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Third POV

You are sitting at your desk in the PM building, writing a report, suddenly Dazai and Chuuya barge in bickering about God knows what. You look at them blankly and raise an eyebrow.

"What is going on this time?" Your blankly looking at the two bickering boys.

"Chuuya ate the last ice cream!" Dazai exclaimed.

"You ate my pie too!" Chuuya retorted.

Dazai starts throwing things at Chuuya and he dodges them, then they both go onto the floor and start wrestling with each other. You sigh and continue writing. This was a daily occurrence at the PM... Why did you still work in the mafia anyway?

"Just go fight somewhere else" You said to them as you are still focused at your paperwork.

"Why should we?" Dazai stated "Yeah.. Why should we?" Chuuya nod, but the both of them glared at each other again.

They stopped fighting and both looked at you, you were amused as the two stopped fighting. "Because..." You glared at them "you two are annoying." You said as you crossed your arms.

"Well.. too bad!" Dazai respond while Chuuya's seconded a "Yeah!" The two start laughing, you were really amused as the two was mostly bickering, but now, in front of you, the two of them looked like they hadn't bickered at all.

(Y/n)'s POV

I internally smirked 'so that's how it is huh?' I punched the table, making it break into two.

"Leave. I'm not in the mood right now." I coldly said, that's right, I'm not in the mood for any shenanigans because Mori would beat me up again when I still hadn't managed to finish this on time.

Dazai immediately got up and ran out of the office without another word. Chuuya looked like he wanted to say something, but then decided to follow Dazai's steps too.

I giggled, as I watched them leave. 'Dazai and Chuuya were gone. It was finally.. quiet? Well, for now. It's not long before those two idiots start something again' I thought. I looked back at the report, which was halfway done. I let out a sigh of resignation.

"Damn- this is a no end paper work." I stood up and walked towards my office window.

I looked out towards the garden... It was a simple yet gorgeous view. A few flowers in bloom, fireflies flying around it. Just like a painting. It made me forget all about the troubles of my job and... my life.

"What if I leave the mafia and go into hiding?" I thought so myself as a shooting star went pass the sky, making me look at it in hope.

The thought of quitting the mafia had come to mind several times. However, I've heard rumors that Mori has his ways... I would be found and killed if I dared to leave the mafia. Perhaps it wasn't worth it... I sigh to myself and look over at my desk. There was a lot of paperwork to be done. There was no time to just stand here and ponder.

Then, I thought about having a freedom, it makes me jealous, as I looked out in a longing way.

"Dammit! Suck it! I'mma jump!" I jumped outside of my window without making any noise.

Third POV

You could hear distant whispering and voices. People had already noticed (Y/n)'s absence.. You started running, as fast as you could to the edge of the forest. As you were running, your heart almost seemed to jump out of your chest.. But you didn't stop.. This was it, you were going to leave. And maybe... Just maybe, you'll find happiness outside of this mess you call your life. You let out a deep breath, taking in the fresh air one last time as you reached for the forest, the exit to freedom that was just ahead of you.

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

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