˜"*°•.˜"*°• Chapter 3: Mine-shaft •°*"˜.•°*"˜

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The week went by painfully slow for the friends liking, it was filled with classes and attending pointless and crowed basketball games. Kaite, like all the other girls would just watch Clyde play basketball, which at least brought in a shit ton of money for the school.

In Yasu's option, the games were straight up ass yet somehow he managed to get work done. Since he got fired, his mother had been nagging him to find a new job, so that's what he was doing.

"Kaite, do you think this would be a good idea?" Yasu said while holding up his laptop. "Kaiteeee..?" at this point he grew annoyed, Kaite's eyes were glued on the tall basketball player,running across the squeaking floor."KAITLYN!"

Kaite's eyes snapped towards Yasu's. "Yeah? Whats up Yasu?" Kaite asked,not really paying attention. Yasu held up the laptop, a job application and description was displayed on the screen.

"This seems like an easy job with good pay,besides we can work together so i wont be alone" Yasu said, clicking the keys quickly.

"Mhmm..yeah sure! Sounds good to me!" Kaite replayed,clearly not paying attention to Yasu. More keys continued to click as the basketball game carried on. Yasu, for the most part was finally happy that his mom would stop nagging him for a job. But at least this job wont be so bad with his best friend right?

The night finally came,they were to start their new job in less than 40 minutes. The duo were getting ready at Kaite's house. Yasu was sitting on Kaite's desk, tying his shoes. "These shoes look mad goofy don't they Kaite?" Yasu said while holding his foot in Kaite's face. "GET THOSE CRUSTY MUSTYS OUT OF MY FACEEE" Kaite screamed back,clearly annoyed.

Kaite turned back to what she was doing, digging through her drawers. Panicked, she quickly tried to find her beanie, to which she finally found it. "YASU! I GOT IT LETS G-" Kaite got cut off with the lights shutting off again. Yasu looked over at Kaite,"Again??" Yasu adjusted his eyes to the dark as he made his way over to the fuses.

"This has been happening EVERY.NIGHT. Its insane! It hasn't been happening to anyone else either." Kaite spoke, clearly an expect at changing fuses by now. "What if were about to get murdered by a serial killer~maybe is constantly putting us on edge,getting us used to being in the dark so when we least expect it, they kill us all!!'

"I-uhm I'm good.." Yasu said, clearly put on ease. Kaite adjusted her beloved purple beanie as they headed out the door. "You seriously had to wear that shirt huh?" Kaite questioned. Yasu smoothed down his black shirt , which read 'I ❣️ MEN' "what can i say~I just like men"

The two entered the elevator to their new job,slowly the rusted elevator starts to descend down into the caves. "What in the sister loc-" Yasu said,getting cut off by an ear piercing beep on the speaker above them, followed by static and more beeps.


"Hello hello? Can you folks hear me?"

"NO SH SHERLOCK" Kaite screamed back, covering her ears.

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