˜";*°•.˜";*°• Chapter 4.5.5: Yes •°*";˜.•°*";˜

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If you wanted the No option just skip this chapter


"But thats besides the point, Yasu should we let him in?" Kaite asked, clearly not knowing what to do. Kaite wasnt the brightest person the only thing she was good at was piecing together puzzels to be honest, but she knew that Yasu was and he would know what to do.

Yasu looked at the ground, he almost lost Kaite tonight he wouldn't want to let another person die on his watch, besides who knows maybe that perosn is secretly rich or its a test and if they saved him they would get so..so much more money!

Yasu pried open the elevator doors "hurry get in!" He shouted, in response the man quickly slipped into the doors. The elevator started to descend upwards as the timer neared 0.

"Sooo- whats your namee?" Kaite asked awkwardly,rocking on her feet.

"Oh- right my apologies my name, its insert lore name, and yours is..?"

"Im Yasu, and this is Kaite." Yasu responded. Kaite gave them both a smile but then she started to think..for the first time in her life. 'This cant be a coincidence,insert lore name is dead.' "So tell me..insert lore name, how did ya pick up this job?" Kaite asked in like a detective, making sure a pause was needed after his 'name'

The man thought for a second "Well! My friend is one of the high desk people for here, so I've been working here for a really long time!"

odd...insert lore name stopped working after his wife and children died..he never mentioned another job. Kaite glanced at Yasu giving her the 'are you thinking what im thinking' look. "Huh..?" Yasu asked but quickly realised. This wasn't him. Yasu remembered how the intruder mimicked Kaite and her mothers voice, he was sure that the person could take on their forms to.

"Oh! Thats lovely, it must be nice being able to work a good payed job like this!" Kaite said, She looked over at yasu who was quietly tapping the wall behind him. Morse code. She listened for a minute and quickly understood. And soon she tapped out her response

"Both my mom and lore name were murdered..did the intruder kill my mom and him...? Then used their bodies to kill more people?"

Yasu shot an unsure glare "possibility, but how could he mimic your voice..?"

"Would you guys stop tapping its hurting my head" the man said, leaning against the elevator walls. He accidentally leaned against the door, The door crashed open, making them fall out of the elevator to their death... but its okay because the explosions started and their bodices went up and down with the booms.


Sorry for the sudden disappearance, I had all of this typed out and everything I just forgot to post it lol! Oh and school has been beating me up so updates are a little slow.


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