˜"*°•.˜"*°• Chapter 4.5: Elevator •°*"˜.•°*"˜

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Yasu froze in fear... The thick atmosphere around him was almost too much to bear, for once in his life Yasu was scared. Mustering up the courage, he slowly turned to see who was behind him.


A bright flashing light flashed quickly, which seemed to come from a purple phone."Pfft- you should have seen your face!! I cant believe this, I'm soooo using this as blackmail~" Kaite giggled as she tapped a few things on her phone. "I'm glad this is finally over, right Yasu?" Kaite asked

Yasu was absolutely flabbergasted, astonished, in denial, stunned, astounded. How was she alive? Didn't she die?? "HOW THE F*CK ARE YOU NOT DEAD?" Yasu asked, clearly still in shock. "When we were running away from that thing didn't you fall back and didn't that thing catch-"

"-Catch me? indeed he did, but I'm ay okay!" Kaite said with a thumbs up. The elevator doors started to close. Yasu blinked slowly, "Why didn't he kill you? What did he want with you? I was literally panicking this whole time I thought he would have kidnapped you or something??"

"Well uh...so funny little story-" Kaite started,but she was cut off by another person, a familiar one. "Hey! please..*huff* wait for me please!" the person asked. The man was no taller than Kaite, with the same uniform, headlamp and gear that the two others wore. He had a slightly deep but dry voice which sounded very out of breath.

"They're gonna blow this up any second! Please..help me you cant let me die down here.." The man asked, catching his breath once more. Kaite and Yasu looked at each other as if one of them had the answer written on their foreheads.

"I- I don't know- who even are you?" Yasu asked "The boss guy or whatever said no body but us should be down here..?"

The man, who now has tears in his eyes responded with "He sent me down a little while ago, he said you guys probably needed more help"

"Psshh help? No I'm an expert I would never need help," Kaite scoffed,holding her head high. The elevator doors were now completely closed. A timer above the elevator started counting down for the demolition.

"But that's besides the point, Yasu should we let him in?"

Yes                                                    NO

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Starting to become inconsistent oh lord help me

words- 389

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