˜";*°•.˜";*°• Chapter 4.5.5: No •°*";˜.•°*";˜

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"But thats besides the point, Yasu should we let him in?" Kaite asked, clearly not knowing what to do. Kaite wasnt the brightest person the only thing she was good at was piecing together puzzels to be honest, but she knew that Yasu was and he would know what to do.

Yasu looked at the ground, The bossman said there wasnt supposed to be anyone else down here... He almost lost Kaite tonight and sure as hell doesnt wanna loose another person but at this same time thats his fault that he was stuck down here... He thought for a moment before finalizing his answer, "No, thats his problem not mine-he should have been down here sooner" Yasu said, the doors slammed shut as they descended upwards.

After a pitiful hour and a half of trying to navigate home in the complete darkness with their broken headlights they soon arrived to Kaite's home,taking off all the work gear and throwing it into one of the many boxes around the house.

"Well that's a night to remember-" Kaite said jokingly, putting the last of the items inside of the box, she was still a bit shaken up by the encounter. "Do you think that the intruder blew up?" Kaite asked.

"Who knows? I hope he did... I mean, I don't wanna deal with this anymore..." He responded, "wait how are you still alive? I thought the intruder caught you?" Yasu said remembering when Kaite was caught.

[kaite resopose]

"Oh- god damn... That's a story to remember, well I should probably get going... it's late and I'm exsausted, my mom is probably worried about me." Yasu says, "I'll see you later, bye kaite" He added gathering up his things and exiting Kaite's house before driving away.

Needless to say, they we relived to have survived that night, and Yasu was praying that he would never need to see the intruder again. Now the only thing Yasu had to worry about was finding another way to make money since, this job had already been done.


I'm going wild omfg.


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