. There was a brief moment of silence, "So what was it about?"Katie asked, confused,taking a seat on the round table the phone layed on.

"There was nothing just static- I guess there was some heavy breathing in the background but I couldn't really hear anything well.'' As soon as Yasu replied the lights shut off, they both screamed in pure terror.

"Ok! This could all be some weird coincidence, there's thunder so that's proably the reason, besides its old and outdated." Katie said, "open the box in the corner of my room and give me a fuse."She added "Which boox? theres so many!" yasu asked,learly holding back a small laugh. walking to the fuse box in her room and opening it. Yasu got the fuse and gave it to her, luckily the lights came back on. Katie got a weird feeling and went to check the security cameras that she had recently installed not too long ago. The first thing she saw was a man in the distance. It could have been just a random person going on a small walk since her house wasn't that disconnected from society,Or perhaps its her annoying neighbor Tristan.Both her and tristan have been in a prank war ever since they met.

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