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(Y/n)'s POV

'I should probably get training to become stronger than I was before.' I thought, as I lay down my bed. 'I can't afford getting killed, I just got my freedom and got used to it, they can't take it away just like that.'

I spent the next month training, as the threat of the PM continued to close in on me. But one day... I finally couldn't take it anymore... I just had to go back and face it, I can't run forever.

I made some preparations and the next day I set out to go back to the PM. This time I went back, fully prepared to face whatever consequences Mori would throw at me... I just couldn't stop thinking about how it used to be in the PM...

Where even though everything is crazy and dangerous... I felt like I really belonged there???

Though, on the way there, I meet Ranpo and he offered me to join the armed detective agency and it made me want to change my mind of going back to the mafia.

Third POV

"I know you are probably thinking right now but I hope you consider!" Ranpo grinned, he saw potential in you.

This offer makes you hesitated... The Armed Detective Agency was an organization that wanted to keep the underground and the Port Mafia as weak as possible.

You knew you could work under them and help bring down the PM... But... Would you really be able to do that? You can't lie, you were afraid of the consequences if the PM found out what you were doing. You went back and forth in your head before making a decision. What could possibly go wrong if you did become an ADA?

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