Chapter 4 c

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I'm gonna be dead serious, the next chapter is taking forever to make soooo, this chapter is completely a crack chapter, it does kinda relate to the story in a way. 

Also I would like to see comments lol, though I probably will not respond to them at all, cause I swear I'm never on wattpad anymore. 

I usually write all my chapters late at night since it's when I have the most alone time, so the time there is free. 


Yasu had checked himself into a mental hospital so his health would get better he had horrible nightmares every night. Nightmares about the intruder coming into his room and kidnapping or killing him. It got really bad to the point that his grades and work efficiency were dropping dramatically.

So he disappeared without telling anyone, it was for him, no one had to know. He knew it was for the best, he genuinely needed to be away from people, his paranoia was driving him to the edge of suicide, he already had enough anxiety. He didn't need anymore fuel to his crippling anxiety.

On top of all of that, he was becoming more moody, sleeping a lot more late, and not eating a lot at all. His weight dropped significantly and he genuinely wasn't healthy. All because of that... that stalker...


Just a short chapter for y'all since the next one is pretty long in my opinion.


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