Chapter 5

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Ya'll i wrote all of this at like 3 in the morning and it took way too long and I have genuinely no Idea what I was on while writing this, though I will say I snorted some pretty good shit by the looks of it :3

It had been months since the last time Yasu and Kaite had seen the intruder, Yasu unfortunately sufferned a psychotic break down realizing that he had a stalker and thought that he was gonna die. He was sent to a phych ward because of that and just recently was released. To celebrate and talk a little more, Kaite decided to host a sleepover at her place; as per usual.

the place was pretty much the same minus the fact that kaite also went crazy without her best friend. the walls were scratched up and clawed out, the couches stuffing was torn up and all paintings were ripped to shreds, cordusy of kaites..beta side..her inner beast unleashes..
"Jesus Kaite, I didn't know that you missed me that much" Yasu laughed awkwardly at his own joke looking around the room a bit disturbed. "So how has life been treating you?" he asks looking back to Kaite.

Kaite looks at him annoyed, "Yasu look around the room, do things look like they have been going well?" She asks rather sarcastically motioning to the messed up walls and paintings.

"Fair fair, to be honest though... It's nice being back here, kinda nostalgic in a way, y'know?" Yasu says with a shrug. "Oh by the way, hows your grandma doing, I havent seen her in a while." Yasu asks.

"Oh her? Yeah that old hag is doing fine, though I sometimes wish she would just drop dead. Been a real pain in my ass recently" Kaite responded rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. "Anyway let's get this party started, I have picked out some movies for us to watch on my computer." She walked way and towards her bedroom, Yasu followed close behind.

Kaite had really gotten moved into the place compared to the first time Yasu had seen it. "You really put in some work into this room huh?" Yasu whistled and looked around the room, {Instert desc of room}.
Kaite paced around her room, thinking on where to start to tell the story of how her new room came to be. Part of her wanted to tell yasu how she went crazy without him and started frantically moving everything around and impulsive bought stuff, or to make up the well thought up lie that she wanted to have a fresh start.

"Well yasy, I think I worked pretty hard if I do say so myself! You see that shade of purple?" Kaite asked, pointing at the walls that had different shades of purple. "I kept running out of purple and i got too scared to ask the home depot workers what shade it was so i just kept buying different shades and everything went wrong and it was horrible!!" she ranted on while yasu just started at her. "Oh god.." he said, not even surprised of this.

As Yasu looked at the wall, he counted easily 8 different shades {insert your expert purple shade knowledge] and possibly {some more colors}. "Well uh..I see that you got new furniture?" Yasu said, tyring to save himself from kaites continuous rambling.

"Oh yeah..Gramm's 60s furniture was not doing it for me, The bed was too creaky and small, the desk was on its last limb, and GOD the orange wood is hideous!" kaite complained, and she was right the old furniture had been in there for as long as yasu could remember, the entire house was mixed with old stuff and new stuff. "Gram was pissed that I was getting rid of the furniture in here, well i mean i wasnt getting rid of it clyde was!" she smiled to herself at the thought of her long-time crush. "OH YEAH I DIDNT TELL YOU!! Clyde had been helping me take out all the stuff, we even made eye contact for 6.38 seconds exact and we even talked!" kaite squealed to herself as she got lost in more possible scenarios.

Yasu sighed at the mention of his rival and took in unfamiliar familiar room again. To him it felt nice he was back with his best friend and his childhood 'home' insead of being with crazy people that didnt give two shits about him. Both yasu and kaite sat their in silence together until kaite opened her stupid fucking mouth again

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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